






  • 長時間平躺的風險?
  • 為什麼要抱孩子?
  • 豎抱豎背安全嗎?
  • 為什麼豎背?
  • 總結和展望



  • 導致扁頭綜合征(頭部某個部位長時間受壓,重力會使得那個部位變得扁平。越小的寶寶頭骨越軟越容易扁平。);
  • 平躺時候伸直雙腿,可能對於髖關節的發育不利;
  • 嬰兒自然彎曲的C型脊柱被迫伸直;



Research backed by the American Academy of Pediatrics states that 「with prolonged immobilization on a firm mattress or a flat bed (as in a stroller), the constant influence of gravity flattens the body surface against the mattress producing positional disorders and infants with decreased muscle tone」.

----Short, M. (1996). The Effects of Swaddling versus Standard Positioning in Very Low Birth Weight Infants.Neonatal Network. 15(4).from cebp.nl/vault_public/fi





We are aware that because many infants are quite content in their car seats or swings, well-intending parents respond by leaving them there and orienting toys or other entertain-ment to accommodate. Battery-operated swings, although they provide some relief for the parent, are probably used in greater frequency and for longer periods than their old hand-crank predecessors.

In those infants who were reported to have slept in car seats or swings for long periods of time (often the ?rst 3 to 5 months of life), the resulting deformity took on a very dis-tinctive look (Figures 1 to 3). In fact, in many of these cases, our clinicians were actually able to identify the infants who had slept in these devices before the parents disclosed this information. The cranial distortion results from the unique restrictions placed on infants while they are in these devices. The surface presented to the infant』s occiput is much more rigid and unyielding than a mattress and is often oriented at an angle to the back of the head. When the head rests against this hard, sloping surface for long periods, a brachycephalic con?guration is most frequently the result. The occiput in this situation, however, is not just ?attened uniformly, as in brachycephaly, but often can develop a superior-posterior slope and an associated increase in posterior head height.

Another feature frequently observed in these infants is a 「squaring」or 「cornering」of the back of the head. When placed in these devices as newborns, the infants have very malleable craniums and have not yet developed suf?cient head and neck control to maintain their heads in midline against gravity. Subsequently, the head often comes to rest in a corner of the car seat or swing, where it is restricted along two planes. The resulting deformity is a squaring of the parietal-occipital region and compensatory growth on the contralateral side resulting in asymmetrical head height. This situation is further exacerbated by the presence of a torticollis, which again does not allow the infant to maintain its head in midline.

In conclusion, although 「normal」use of infant car seats and swings should not be considered a signi?cant risk factor for the development of deformational plagiocephaly, it is important to recognize that the potential does exist to deform the cranium with extended use of these devices. We have demonstrated several examples in which this has occurred. The resulting deformity can often be more complex than what is traditionally seen from plagio- cephaly resulting from sleeping supine on a mattress; in the last several years, we have observed a number of infants whose heads seem to have been deformed in this manner.

----Littlefield, T. R., 2003, Car seats, infant carriers, andswings: Their role in deformational plagiocephaly, J. Prosthetics &Orthotics, v. 15(3), p. 102-106.






Laying your infant flat on his back stretches the c-curved spine into a straight line, against his natural shape. Research shows that keeping an infant』s spine straight is not a sound physiological position. In addition to stressing the baby』s spine it can also negatively influence the development of your baby』s hip joints.

----Kirkilionis, E. (2002). Carrying an Infant: More than the Possibility of Child Transport. Kosel.



Not only is spending most of the day flat on your back bad for your hips but infants who lie frequently on their backs in a stroller may end up with plagiocephaly (deformed skulls, flattened on the back or side) and deformed bodies with poor muscle tone (Bonnet,1998).

----Bonnet, E.. (1998 ). In Points made during discussions regarding the carrying of Infants and small children, Published in Krankengymnastik 50 Jg (1998) No.8



This does not mean that laying flat for a couple of walks around the block in a stroller is going to wreak havoc on your baby』s physical development. But the truth is that the average Western infant between three weeks and three months of age is carried a little more than two and a half hours a day.

----Heller, S. (1997). The Vital Touch: How Intimate Contact With Your Baby Leads To Happier, Healthier Development. Holt Paperbacks.



Strollers are not 「bad」 per se. To go further, babywearing and strollers need not be mutually exclusive as long as an infant is content and his cues are responded to when he signals that he needs to be held (seated and facing his mother is preferable to encourage interactions and communication)

----Zeedyk, S.. (2008). What』s Life in a Baby Buggy Like? The Impact of Buggy Orientation on Parent-Infant Interaction and Infant Stress.



  • 嬰兒可充滿安全感,安靜而警覺地認識世界;
  • 更少的哭鬧;
  • 刺激前庭,增加空間安全感;
  • 和母親在一起時候免疫力增強;
  • 有助於預防扁頭綜合征;
  • 背著孩子可以實現肌膚相親的袋鼠式照料,對於早產兒是一種安全健康的照料方式。可以讓孩子溫暖,穩定心率和呼吸,延長睡眠時間,延長安靜警覺的時間,減少哭鬧,增加體重增長,增加哺乳。







AIM:Conventional care of prematurely born infants involves extended maternal-infant separation and incubator care. Recent research has shown that separation causes adverse effects. Maternal-infant skin-to-skin contact (SSC) provides an alternative habitat to the incubator, with proven benefits for stable prematures; this has not been established for unstable or newborn low-birthweight infants. SSC from birth was therefore compared to incubator care for infants between 1200 and 2199 g at birth.

CONCLUSION:Newborn care provided by skin-to-skin contact on the mothers chest results in better physiological outcomes and stability than the same care provided in closed servo-controlled incubators. The cardio-respiratory instability seen in separated infants in the first 6 h is consistent with mammalian "protest-despair" biology, and with "hyper-arousal and dissociation" response patterns described in human infants: newborns should not be separated from their mothers.

Bergman, N. J., Linley, L. L., & Fawcus, S. R., 2004, Randomized controlled trial of skin-to-skin contact from birth versus conventional incubator for physiological stabilization in 1200 g to 2199 g newborns., Acta Paediatrica, v. 93, p. 779-785. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed



The crying pattern of normal infants in industrialized societies is characterized by an overall increase until 6 weeks of age followed by a decline until 4 months of age with a preponderance of evening crying. We hypothesized that this "normal" crying could be reduced by supplemental carrying, that is, increased carrying throughout the day in addition to that which occurs during feeding and in response to crying. In a randomized controlled trial, 99 mother-infant pairs were assigned to an increased carrying or control group. At the time of peak crying (6 weeks of age), infants who received supplemental carrying cried and fussed 43% less (1.23 v 2.16 h/d) overall, and 51% less (0.63 v 1.28 hours) during the evening hours (4 PM to midnight). Similar but smaller decreases occurred at 4, 8, and 12 weeks of age. Decreased crying and fussing were associated with increased contentment and feeding frequency but no change in feeding duration or sleep. We conclude that supplemental carrying modifies "normal" crying by reducing the duration and altering the typical pattern of crying and fussing in the first 3 months of life. The relative lack of carrying in our society may predispose to crying and colic in normal infants.

----Hunziker, U. A., & Barr, R. G., 1986, Increased carrying reduces infant crying: A randomized controlled trial., Pediatrics, v. 77(5), p. 641-648.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?



5、Barr, R., et al., 1991, Crying in !Kung San infants: a test of the cultural specificity hypothesis., Dev. Med. Child Neurol., v. 33, p. 601-610.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?



There was a significant increase in sleep time for the neonates during K Care as compared to when they were not receiving K Care. The neonates exhibited less agitation, apnea, and bradycardia episodes and maintained stable oxygen saturation during K Care.

----Messmer, P. R., Rodriguez, S., Adams, J., Gentry, J. W., Washburn, K., Zabaleta, I., & Abreu, S., 1997, Effect of Kangaroo care on sleep time for neonates., Pediatr. Nurs., v. 23(4), p. 408-414. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?



This study investigated whether the use of baby carriers with term infants during the first month of life is associated with increased breastfeeding rates. It found that infants carried for at least one hour per day during the first month of life breastfed more frequently at two and five months than those who were not carried.

----Use of baby carriers to increase breastfeeding duration among term infants: the effects of an educational intervention in Italy, A Pisacane, P Continisio, C Filosa, V Tagliamonte, G I Continisio 2012



背著寶貝有助於預防和矯正扁頭綜合征,原理是避免頭部某個部位長時間受壓。矯正頭型的原理是多多變換姿勢,避免長時間受壓,尤其是應該最小化在推車搖椅等平躺器具當中的時間。雖然很多兒科醫生建議通過每天半小時的tummy time來幫助矯正頭型,但是很多新生兒並不太喜歡趴著,且每天能夠趴著的時間也很有限。手抱孩子容易疲勞,背著孩子能夠很大程度上延長頭骨不受壓力的時間,幫助矯正頭型。


圖片來自WikiHow,How to hold a baby

When you wear your baby, he is working neck and core stability. Another benefit that babywearing can provide is repositioning the baby』s head. When you are wearing your child in a carrier on your front, most babies will try and practice holding their heads steady for short periods to look at the world around them. They may rest one check or the other against your chest as their neck muscles begin to tire out. This has the added benefit of the parent being able to reposition the baby』s head from one side to the other, thus gently stretching his neck muscles, which is a recommended treatment for torticollis (asymmetrical tightening of the neck muscles). What the baby is not doing is resting any pressure on the back of the head.

Another of the recommendations from the literature on the prevention of plagiocephaly is that infants should spend as little time as possible in positioning devices like swings, bouncers and car seats (when not riding in the car) which put pressure on the back of the skull. Once again, wearing the infant prevents putting pressure on the infant』s developing skull. In general, the use of cranial molding orthotics (helmets) is only indicated when repositioning and/or physical therapy has not produced desired results.

In many cases, babywearing can achieve the goals of repositioning (keeping pressure off the flattened area of the infants head) in a manner that is not just tolerable, but enjoyable for all parties involved.

----Talking Heads: An Occupational Therapist』s Perspective on Positional Plagiocephaly and Babywearing, Sara Kift 2015



Skin-to-skin ("kangaroo") care for preterm infants is becoming widespread in Western Europe. During this care the mother holds her diaper-clad premature infant against her skin beneath her clothing and allows self-regulatory access to breast-feeding. Fathers hold their infants skin-to-skin also. Research projects in Western Europe and the United States provide data that support the safety and effectiveness of this method. Infants held skin-to-skin are warm enough and have regular heart rate and respirations, more deep sleep and alert inactivity, less crying, no increase in infections, greater weight gain, and earlier discharge. Lactation is more productive and of greater duration. Parents become attached to their infants and feel confident about caring for them. This research is summarized and annotated in a table, along with descriptive reports and videotapes. These data can be used by health care professionals to make informed decisions about offering kangaroo care opportunities to selected parents and their preterm infants.

----Anderson, G.C., 1991, Current knowledge about skin-to-skin (kangaroo) care for pre-term infants, J. Perinatol., v. 11(3), p. 216-226.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed



Carrying, rocking and swaying stimulate an infants』 vestibular apparatus and helps them to feel secure in space. Most babies today spend most of their day apart from their mothers in a container or in a stroller leaving them prone to vertigo, and a feeling of physical insecurity in space in general. Interestingly enough, the fear of flying and the fear of heights which plagues many of today』s adults can often be traced back to not being carried as an infant. Carried babies feel secure and are less apt to develop space related phobias.

----Montagu, A. (1986). Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin. Harper Paperbacks.



Upon being separated from his mother, a baby』s immune system weakens. His body literally stops producing as many leukocytes. But when mother rejoins him, he strengthens again (Montagu, 1986).

----Montagu, A. (1986). Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin. Harper Paperbacks.



Durand, R., Hodges, S., LaRock, S., Lund, L., Schmid, S. Swick, D., et al., 1997, The effect of skin-to-skin breast-feeding in the immediate recovery period on newborn thermoregulation and blood glucose values., Neonatal Intensive Care, v. 10, p. 23-29.



「Virtually all of our biochemistry and physiology are fine-tuned for the conditions of life that existed when we were hunters and gatherers, in which babies were held by their mothers,」 McKenna writes. Our culture may be changing, but our evolutionary need for touch remains the same. Babies』 brains have evolved to expect closeness and proximity-to be held-for their safety, their psychological growth, physical growth, mental growth, to aid and stabilize their physiological processes and keep their immune systems strong」 (Field, 69-74). 「Touch is not an emotional fringe benefit. It』s as necessary as the air we breathe」 (Heller, 5)

----Heller, S. (1997). The Vital Touch: How Intimate Contact With Your Baby Leads To Happier, Healthier Development. Holt Paperbacks.


II-1級證據 Anisfeld, E., Casper, V., Nozyce, M., & Cunningham, N., 1990, Does infant carrying promote attachment? An experimental study of the effects of increased physical contact on the development of attachment., Child Dev., v. 61(5), p. 1617-27. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

II-3級證據 Christensson, K., Cabrera, T., Christensson, E., Uvn?s–Moberg, K., Winberg, J., 1995, Separation distress call in the human neonate in the absence of maternal body contact., Acta Paediatr., v. 84(5), p. 468-73. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?

II-1級證據 Christensson, K., Siles, C., Moreno, L., Belaustequi, A., de la Fuente, P., Lagercrantz, H., Puyol, P., & Winberg, J., 1992, [Temperature, metabolic adaptation and crying in healthy full-term newborns cared for skin-to-skin or in a cot]., Jordemodern. v. 105(11), p. 397-9. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed



「Our body is a sensual cornucopia where smiles, aromas and laughter mingle amid undulating caresses that put the entire sensory world at our baby』s fingertips. Our baby gets tactile or cutaneous stimulation from our skin touching hers and proprioception from the pressure of her limbs flexed into our body. She gets tactile, olfactory, and gustatory stimulation if we nurse, of our milk, and vestibular stimulation from the gentle stimulation of our movements and, when held upright, from her efforts to right her head and maintain her balance. She gets visual stimulation when she looks all around her, auditory impulses as we whisper endearments, and kinesthetic stimulation as we change her to the other side… when we put our babies in a container, and especially if out of sight all of this sensory nourishment is lost.」 (Heller,112)

----Heller, S. (1997). The Vital Touch: How Intimate Contact With Your Baby Leads To Happier, Healthier Development. Holt Paperbacks.



「To remove the newborn baby from his mother and place it on its back or on its front on a flat surface, often uncovered is to fail to understand the newborn』s great need for enfoldment, to be supported rocked and covered from all sides, and that the infant may only gradually be introduced to the world of more open spaces. From the supporting, continuous, tangible presence of his mother the infant will gradually come to move some distance toward the outside world」.

----Montagu, A. (1986). Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin. Harper Paperbacks.






什麼是正確的豎背?各個月齡段孩子造型如圖,具體安全守則請看背戴寶貝(baby wearing)基礎系列——Safety(安全要點),具體工具如何使用才能正確還需要背戴指導。




----HOLD ME CLOSE: ENCOURAGING ESSENTIAL MOTHER/BABY PHYSICAL CONTACT,Excerpt from Blois, Maria Blois, MD,「Birth: Care of Infant and Mother: Time Sensitive Issues.」 Best Practices in the Behavioral Management of Health from Preconception to Adolescence, edited by William Gordon and Jodie Trafton. Los Altos: Institute for Disease Management. 2007-8. pp. 108-132


上圖為雙胞胎早產兒,圖片來自英文維基kangoroo care詞條





In 1978, kangaroo mother care (KMC) was proposed as a caring alternative for low birth weight (LBW) infants. We are reporting here early outcomes of a randomized, controlled trial comparing KMC to traditional care.


An open randomized, controlled trial was conducted in a large tertiary care hospital. All newborn infants </=2000 g, surviving the neonatal period and being eligible for a minimal care unit, were included. A total of 1084 newborns </=2000 g were followed, and 746 were randomized-382 to KMC and 364 to traditional care. KMC infants were discharged after randomization, regardless of weight or gestational age. Infants spent 24 hours per day in an upright position, in skin-to-skin contact, and attached to the mothers chest. After randomization, control infants remained at the minimal care unit until meeting usual discharge criteria. Both groups are being followed up to 12 months of corrected age; 679 (90%) were available for evaluation when they reached term (40 to 41 weeks of postconceptional age). The present paper reports early outcomes (when reaching term) including mortality, infectious episodes, hospital stay after eligibility, and growth and feeding patterns.


Both study groups were similar regarding all baseline variables but weight at eligibility. The risk of dying was similar in both groups (relative risk = 0.59, 95% confidence interval 0.22-1. 6). There were no differences in growth indices. Nosocomial infections were more frequent in control infants. Hospital stay after eligibility was shorter in KMC, primarily for infants </=1800 g.


These results show that KMC is a safe approach to the care of clinically stable LBW infants. Our findings provide the necessary scientific support to a method that is already incorporated in the care of LBW infants at many hospitals around the world and at different levels of care.

----Charpak, N., Ruiz-Pelaez, J. G., Figueroa, Z., & Charpak, Y., 1997, Kangaroo mother versus traditional care for newborn infants </=2000 grams: A randomized, controlled trial., Pediatrics, v. 100(4), p. 682-688. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed



Newborns are almost impossible to stretch out unless wrapped or swaddled. When you place an infant flat on his back, his thighs will usually be pulled up towards his chest.

----Schon, R. (2007). Natural Parenting-Back to Basics in Infant Care. 5(1), 102-183. from Evolutionary Psychology from epjournal.net/filestore



Upright baby carriers that support the legs, carrying a baby as a mother would naturally would in arms, does not compromise a baby』s spine or hips.

----Kirkilionis, E. (2002). Carrying an Infant: More than the Possibility of Child Transport. Kosel.



「a child .. placed upright in a suitable baby carrier or embraced firmly and properly in a wrap, supported and upright against the body of the parents, firmly embraced by the fabric, which ensures that even the smallest little one will not sink into himself ending in an over-curvature of the spine, staying out of the danger zone of the little head being forced into a position that will compromise the breathing. The upright supported posture allows even very small babies moving patterns that are usually not seen until two to three month later. Free from the chore of controlling and holding his little head while trying to stabilize against gravity, an infant secured in a wrap for example can hold and turn his own head early on.」

----Dr. Evelin Kirkilionis, Deutsch Hebammenzeitschrift 7/2010



Infants use less oxygen which conserves energy and waste less calories. They digest their food better. It is also the best position for thermoregulation because of reduced stomach exposure. Also, we have more efficient temperature regulating cells and more fat on the back side of our bodies as well. When we hold our infants stomach- to- stomach we are protecting all the receptor and vital organs (Montagu, 1986).

----Montagu, A. (1986). Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin. Harper Paperbacks.



A mother using either her arms or a simple piece of cloth, supports her baby』s legs in a flexed (with the knees bent) abducted (away from midline) position supporting the hip and the spine. Instead of fabric at the crotch which contributes no leg support, or swaddling the legs which is too restrictive, ergonomic carriers put the baby in the position that supports the legs just as a mother』s arms would. The flexed abducted position is what infants are hard-wired to assume when picked up.

----Schon, R. (2007). Natural Parenting-Back to Basics in Infant Care. 5(1), 102-183. from Evolutionary Psychology from epjournal.net/filestore

更多關於Kangoroo Care的研究論文:

I級證據 Ferber, S.G., Makhoul, I.R., 2004, Skin contact (kangaroo care) shortly after birth on the neurobehavioral responses of the term newborn: a randomized, controlled trial., Pediatrics, v. 113(4), p. 858-65. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?

II-3級證據 Meyer, K., & Anderson, G. C., 1999, Using kangaroo care in a clinical setting with fullterm infants having breastfeeding difficulties., Am. J. Matern. Child Nurs., v. 24, p. 190-192. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

II-2級證據 Moore ER, Anderson GC, Bergman N., 2007, Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants., Cochrane Database of Syst. Rev., v. 3, Art. No.: CD003519. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

II-2級證據 Durand, R., Hodges, S., LaRock, S., Lund, L., Schmid, S., Swick, D., Yates, T., & Perez, A., 1997, The effect of skin-to-skin breastfeeding in the immediate recovery period on newborn thermoregulation and blood glucose values., Neonatal Intensive Care, v. 10, p. 23-29.

II-1級證據 Tessier R., Cristo, M., Velez, S., Giron, M., Ruiz-Palaez, J. G., Charpak, Y., et al., 1998, Kangaroo mother care and the bonding hypothesis., Pediatrics, v. 102(2), e17.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

II-2級證據 Wahlberg, V., Affonso, D., & Persson, B., 1992, A retrospective comparative study using the kangaroo method as a complement to standard incubator care., European J. Public Health, v. 2(1), p. 34-37. eurpub.oxfordjournals.org

II-2級證據 Pelaez-Nogueras, M., Field, T. M., Hossain, Z., & Pickens, J., 1996, Depressed mothers』 touching increases infants』 positive affect and attention in still-face interactions.,Child Dev., v. 67, p. 1780-1792. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?

II-1級證據 Kangaroo Care (Skin Contact) Reduces Crying Response to Pain in Preterm Neonates: Pilot Results, R Kostandy R, Pain Management Nursing, 9(2) 2008



  • 有利於嬰兒警覺而安靜的觀察世界;
  • 緩解嬰兒胃食管返流癥狀,一定程度上預防中耳炎;
  • 貼合孩子的自然生理造型,可能有利於髖關節發育;
  • 多豎背能減少頭部某個區域長時間受壓,預防扁頭綜合征。(前面章節已有論據)
  • 和家長腹部貼腹部有利於體溫調節;(前面章節已有論據)



Wearing your baby upright can actually be a preventative measure against ear infections and can help ease the symptoms of GERD.

----Schon, R. (2007). Natural Parenting-Back to Basics in Infant Care. 5(1), 102-183. from Evolutionary Psychology from epjournal.net/filestore


Douglas, P. S., 2005, Excessive crying and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in infants: Misalignment of biology and culture., Med. Hypotheses, v. 64(5), p. 887-98.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed



----Back-carrying Infants to Prevent Developmental Hip Dysplasia and its Sequelae: Is a New Public Health Initiative Needed?,S Graham, J Manara, L Chokotho, W Harrison Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics 35 (1) 2015






There is abundant epidemiological evidence for the negative effects on hip development of wrapping, swaddling or carrying susceptible babies with hips tightly adducted and extended, as well as confirmatory animal studies.

----Increase in late diagnosed developmental dysplasia of the hip in South Australia: risk factors, proposed solutions,K Studer, N Williams, G Antoniou, C Gibson, H Scott, W Scheil, B Foster, P Cundy MJA 204 (6) 4 April 2016



----Heller, S. (1997). The Vital Touch: How Intimate Contact With Your Baby Leads To Happier, Healthier Development. Holt Paperbacks.





除了相關科學研究之外,國際背戴產業聯盟(Baby Carrier Industry Alliance, BCIA)的行業峰會和研究,一些發達國家的背巾背帶相關行業標準,和行業共識也非常重要,因為雖然科學論文是前沿,但是產業化的標準更是將可重複大量驗證的科學事實應用於實際。目前BCIA官網,以及許多國際老牌大牌的背巾網站如Didymos,已經取消在網站上示範搖籃背(雖然一些半傾斜寶寶面部清晰可見的背法還是可以用,但大家的共識是更推薦豎背)。寶寶頭部淪陷在布料中的搖籃背已經導致多起嬰兒死亡事故並且已經被召回(如下圖)。


根據著名國際背戴組織網站2015年8月發布的《Babywearing Research – Part 2: Relevant Research》文章中對於目前背戴寶寶相關的科研成果的總結,以及本文前面所列的相關文獻的結論,總結如下:(babywearinginternational.org






  • 嬰兒的髖關節健康很重要;
  • 不是所有的嬰兒都生來就有有健康的髖關節;
  • 髖關節體檢(必要時拍片)很重要;


  • 背戴工具的種類和背戴姿勢對於髖關節的有利或不利影響;
  • 「欠佳的背戴姿勢」有哪些,對於髖關節健康的影響有哪些?
  • 背戴寶寶怎樣才能有效的被用於髖關節發育不良的干預治療?最佳的實踐指南如何?


  • 背戴寶寶有利於母子的身心聯繫;
  • 背戴孩子能夠有效減少嬰兒的哭泣;
  • 袋鼠育兒法,是可測量、可重複驗證的成功嬰兒照料方式。


  • 背戴工具如何幫助與孩子在身心聯結上有困難的照料者(比如養父母)?
  • 背戴工具支持實現袋鼠育兒法的系統性指南如何?尤其是對於早產兒?


  • 新生兒正確地豎背,是安全的;
  • 背戴姿勢能保證呼吸暢通不被遮擋非常重要;
  • 必須保證始終可以看到孩子的臉;
  • 在背戴之前必須檢查背戴工具是否有損壞;


  • 肚子貼肚子的豎背,在多大的程度上,更有利於保證呼吸通暢?
  • 搖籃背有多大的不安全性?
  • 豎背的好處包括核心肌肉的發育,胃食管返流的控制等。


最後,也是非常重要的是,正如美國消費產品安全委員會CPSC所認可的(Consumer Product Safety Commission),在使用背戴工具的時候,「教育」非常重要。也就是說,必須有可靠的人,告訴你很多正確使用的相關知識。關於背巾使用的安全要點,我已經總結在公眾號之前的文章中,以後還會有更多的升級和更新。當然對於某個具體的產品來說,正確的一對一的使用指導也是非常重要的,哪怕簡單如背帶也不是隨便拿來就能用得對。

在我的淘寶店鋪「背戴之愛」購買國際BCIA聯盟認證品牌的背巾背帶,就可以獲得一對一的使用指導。在元宵節結束之前(2018.3.2 24點),轉發此文到朋友圈並截圖,新客戶均可獲得在店鋪首次購買背巾背帶的20元減免,減免有效期為元宵節結束後5天內(2018.3.7,24點)。算是給大家的元宵小禮物。



背戴寶貝(baby wearing)基礎系列——Safety(安全要點)

背戴寶貝(baby wearing)基礎系列——How(背戴姿勢的選擇、冬天夏天和睡眠時如何背寶寶)

有環背巾,編織背巾,Mei Tai,背帶這些背戴神器該怎麼選?













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背巾教程 | 早教機測評

繪本清單 | STEM益智玩具 | 幼兒桌游

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