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Britain struggles to stay in Europe』s most important space project


FOR a country that has not launched a rocket into space for nearly 50 years, Britain has a booming space industry. According to a government-commissioned report in 2016, it makes up 6.5% of the global space economy. The industry is worth £13.7bn, or $18.7 bn (more than half of which is accounted for by satellite broadcasting companies), and employs 39,000 people directly. In some niches, Britain』s contribution is even greater; it makes 40% of the world』s small satellites.


Now the British space industry, which has been closely tied to Europe for decades, risks being knocked out of orbit by Brexit. Already Airbus, a French-headquartered multinational that is the biggest satellite-maker in Britain, has announced that it will move some of its operations from Britain to France before Brexit next March. More may follow. The industry will have to use its considerable commercial nous to hit its growth targets if Brexit provokes a deep rupture with the EU.


Matters have come to a head over Britain』s participation in the Galileo navigation project. The €10bn ($12bn) initiative provides the signals for Europe』s equivalent of America』s GPS. The EU argues that post-Brexit Britain should be excluded from any EU project that involves sensitive information, which includes Galileo』s encrypted military-grade service. Britain sees this as a protectionist gambit to win contracts from British firms.


The British government is reportedly threatening to disrupt the transfer of sensitive encryption technology to Galileo unless the EU drops its bid to freeze the country out of the project. People in the industry reckon that a withdrawal of British co-operation could at least slow down the project. Brussels seems unmoved.


The implications are serious. Already, says Graham Peters, chairman of UK space, the industry』s trade association, 「work is leaking away from Britain」 due to the uncertainty. Airbus, which has been closely involved with Galileo since its inception in the early 2000s, is moving the ground-control system for Galileo that it operates from Portsmouth to France.

影響實際是嚴重的。英國工業貿易協會中的太空部門(UK space)主席格雷厄姆?彼得斯(Graham Peters)表示,由於脫歐影響的不確定性,「工作正從英國流失」。空中客車公司自本世紀初成立以來一直與伽利略公司密切合作,但是目前正在將其在朴茨茅斯(Portsmouth)的地面控制系統部門轉移到法國。

Other important bits that Britain contributes to Galileo include the navigation payloads, which provide the system』s signals and services, made by Surrey Satellite Technology (SST), Britain』s largest manufacturer of small satellites (and part of Airbus). Work for Galileo accounts for half its business. If the company is not allowed to bid for the next generation of Galileo satellites, says Gary Lay, head of navigation systems at SST, 「we would be locked out of a decade』s worth of production. The company would look very different.」

英國貢獻給「伽利略」的其他重要信息包括導航載荷,它為英國最大的小型衛星製造商薩里衛星技術(SST)提供了系統的信號和服務。SST是英國最大的小型衛星製造商(也是空客公司的一部分)。「伽利略」計劃的工作佔了其公司業務的一半。SST的導航系統主管加里?雷(Gary Lay)表示,如果公司不被允許競標下一代的伽利略衛星,「我們將失去10年的生產總值,公司看起來將會很不一樣。」

As well as the possible loss of jobs and revenue, Britain could also lose its leading role in areas such as navigation services. This is one of the most lucrative in terms of commercial applications, in everything from drones to autonomous vehicles. Such technical leadership is called 「noble work」 in the industry. Once gone, it will be very hard to win back, says Mr. Peters.


Some think that if the worst comes to the worst Britain could build its own Galileo system. The country has the capacity to do so, but it would be very expensive; better, most reckon, to use Galileo for civil navigation and rely on America for the secure stuff.


Amid the gloom, however, there are some reasons for hope. Unlike countries that have used space projects mainly for national prestige, since the 1980s Britain』s industry has had to live on its wits, with little government support. It is thus very commercially minded; Britain has the second-biggest number of space startups in the world, after America. If Britain does lose business in the EU, it would be better placed than most to explore new frontiers, in places like the Middle East.






TAG:經濟學人TheEconomist | 英國脫歐 | 伽利略定位系統Galileo |