二、健康早餐搭配 豆奶+蛋白粉+火腿麵包=增長精力 豆奶:250毫升 豆奶的口味多種多樣,可以根據自己的喜好隨意選擇。當然,熱熱的鮮豆漿也有相似的營養價值。 蛋白質粉:1勺(約10克) 火腿麵包:1個可以購買西餅屋的火腿麵包,也可以在家中利用切片麵包和早餐火腿自製三明治,這可是早餐不可缺少的部分噢!
營養含量分析:這款早餐的能量為300千卡,蛋白質25克,脂肪10克,碳水化合物27克,還特別含有植物雌激素。 番茄蛋湯+燒麵包片+煎香腸=振奮精神 番茄蛋湯:1碗 加底油把番茄沙司略炒,添水燒開,勾芡,甩蛋,調味,就成了。 燒麵包片:2片 如果喜歡,也可以再準備些果醬或乳酪。 煎香腸:1根 選一根自己喜歡的口味的香腸切段,一端切花刀,在滾油中煎一煎即成。 營養含量分析:這款早餐的能量為450千卡,蛋白質15克,脂肪15克,碳水化合物50克,還特別含有抗衰老的番茄紅素。茶+小麵包=晚起的道理
一杯熱熱的、淡淡的茶飲,幾隻小麵包,雖然簡單,但特別的方便。 營養含量分析:這款早餐的能量為150千卡,蛋白質5克,脂肪5克,碳水化合物20克(其中單糖5克)。 綜合評價: 習慣晚起的人也需要在起身後少量進食,一杯茶飲的作用是溫潤腸胃,幾隻小麵包所提供的少許能量不會影響到稍後午餐的胃口,又可以補充空空的感覺,帶給午餐更大的從容。 蔬菜豆腐湯+蒸紅薯+小醬菜=補水潤腸 這三樣東西的製作非常家常,並不繁雜。 醬菜可以購買現成的,每次不要吃太多以防攝取了過多的鹽份。 營養含量分析:這款早餐的能量為300千卡,蛋白質150克,脂肪5克,碳水化合物50克,還含有適量的鈉鹽和維生素。 綜合評價: 這是低脂肪熱量的早餐,清淡的豆腐蔬菜湯能補充夜晚身體丟失的水份,蒸紅薯是主要的能量來源,還可以促進腸道的正常蠕動,小醬菜是用來扼制紅薯食後返酸的。【雙語|小知識】不吃早飯?窩坐一天?這種習慣要不得
As if long hours at the office werent draining enough, it turns out your work life could be introducing a host of habits that take a toll on your health. But its never too late to change course.
長時間待辦公室似乎還不夠累人,事實上,工作會帶來許多對你健康不利的習慣。但想改變永遠都不嫌晚。Repetitive actions do play a big role in your everyday behaviors. Read on to discover some of the mindless workplace habits that may be influencing your health -- and what to do about them.
重複行為會對你的日常行為產生巨大影響。讀下去,看看那些不經意間卻會影響你健康的工作習慣,看看有沒有對策。1. Skipping breakfast. 不吃早飯
While the science is somewhat debated, most experts agree its better to eat breakfast than to forego it entirely. It can be easy to breeze through your morning on only a cup of joe, but research suggests eating breakfast can help you kickstart your metabolism and help increase your energy so youre not feeling sluggish later on.儘管科學上尚有爭議,大部分專家認為吃早飯總比一點都不吃要好。早餐只喝一杯咖啡固然也可輕鬆度過早晨,但專家稱吃早飯有助加快新陳代謝、增進體能,上班不覺困頓疲勞。If that isnt convincing enough, some experts even advocate for eating a doughnut over skipping the meal, though obviously that shouldnt be a recurring choice. If youre looking for some easy morning options, try one of these quick breakfast recipes.如果還是不能讓你信服,專家甚至主張如果不吃早飯就吃個甜甜圈吧,儘管這不是長久之計。如果你希望輕鬆搞定早飯,就試試簡便的早餐食譜。2. Leaning your face on your hand. 用手撐著臉
Sure, its comfortable, but touching your face excessively may be an enemy to good skin care or hygiene, because it spreads bacteria and other bugs.確實,手撐臉很舒服,但過多觸碰臉龐不利於呵護肌膚、也不衛生, 因為碰臉會傳播細菌和其他小毛小病。3. Eating a sad desk lunch. 隨意打發午餐
Your brain needs a break. Without one, your productivity and your energy levels plummet. Besides, research shows multitasking is inefficient, so youre probably not getting much done by pushing through anyway.大腦需要休息,不休息的話,你會工作效率會大幅降低,精力驟減。此外,研究表明,多任務低效,若勉強工作,工作成效也低。4. Slouching in your chair. 窩在座椅里
Bad posture = Bad health? Studies show that when you slouch you may be negatively influencing your mood.站沒站相、坐沒坐相=健康狀況差?研究表明,你低頭垂肩懶洋洋的坐姿對你的情緒也會有負面影響。Not to mention poor posture, which is frequently associated with staring at technology, puts a strain on your upper body, too, which could lead to neck and shoulder pain.更不要說你的姿勢了,姿勢不佳總和盯著科技產品看有關,引起上身緊張,引發肩頸疼痛。
5. Touching your eye. 觸碰眼睛
It may be tempting to swipe off that smudged eyeliner in the middle of your day, but be wary of hand-to-eye contact as its another way to spread germs. Not only that, you may be damaging some very delicate skin.白天過半,你一定很想把花掉的眼線擦掉,但要小心眼手接觸,這是另一種傳播細菌的方式。不僅如此,你細嫩的肌膚也會受到損害。Rubbing the eyes ... can actually create microscopic tears in the tissue (making the eye area look older faster), break the capillaries in the eyelids (causing little thread-like veins called telangiectasia) or break the capillaries under the eye (intensifying dark circles).揉擦眼睛會使眼組織產生極細密的眼淚(加速眼部衰老)、破壞眼瞼的毛細血管(產生細小的線狀血管,即毛細血管擴張)、還會破壞眼下毛細血管(加深黑眼圈)。6. Sitting all day. 終日久坐
Many experts claim that "sitting is the new smoking," which isnt such great news if youre chained to a desk for eight hours a day. A sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease, and its probably hurting your back.許多專家聲稱,「久坐是又一種吸煙」,如果你一天拴在桌邊達八小時之久,這可不是什麼福音。坐著的生活方式會增加糖尿病和心臟病風險,還很有可能傷及背部。Make it a point to get up and move as often as you can or opt for a standing desk if the opportunity exists. You can also try this yoga move to undo some of the damage that comes with sitting at a desk.要記得起身,儘可能多動,如果有機會,選擇一張站立式辦公桌。你也可以試試瑜伽動作,解除久坐桌邊帶來的損害。
7. Petting the office dog and returning to your keyboard. 辦公室里撫觸小狗後又立馬回到鍵盤前
Pets, including dogs, potentially carry germs that can spread from animals to people, according to the CDC -- but nothing a good scrub wont fix. Just be sure to wash those hands once playtime is over.根據疾病防治中心的說法,寵物,包括小狗,有可能攜帶病菌,傳染給人類。但徹底擦洗就沒事了。記得和寵物逗趣後,一定要洗手。8. Bringing your phone to the bathroom. 帶手機去洗手間
Half of smartphone users ages 18 to 29 admit to bringing their phones with them to the toilet. It may be tempting to, er, multitask, but youre really just inviting germs into your body and back to your desk.有一半年齡在18至29歲的手機用戶表示自己去洗手間也帶著手機。嗯,也許你控制不了要同時手頭處理多件任務,但你也確實給身體招來了細菌,還帶到了你的辦公桌上。In fact, research shows that your phone has more bacteria than that porcelain throne. Seriously, just leave it behind.事實上,研究表明,你的手機的細菌要比陶瓷「寶座」來得多。說真的,放下手機吧。9. Not taking a sick day. 不請病假
The common cold can take a lot out of you, physically and mentally. By not allowing yourself to properly rest, you may be prolonging the sickness. Youre also compromising your co-workers immune systems by exposing them to the virus.
普通的感冒讓你身心俱損。要是你不讓自己好好休息,你會拖延病症。這也會侵害你同事的免疫系統,讓他們身處病毒環境。Its better for your health, their health and both parties productivity in the long run.從長遠來看,請假有益你的健康、你同事的健康,還有雙方的工作效益。10. Crossing your legs. 交疊雙腿
It can be easy to cross those legs to avoid playing footsie with your neighbor, but you may want to re-think your sitting stance. Crossing your legs too much may cause back and neck pain and even might elevate your blood pressure.誠然,交叉雙腿可以輕鬆避免鄰座同事間桌下腳碰腳,但你得重新審視你的坐姿。頻繁交叉雙腿會引發肩頸疼痛甚至會導致血壓升高。The ideal seated position comes with your feet flat on the floor and your knees and ankles at a 90 degree angle whenever possible.理想的坐姿是雙腳平放在地板,但凡可以,膝蓋和腳踝要呈90度。11. Indulging in free office pizza. 上班期間貪食免費披薩
The Food and Drug Administration recommends that cooked commercial foods should sit out for no more than four hours, as thats the time in which bacteria can grow and multiply. Consumer and homemade meals have an even shorter timeframe of only two hours.食品藥品管理局建議說,市售食物擺放不得超過四小時,因為四小時內細菌會增加、成倍繁殖。消費者和家庭自製的餐飲保質期更短,才兩小時。12. Not unplugging once you get home. 到家仍保持工作狀態Try stashing the phone once you walk through the front door. Mindless scrolling after dinner or checking your email before crawling into bed may seem insignificant, but it may be contributing to mental exhaustion.試著一進家門就把手機放好。飯後漫不經心地滾屏、睡前查閱郵件看似無足輕重,但會導致精神疲憊。我也是好久因為各種原因沒有吃早餐,雖然不覺得餓,但這還是很不好!不知道是不是這個原因整個人的精氣神一直都不高。