KDD 2018 入選論文列表-poster 類

KDD 2018 入選論文列表-poster 類

來自專欄 KDD 2018

62: Large-Scale Learnable Graph Convolutional Networks

 Hongyang Gao (Washington State University); Zhengyang Wang (Washington State

University); Shuiwang Ji (Washington State University)

64: Online Adaptive Asymmetric Active Learning for Budgeted Imbalanced Data

 Yifan Zhang (South China University of Technology); Peilin Zhao (South China University of Technology); Jiezhang Cao (South China University of Technology); Wenye Ma (South China University of Technology); Junzhou Huang (University of Texas at Arlington); Qingyao Wu (South China University of Technology); Mingkui Tan (South China University of Technology)

148: Multi-Label Inference for Crowdsourcing

 Jing Zhang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Xindong Wu (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

182: Deep Adversarial Learning for Multi-Modality Missing Data Completion

 Lei Cai (Washington State University); Zhengyang Wang (Washington State University); Hongyang Gao (Washington State University); Dinggang Shen (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Shuiwang Ji (Washington State University)

227: SPARC: Self-Paced Network Representation for Few-Shot Rare Category Characterization

 Dawei Zhou (Arizona State University); Jingrui He (Arizona State University); Hongxia Yang (Alibaba Group); Wei Fan (Tencent Medical AI Lab)

229: Towards Evolutionary Compression

 Yunhe Wang (Peking University); Chang Xu (The University of Sydney); Jiayan Qiu (The University of Sydney); Chao Xu (Peking University); Dacheng Tao (The University of Sydney)

230: Accurate and Fast Asymmetric Locality-Sensitive Hashing Scheme for Maximum Inner Product Search

 Qiang Huang (Sun Yat-Sen University); Guihong Ma (Sun Yat-Sen University); Jianlin Feng (Sun Yat-Sen University); Qiong Fang (South China University of Technology); Anthony K. H. Tung (National University of Singapore)

235: Parsing to Programs: A Framework for Situated QA

 Mrinmaya Sachan (Carnegie Mellon University); Eric P. Xing (Carnegie Mellon University)

295: Dual Memory Neural Computer for Asynchronous Two-view Sequential Learning

 Hung Le (Deakin University); Truyen Tran (Deakin University); Svetha Venkatesh (Deakin University)

308: Automated Local Regression Discontinuity Design Discovery

 William Herlands (Carnegie Mellon University); Edward McFowland Iii (University of

Minnesota); Andrew Wilson (Cornell University); Daniel Neill (Carnegie Mellon University)

318: PME: Projected Metric Embedding on Heterogeneous Networks for Link Prediction

 Hongxu Chen (The University of Queensland); Hongzhi Yin (The University of Queensland); Weiqing Wang (The University of Queensland); Hao Wang (Qihoo 360 Inc); Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen (Gri th University); Xue Li (The University of Queensland)

344: Content to Node: Self-translation Network Embedding

 Jie Liu (Nankai University); Zhicheng He (Nankai University); Lai Wei (Nankai

University); Yalou Huang (Nankai University)

369: Isolation Kernel and why SVM needs it

 Kai Ming Ting (Federation University Australia); Yue Zhu (Nanjing University); Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing University)

381: Variable Selection and Task Grouping for Multi-Task Learning

 Junyong Jeong (POSSTECH); Chi-Hyuck Jun (POSTECH)

392: Are your data gathered?

 Alban Si er (Univ. Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA, Amossys); Pierre-Alain Fouque (Univ.

Rennes, CNRS, IRISA, IUF); Alexandre Termier (Univ. Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA); Christine Largou

404: Quantifying Uncertainty in Discrete-Continuous and Skewed Data with Bayesian Deep Learning

 Thomas Vandal (Northeastern University); Evan Kodra (risQ Inc.); Jennifer Dy

(Northeastern University); Sangram Ganguly (BAERI and NASA Ames Research Center); Ramakrishna Nemani (NASA); Auroop Ganguly (Northeastern University)

407: Ecient Mining of the Most Signicant Patterns with Permutation Testing

 Leonardo Pellegrina (University of Padova); Fabio Vandin (University of Padova)

443: On Interpretation of Network Embedding via Taxonomy Induction

 Ninghao Liu (Texas A&M University); Xiao Huang (Texas A&M University); Jundong Li (Arizona State University); Xia Hu (Texas A&M University)

471: Neural Memory Streaming Recommender Networks with Adversarial Training

 Qinyong Wang (The University of Queensland); Hongzhi Yin (The University of

Queensland); Zhiting Hu (Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University); Defu Lian (School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); Hao Wang (360 Search Lab); Zi Huang (The University of Queensland)

484: Extremely Fast Decision Tree

 Chaitanya Manapragada (Monash University); Geoffrey Webb (Monash University); Mahsa Salehi (Monash University)

488: Easing Embedding Learning by Comprehensive Transcription of Heterogeneous

Information Networks

 Yu Shi (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Qi Zhu (University of Illinois

Urbana-Champaign); Fang Guo (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign); Chao Zhang (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign); Jiawei Han (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

503: On the Generative Discovery of Structured Medical Knowledge

 Chenwei Zhang (University of Illinois at Chicago); Yaliang Li (Baidu Research Big Data Lab); Nan Du (Tencent Medical AI Lab); Wei Fan (Tencent Medical AI Lab); Philip S. Yu (University of Illinois at Chicago)

508: Accelerated Equivalence Structure Extraction via Pairwise Incremental Search

 Seiya Satoh (Tokyo Institute of Technology); Yoshinobu Takahashi (The University of

Electro- Communications); Hiroshi Yamakawa (DWANGO Co., Ltd.)

518: Unlocking the Value of Privacy: Trading Aggregate Statistics over Private Correlated Data

 Chaoyue Niu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Zhenzhe Zheng (Shanghai Jiao Tong

University); Fan Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Shaojie Tang (The University of Texas at Dallas); Xiaofeng Gao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Guihai Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

532: Learning from History and Present: Next-item Recommendation via Discriminatively Exploiting User Beh

 Zhi Li (University of Science and Technology of China); Hongke Zhao (University of

Science and Technology of China); Qi Liu (University of Science and Technology of China); Zhenya Huang (University of Science and Technology of China); Tao Mei ; Enhong Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)

547: Robust Bayesian Kernel Machine via Stein Variational Gradient Descent for Big Data

 Khanh Nguyen (Deakin University); Trung Le (PRaDA, Deakin University, Australia); Tu Dinh Nguyen (Deakin University); Dinh Phung (Deakin University); Geo?rey Webb (Monash University)

581: Recurrent Binary Embedding for GPU-Enabled Exhaustive Retrieval from Billion-Scale Semantic Vectors

 Ying Shan (Microsoft); Jian Jiao (Microsoft); Jie Zhu (Microsoft); Jc Mao (Microsoft)

641: DSiLOF: Eective and Memory Ecient Local Outlier Detection in Data Streams

 Gyoung S. Na (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)); Donghyun Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH),); Hwanjo Yu (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH),)

668: Learning Structural Node Embeddings via Diusion Wavelets

 Claire Donnat (Stanford University); Marinka Zitnik (Stanford University); David Hallac (Stanford University); Jure Leskovec (Stanford University)

728: Transfer Learning via Feature Isomorphism Discovery

 Shimin Di (The Hong Kong University of Secience and Technology); Jingshu Peng (The Hong Kong University of Secience and Technology); Yanyan Shen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Lei Chen (The Hong Kong University of Secience and Technology)

762: Demand-Aware Charger Planning for Electric Vehicle Sharing

 Bowen Du (SKLSDE Lab and BDBC, Beihang University); Yongxin Tong (SKLSDE Lab and BDBC, Beihang University); Zimu Zhou (Laboratory TIK, ETH Zurich); Qian Tao (SKLSDE Lab and BDBC, Beihang University); Wenjun Zhou (Department of BAS, University of Tennessee)

765: Multi-task Representation Learning for Travel Time Estimation

 Yaguang Li (University of Southern California); Kun Fu (DiDi AI Labs); Zheng Wang (DiDi AI Labs); Cyrus Shahabi (University of Southern California); Jieping Ye (DiDi AI Labs); Yan Liu (University of Southern California)

785: Safe Triplet Screening for Distance Metric Learning

 Tomoki Yoshida (Nagoya Institute of Technology); Ichiro Takeuchi (Nagoya Institute of Technology, National Institute for Material Science, RIKEN Center for Advanced

Intelligence Project); Masayuki Karasuyama (Nagoya Institute of Technology, National

Institute for Material Science, Japan Science and Technology Agency)

819: Self-Paced Network Embedding

 Hongchang Gao (University of Pittsburgh); Heng Huang (University of Pittsburgh)

824: Sketched Follow-The-Regularized-Leader for Online Factorization Machine

 Luo Luo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Wenpeng Zhang (Tsinghua University); Zhihua Zhang (Peking University); Wenwu Zhu (Tsinghua University); Tong Zhang (Tencent AI Lab); Jian Pei (Simon Fraser University)

830: Coupled Context Modeling for Deep Chit-Chat: Towards Conversations between Human and Computer

 Rui Yan (Peking University); Dongyan Zhao (Peking University)

840: Learning-to-Ask: Knowledge Acquisition via 20 Questions

 Yihong Chen (Tsinghua University); Bei Chen (Microsoft); Xuguang Duan (Tsinghua

University); Jian- Guang Lou (Microsoft); Yue Wang (Tsinghua University); Wenwu Zhu

(Tsinghua University); Yong Cao (Shanghai Higgs Intelligence & Technology Co. Ltd.)

841: Multi-Cast Attention Networks

 Yi Tay (Nanyang Technological University); Anh Tuan Luu (Institute for Infocomm

Research, Singapore); Siu Cheung Hui (Nanyang Technological University)

851: Context-aware Academic Collaborator Recommendation

 Zheng Liu (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Xing Xie (Microsoft); Lei Chen (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

855: RAIM: Recurrent Attentive and Intensive Modeling of Multimodal Continuous Patient Monitoring Data

 Yanbo Xu (Georgia Institute of Technology); Siddharth Biswal (Georgia Institute of

Technology); Shriprasad Deshpande (Emory University School of Medicine); Kevin Maher (Emory University School of Medicine); Jimeng Sun (Georgia Institute of Technology)

884: Route Recommendations for Idle Taxi Drivers: Find Me the Shortest Route to a


 Nandani Garg (IIT Madras); Sayan Ranu (IIT Delhi)

924: Hyperparameter Importance Across Datasets

 Jan N. van Rijn (University of Freiburg); Frank Hutter (University of Freiburg)

933: Classifying and Counting with Recurrent Contexts

 Denis Dos Reis (University of S

938: Multilevel Wavelet Decomposition Network for Interpretable Time Series Analysis

 Jingyuan Wang (Beihang University); Ze Wang (Beihang University); Jianfeng Li (Beihang University); Junjie Wu (Beihang University)

945: Active Opinion Maximization in Social Networks

 Xinyue Liu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute); Xiangnan Kong (Worcester Polytechnic

Institute); Philip Yu (University of Illinois at Chicago)

978: Identifying Sources and Sinks in the Presence of Multiple Agents with Gaussian

Process Vector Calcul

 Adam Derek Cobb (University of Oxford); Richard Everett (University of Oxford); Andrew Markham

(University of Oxford); Stephen Roberts (University of Oxford)

982: Deep Censored Learning of the Winning Price in the Real Time Bidding

 Wush Chi-Hsuan Wu (National Taiwan University); Mi-Yen Yeh (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica); Ming-Syan Chen (National Taiwan University)

988: Optimizing cluster-based randomized experiments under monotonicity

 Jean Pouget-Abadie (Harvard University); David Parkes (Harvard University); Vahab

Mirrokni (Google); Edoardo M. Airoldi (Harvard University)

994: Learning Credible Models

 Jiaxuan Wang (University of Michigan); Jeeheh Oh (University of Michigan); Haozhu Wang (University of

Michigan); Jenna Wiens (University of Michigan)

1005: Explanation Mining: Post Hoc Interpretability of Latent Factor Models for

Recommendation Systems

 Georgina Peake (Channel 4 Television); Jun Wang (Computer Science, University College London)

1014: Quantifying and minimizing risk of conict in social networks

 Xi Chen (Dept. of Electronics and Information Systems, IDLab, Ghent University); Jefrey Lijffijt (Dept. of Electronics and Information Systems, IDLab, Ghent University); Tijl De Bie (Dept. of Electronics and Information Systems, IDLab, Ghent University)

1031: A Distributed Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Empirical Risk Minimization with Nonsmooth Regularization

 Ching-Pei Lee (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Cong Han Lim (University of

Wisconsin-Madison); Stephen Wright (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

1042: DeepInf: Modeling Inuence Locality in Large Social Networks

 Jiezhong Qiu (Tsinghua University); Jian Tang (HEC Montreal & Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA)); Hao Ma (Microsoft); Yuxiao Dong (Microsoft); Kuansan Wang (Microsoft); Jie Tang (Tsinghua University)

1060: An Iterative Global Structure-Assisted Labeled Network Aligner

 Abdurrahman Ya?ar (Georgia Institute of Technology);

1062: Discovering Models from Structural and Behavioral Brain Imaging Data

 Zilong Bai (University of California, Davis); Buyue Qian (Department of Computer

Science XiAn Jiaotong University); Ian Davidson (University of California, Davis)

1105: On Discrimination Discovery and Removal in Ranked Data using Causal Graph

 Yongkai Wu (University of Arkansas); Lu Zhang (University of Arkansas); Xintao Wu

(University of Arkansas)

1108: Fairness of Exposure in Rankings

 Ashudeep Singh (Cornell University); Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University)

1124: BagMinHash - Minwise Hashing Algorithm for Weighted Sets

 Otmar Ertl (Dynatrace)

1144: Enhancing Predictive Modeling of Nested Spatial Data through Group-Level Feature Disaggregation

 Boyang Liu (Michigan State University); Pang-Ning Tan (Michigan State University);

Jiayu Zhou (Michigan State University)

1166: New Incremental Learning Algorithm for Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machine

 Bin Gu (University of Pittsburgh); Xiao-Tong Yuan (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology); Songcan Chen (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics); Heng Huang (University of Pittsburgh)

1168: D2K: Scalable Community Detection in Massive Networks via Small-Diameter k-Plexes

 Alessio Conte (National Institute of Informatics, Japan); Tiziano De Matteis

(University of Pisa); Daniele De Sensi (University of Pisa); Roberto Grossi (Universita

di Pisa); Andrea Marino (Universita di Pisa); Luca Versari (Universita di Pisa)

1242: Buttery Counting in Bipartite Networks

 Seyed-Vahid Sanei-Mehri (Iowa State University); Ahmet Erdem Sariyuce (University at Buffalo); Srikanta Tirthapura (Iowa State University)

1246: An Empirical Evaluation of Sketching for Numerical Linear Algebra

 Yogesh Dahiya (IIT Kanpur); Dimitris Konomis (CMU); David P. Woodru (Carnegie Mellon University)

1293: Deep Multi-Output Forecasting: Learning to Accurately Predict Blood Glucose


 Ian Fox (University of Michigan); Lynn Ang (Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, University of Michigan); Mamta Jaiswal (Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, University of Michigan); Rodica Pop-Busui (Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, University of Michigan); Jenna Wiens (University of Michigan)

1298: RedThread: Active Search of Connections for Case Building and Combating Human Tracking Online

 Reihaneh Rabbany (Carnegie Mellon University); David Bayani (Carnegie Mellon

Universitys Auton Labratory); Artur Dubrawski (Carnegie Mellon University)

1320: Not Just Privacy: Improving Performance of Private Deep Learning in Mobile Cloud

 Ji Wang (National University of Defense Technology); Jianguo Zhang (University of

Illinois at Chicago); Weidong Bao (National University of Defense Technology); Xiaomin Zhu (National University of Defense Technology); Bokai Cao (University of Illinois at Chicago); Philip S. Yu (University of Illinois at Chicago)

1332: xStream: Outlier Detection in Feature-Evolving Data Streams

 Emaad Ahmed Manzoor (Carnegie Mellon University); Hemank Lamba (Carnegie Mellon ULeman Akoglu (Carnegie Mellon University)

1420: Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Network for Gene Expression Inference

 Kamran Ghasedi (University of Pittsburgh); Xiaoqian Wang (University of Pittsburgh); Heng Huang (University of Pittsburgh)

1422: HiExpan: Task-Guided Taxonomy Construction by Hierarchical Tree Expansion

 Jiaming Shen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Zeqiu Wu (University of

Illinois at Urbana- Champaign); Dongming Lei (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Chao Zhang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Xiang Ren (University of Southern California); Michelle T. Vanni (U.S. Army Research Laboratory); Brain M. Sadler (U.S. Army Research Laboratory); Jiawei Han (University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign)

1450: Prediction-time Ecient Classication Using Computational Dependencies in Feature Generation

 Liang Zhao (George Mason University); Amir Alipour-Fanid (George Mason University); Martin Slawski (George Mason University); Kai Zeng (George Mason University)

1495: Approximating the Spectrum of a Graph

 David Cohen-Steiner (INRIA); Weihao Kong (Stanford University); Christian Sohler (TU Dortmund); Gregory Valiant (Stanford University)

1500: When Sentiment Analysis Meets Social Network: A Holistic User Behavior Modeling in Opinionated Data

 Lin Gong (University of Virginia); Hongning Wang (University of Virginia)

1501: Latent variable time-varying network inference

 Federico Tomasi (DIBRIS - Universita degli studi di Genova); Veronica Tozzo (DIBRIS - Universita degli studi di Genova); Saverio Salzo (IIT); Alessandro Verri (DIBRIS - Universita degli studi di Genova)

1523: Stablizing Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic Environment with Application to Online Recommendation

 Shi-Yong Chen (Nanjing University); Yang Yu (Nanjing University); Qing Da (Alibaba

Group); Jun Tan (Alibaba Group); Hai-Kuan Huang (Alibaba Group); Hai-Hong Tang (Alibaba Group)


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