來自專欄 承諾|聯結|實現
Mon Lapin,
既然我們已經知道四種作用在飛機上的力(重力,浮力,阻力和推力)是如何讓飛機飛行的,我們需要知道如何來控制這些力,讓我們想要飛機開往我們想去的地方。飛行員通過控制系統來進行操作,主要有四個控制系統:升降舵(Elevator),副翼(Aileron),方向舵(Rudder) ,節流閥(Throttle)。
?有這麼多操作可以玩,可我怕你的眼睛承受不了壓力,我們就平緩飛行吧~你說說看要怎麼控制呢(?? 3(???c)
剩下的下周再翻譯啦~~ 這次寫得內容已經到了一小時,嚴格把控時間,每周定時輸出:)
Mon Lapin,
?哼,你彎曲的程度太大啦,浮力太多,我們一不小心俯衝了,差點撞地,好難過(?? 3(???c)
方向舵位於飛機豎直的尾部,用來控制飛機向左或向右。有一些飛行器可能有不止一個豎直尾部,像FA-18 戰鬥噴氣機,它每個每個尾部都有特有的方向舵。豎直尾部也是有翼型的,不過這個翼型並不彎曲。因此,豎直尾部通常不會產生浮力。當方向舵朝一個方向移動時,豎直尾部會被彎曲,才會產生浮力。然而,這個浮力並不是垂直的,因為豎直尾部並不是像機翼一樣水平的。
?幸好我們一開始就設置好節流閥了(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~戀愛條約呀:)傻兔子
section*{2 How do pilots control planes?}
Now that we know which forces are acting on a plane to make it fly, we need to know how to control these forces in order to make a plane fly where we want it to. Pilots use a number of controls to do this, which are four main control systems: extbf{Elevators, Ailerons, Rudders and Throttles}\
Key idea:\
Elevators are used to make a plane climb or dive.\
Ailerons are used to make a plane roll left or right.\
Rudders are used to make a plane turn left or right.\
Throttles are used to make a plane go faster or slower.\
1. Elevators: Elevators are located on the back of the planes horizontal tail and are used to make the plane climb or dive.\
The horizontal tail, usually at the back, has a similar shape to a wing(an airfoil) and produces lift. When the tail produces more lift, the nose of the plane will go down and the plane will dive. Likewise, if the tail produces less lift, the nose of the plane will go up and the plane will climb.\
Elevators change the amount of lift produced by the horizontal tail by changing the shape of the airfoil. Airfoils are usually curved like an arch, and this is one of the reasons air moves slower beneath the wings than above them. The more curved an airfoil is, the more lift it will produce. By moving the elevator at the end of a wing down, the airfoil becomes more curved and produces more lift. Likewise, by moving the elevator up, the wing is effectively less curved and produces less lift.\
Ailerons are located on the tips of the wings and are used to control roll. Ailerons work the same way that elevators do, by moving up and down to change the shape of the airfoil and produce more or less lift. By moving one aileron up and the other down, one wing will generate less lift than the other. The wing that generates less lift will drop, and the one that generates more will rise, and this will cause the plane to roll.\
When a plane rolls, the lift produced by the wings is no longer acting straight upwards, but is now acting upwards and towards the lower of the two wings. Because of this, the plane will now turn towards the low wing. Because of this, ailerons can be used to steer planes left or right.\
A rudder is located on the planes vertical tail and is used to steer the plane left or right. Some aircraft have more than one vertical tail, like the FA-18 fighter jet, and each tail has its own rudder. The vertical tail on a plane is also an airfoil shape, but the airfoil is not curved. As a result, the vertical tail does not normally generate lift. When the rudder is moved in one direction, the vertical tail is effectively curved, and produces lift. However, this lift does not act vertically, as the vertical tail is not horizontal like the wing. Lift always acts perpendicular to the wing or tail that generates it, so the lift generated by the vertical tail will act horizontally. This lift will cause the plane to rotate left or right. If the rudder is moved to the left, it will generate lift to the right, which will move the nose of the plane to the left. Rudders are often slower at turning an aircraft than the ailerons, but they can turn the aircraft without rolling it and are useful for small adjustments during takeoff, landing and other flights. Sometimes a pilot uses both the rudder and the ailerons together while turning in order to produce a smoother flight.\
A throttle controls the thrust produced by an engine and is used to make the plane go faster or slower. Planes with more than one engine, like passenger jets, will have one throttle for each engine. The way that the throttle works depends on the type of engine, but it will generally increase the amount of fuel being consumed by the engine, which will in turn generate more heat or spin a propeller faster. Depending on the position of the engines, increasing the throttle may also cause the plane to climb, roll or turn. In fact, computer programs have been written that allow planes with two or more engines to be flown and landed using only the throttles! These programs are to help aircraft to land safely when the other controls have failed, and are not used very often.\
參考資料來自《Model aircraft design》by Jon D