

來自專欄 雜談

My friend from British

I have been work in the the English training center for like 2 months as the SA, study adviser. Although I just work there for 2 months ,I have so much fun and ,I have meet my best foreigner friend, let』s we call him Mr Liu. And we have so much fun together.

He is from British,such a man ,the first time I saw him, I know this guy has to be my friend.He likes drinking tea very much.Tea with milk is the best thing in the world . so as the chicks .So you can see tea and women are the things he prefer.

I like to deal with the foreigners cause they are differ from our Chinese ,they are very simple ,there are no rules for you to deal with them .But,for our Chinese ,wow,it is too complicated ,it is like a system we inherit from our ancestors .we have different unique culture,the most important one is the wine culture .

For example ,you are a new comer in a company,and it is the first time for you to have a dinner with all your colleagues and superiors ,how you should behavior ? Firstly you are the one suppose to pay the bill for everything ,you have to learn how to propose a toast?The biggest boss there will make a toast first to everyone ,and he may introduce you,if not ,the second biggest boss may do it.Yes,the order is very important ,so it is not hard to infer you are the last one to make a toast. And what should you say ,who should you point to ,you still needs to learn ,you should say to the biggest boss there ,and then ,your directly boss would say something about you ,like introduce you to everyone .If your directly boss ,did do that himself ,because your biggest boss ask who you are ,cause you are new ,then your directly boss start to talking . That shows you have to reconnect your relationship with him, may be buy some nice gift like the wine ,the cigarette ,anything he likes is fine,give to him in a secret way. You can do this in front of everybody ,if you do so ,you are a dead man.

This is just part of the wine culture ,it is too complicated.But when I communicate with Mr Liu ,it is very simple we both like tea and chicks ,we have a lot in common. Except that we both have the sense of humor ,we both like English novel,he gets thousands of novels in his mac.He is fifty years old this years old but he still looks young,still very charming to any other girls and me.

He have been to Britain since the generation of his grandparents,and during he is in Britain ,a lot of interesting things happen.

He told me the weather in London just like the girls ,very changeable ,sunny in the morning,raining in the afternoon and snowing in the evening ,basically you will see four seasons in the same day so it is very hard for you to dress up. And there are raining a lot in London,so turned to be moisture there. The good thing for this is the people there are very white,I am not sure weather this is the reason ,but the people their is very white ,that is the fact ,our Chinese lady thinks white can cover your flaw on your face,so, my friends ,you do not need to have the plastic surgery,just go London stay for a while ,and you can became more beautiful,ha ha.

And Mr LIU have a wild college life in London University compare my university life.The most thing he talks about is the parties there ,for the people in western country party is very common but it is not that usual in China ,they do crazy thing in the party ,drugs and sex,the other stuff are not important.or not crazy enough.Cocaine is very common in there , because sometimes the cocaine can treat some kind of disease ,it is legal to take this in some western country ,but under the prescription of the doctor and with certain dose.But you know ,for the wild college boy ,they do not care the limitation of dose ,so after they take the cocaine,they became crazy,they are out of conscious ,so the party turned to be a big orgy.Mr Liu,told me ,after the girl taking the cocaine they are willing to do everything with you ,do the blow job,have sex with you in all kind of positions ,if you apply a little cocaine to the chicks pussy ,the man can keep licking the pussy for more than 2 hours ,it is like the win-win situation because of the cocaine.

Mr Liu said,the oriental lady tend to believe that all the men from western country has the big cock,but that is not true.Once in the party Mr Liu has share one chick with other 3 British men,their cock are very small ,she said that girl must have take too much cocaine ,our four men has do her like almost four hours,with out any protection. That is insane,that girl should thank god that there are not four black men,or she needs to go to the hospital or never come back forever,you know some men like to chucking the chicks when doing that thing.

And when Mr Liu is the senior students,he came to France to visiting his relatives . And then he lost his passport ,he can not return it back to London,he go to the British embassy in France to apply the new passport and get rejected ,the officer needs to see his birth certificate and ,unfortunately,his parents get it lost .He can not convince the officer without the birth certificate ,so he has to stay in France.

He has to stay in France,he learned some French when he spent half an year in France,but he missed his graduation,he did not write his dissertation ,surprising he still get the graduation certificate but in the third level.In China ,the graduation certificate is simple and it does not have the different level,so when this so called 『sea turtle』,that means you have been study abroad and come back to China for seeking job ,they just focus on which school you are graduate from ,they do not know there are different level. If follow the rules,Mr Liu can not get the certificate , but the school give it to him,I have three ,assumptions,first ,we have some mistakes in the school system,it does not know that Mr Liu,did not hand the dissertation at all .Second,maybe Mr Liu is very rich and his family has a good relationship with the school member of board. The only way for a Chinese to maintain good relationship with them is to donate a large amount of money. Third, may be the collage in Britain will consider the effect of cancellation the certificate of one Chinese,we have the largest amount of people to study in Britain,they can not afford to lose our Chinese market,so as other country like the USA,that is my assumption, I do not know the actually reason,and I do not know how Mr Liu get back to London either. He did not tell me anything abut that.

For the students to study abroad ,few of the them just go there for fun ,they hang out with their Chinese friend ,eating Chinese food ,when they graduate from school they even can not speak English at all .That is such a waste of money. Based on that ,the tricky business men start to making money out of these kind of student,they forge every documents,make people believe they actually has a college there ,but after 2 years you get just a piece of paper. It is cheating. And it is very serious .

Like I said we share the same hobby in tea and chicks ,so ,when we are working ,we will stand outside to see the perfect figure of the passage ,of course the female,especially in the hot season, every body wear skirts ,very short pants,we can see the long and white legs all the time ,and we will give some comments on this ,sometimes the leg is too short, sometimes too big,and the most exciting moments is when this sexy lady bend over , and we can see the cleavage ,sometimes even the nipple .and the second exciting moments is when these lady running or move very fast ,we can see the boob is bouncing ,wow,sometime when they are not bouncing ,it may be the fake one ,too much silicone inside,we will say. And the top 3 exciting moments is when they are riding a bicycle when she is in skirt or short pants ,we can see the underwear,Mr Liu likes this feeling very much and he always say ,I do not know it is just me or all the men has this kind of feeling ,compare a completely naked female I would rather to see them with some clothes on,and save us some space to think about the mysterious part.I kind of have the same feeling about this.

And Mr Liu have already set up a family in Britain,he gets a very beautiful wife ,it is the local people ,not Chinese ,sometimes I envoy him by saying that I really want to have a international wife and get a mix child ,I have never try a western girl before,they are tall ,with blonder hair ,has the perfect figure,sometimes I even dare to talk to them. How can you get such a wife ?

He said ,they are all bitches ,I hate my used wife ,we have beautiful memory before but she cheating on me ,with a guy who sales house ,how can she do this to me ? The western girl doesn』t have the strong concept of family ,even we have a kid who is still young , she wants get divorce with me.So ,you can see all these kind of pretty ,tall,elegant female is selfish ,they just care about themselves,they squared their money in cosmetics ,clothes ,buying the luxury bags ,doing hairs ,having party,and they are like to have sex ,especially the wild one . They will seek any opportunity to have sex with others, they are easily be seduced by other man .

You can tell from these sentence ,Mr Liu really hate him used wife ,so he has some prejudice towards all the western lady. It is reasonable,cheating by his own wife ,for a man ,it is the last thing for a man to have this kind of experiences.

But when I ask Mr Liu did you cheating on your wife ever before? He said ,It is normal for a man to be, you know ,likes to chat with the sexy chicks or maybe have some jokes with them,but eventually ,you need go back to your wife,your kids ,your own family,when it is getting late ,there is one line ,you can not cross. Although I am in London so many years ,but in my heart I am still a Chinese We value the traditional culture of China. These western girl,they are very open ,for example ,you are dating with one of them ,you have the chance to have sex within the first night ,if the girl thinks you already meet her demands as a boy friends ,so that means having sex is the signal that you can continue dating with that girl. In China I do not think a girl can be easily having sex with someone just meet.

After Mr Liu divorce with his wife,he come back to China for a living,he has done many kinds of job,and has been to many places like Hongkong,Guangzhou,and ended up in Shenzhen as the English teacher.When he came back to China ,instead of seeking a wife ,he use money for sex,that means have sex with different prostitutes. He once told me a very funny experience,accidentally,he saw on type of medicine to improve his power,the sex ability by extend the time ,because the overdose ,after 5 hours,his cock is still on like a big tent,and the funny thing is ,at the beginning,the prostitute is looking forward to have a wild sex with him,cause compare the normal guy his cock is bigger,but after like 1 and half hour, the girl get exhausted ,but she can not just leave,because she can not get paid until he come,so she asked one of her friend come for help,no wonder ,when her friend see this big cock ,she is very excited ,after 2 hours ,another girl get exhausted,so these two poor girl,have to use their month ,hand ,foot to help Mr Liu come.

I really doubt the authentic of this fascinating story ,but he said ,it is 100 percent true ,in the name of Jesus ,I promise ,or you can try one pill of that medicine yourself ,based on your age ,you may last for like 6 hours,it is not joking,just one tablet will cost you 116 RMB,it is very expensive ,so the effect is very strong ,more than you can imagine.you can have a try with me next time,if you do not believe that.

If that is true it must be a very fascinating story,but I would rather not try it until l am getting old enough to use it.

And after several years ,Mr Liu got a wife who is 20 years younger than him,and he has two children currently.

「You have a really happy life ,you have got the money,you have the beautiful wife who is much younger than you and have get you one little son and daughter,I think you have the life that most people does not have ,I really envoy you.」

「You are still young ,when you get to my age you will know ,marriage is a disaster ,lee me tell you ,when I get home I never talk to my wife ,the reason I get two little kids is I can not suffer from the same face every day , I need something new to focus on,and find some topic to talk about ,so that I can talk to my wife .」

「Are you serious,I just get married this year,I think my life is very happy ,I spent a good time with my wife」

「New couple is different ,every thing for you guys is new and you guys do the sex a lot ,but after may be like 2 years or 3 years ,you will get bored to each other ,at the beginning,you just notice the good side of each other, but,after a period of time you will try to find the bad side of each other, you start to argue about the small issue ,who suppose to clean the floor ,who should do the laundry,like this kind of stuff you will start to argue ,the fresh feeling has gone and all the shortcoming start to pop out. 「

「Really ? 「

「Why should I lie to you?You are my best friend ,we can wait for this ,less than one year ,you will know this is true .」

「OK,I can wait」

After this conversation with Mr Liu,I can not help to start thinking ,from the data we know that the divorce rate is increasing every year and people are not willing to get married as before. Also,they are not desire to have kids ,cause it will give the parents too much pressure to raise them.

For myself ,after graduate from the college I get married with my wife.I value the family culture very much and start my family as soon as possible ,so I plan to have a kids within two years ,I love these small kids. ,you will be very proud of yourself when they grow up ,and became the way you wanted.And ,on the contrary ,you need to be a good father and try everything to make him or she can introduce you proudly to everybody.

I already deviated from my main theme,Mr Liu,he still working at a English training center as the foreigner teacher ,he has meet so many interested students.

He once get an adult come to learn the English ,but actually he come here for killing time ,during his class,he just talk about how rich he is in the poor English and Mr Liu became a good listener,and Mr Liu said ,the first step for you to became a good teacher is to learn how to be a good listener ,in the western country the teacher supposed to make the students talk,the perfect ratio is 3:7, the teachers is 30 percent. I really hold this view ,students needs to talk ,sometimes they did not get the point of the teacher ,but they are too shy to say that aloud ,then they pretend they already understand everything. You know the consequences ,you learn noting.

Another student of Mr Liu is a senior high school students ,a sophisticated young lady ,she really likes read which is a very good habit ,that makes her differ from other students ,others are talk about the game,the show ,the little boy friend,but for her, the topic is like ,what the purpose of life ?The English literature,what is the biggest difference between the communism and capitalism?Sometimes even the teacher can not answer these kind of question.

There are more about to happen between Mr Liu and me ,to be continue.



TAG:妻子出軌 | 外國人 | 外教 |