



雅思聽力Section 1


1.reference number: CWX576884

2.when did the woman claim last time:9 months ago

3.postcode: GO19 4KE

4.120, middle street, oxford

5.the floor which is made of wood was wet

6.because of the water

7.it was out of control and she switched off immediately

8.contact the client engineer to come and check the problem

9.the client inspector could come on Tuesday next week

10.the womans house is opposite to the post office

雅思聽力Section 2

11.according to Davina, a typical mentor is someone who: A has lived long in this day

12.Davina says that a mentor could be able to: B suggest best places to shop

13.what other thing does this city offer: A leaflets in foreign language

14.what could people do, if they continue to feel lonely: C take advantage of the informal Thursday evening

15.what advice does Davina offer about fitting into a new life: C accept that thing take time to settle down

16.open-air market-E

17.sport center-D


19.council house-A

20.post office-G

Section3 (待回憶)



31.Maoris actually dont have record on language which is written

32.it indicates a lifestyle

33.used latest technology on research

34.it was hit by a bad storm

35.making a shoot gallery

36.the research opportunity was limited

37.ship instead of a gun

38.a historical map of wreck was found

39.pepole came to these place for the cargo of gold

40.a lot of treasure such as jewerly and coins


本次雅思考試閱讀部分的 3 篇文章均為新文章,其中 Passage 1 和 Passage 3 難度一般,較難的是 Passage 2,考到了段落信息配對題。另外值得注意的是這次後面兩篇文章都考到了選擇題,分別為多選和單選。選擇題考驗考生們對原文出題句的理解和基於理解的同義轉換,在所有題型中難度中等偏高。雖說總體考得沒有判斷題那樣多,但選擇題也是同學們在平時該多練多關注的題型。

passage 1:文學作品嵌入城市描述



題型及對應數量:Summary 填空題(8)、判斷題(5)




Summary 填空題







7.personal contact


雅思閱讀Passage 2



題型及數量:段落信息配對題(6)、多選題(兩道 5 選 2)、Sentences 填空題(3)


passage 3:語言的消失(來自劍橋雅思4 Test2)

Lost for words

Many minority languages are on the danger list

In the Native American Navajo nation, which sprawls across four states in the American south-west, the native language is dying. Most of its speakers are middle-aged or elderly. Although many students take classes in Navajo, the schools are run in English. Street signs, supermarket goods and even their own newspaper are all in English. Not surprisingly, linguists doubt that any native speakers of Navajo will remain in a hundred years』 time.

Navajo is far from alone. Half the world』s 6,800 languages are likely to vanish within two generations — that』s one language lost every ten days. Never before has the planet』s linguistic diversity shrunk at such a pace. 『At the moment, we are heading for about three or four languages dominating the world,』 says Mark Pagel, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Reading. 『It』s a mass extinction, and whether we will ever rebound from the loss is difficult to know.』

Isolation breeds linguistic diversity: as a result, the world is peppered with languages spoken by only a few people. Only 250 languages have more than a million speakers, and at least 3,000 have fewer than 2,500. It is not necessarily these small languages that are about to disappear. Navajo is considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers. What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are. If it is spoken by children it is relatively safe. The critically endangered languages are those that are only spoken by the elderly, according to Michael Krauss, director of the Alassk Native Language Center, in Fairbanks.

Why do people reject the language of their parents? It begins with a crisis of confidence, when a small community finds itself alongside a larger, wealthier society, says Nicholas Ostler, of Britain』s Foundation for Endangered Languages, in Bath. 『People lose faith in their culture,』 he says. 『When the next generation reaches their teens, they might not want to be induced into the old traditions.』

The change is not always voluntary. Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in schools, all to promote national unity. The former US policy of running Indian reservation schools in English, for example, effectively put languages such as Navajo on the danger list. But Salikoko Mufwene, who chairs the Linguistics department at the University of Chicago, argues that the deadliest weapon is not government policy but economic globalisation. 『Native Americans have not lost pride in their language, but they have had to adapt to socio-economic pressures,』 he says. 『They cannot refuse to speak English if most commercial activity is in English.』 But are languages worth saving? At the very least, there is a loss of data for the study of languages and their evolution, which relies on comparisons between languages, both living and dead. When an unwritten and unrecorded language disappears, it is lost to science.

Language is also intimately bound up with culture, so it may be difficult to preserve one without the other. 『If a person shifts from Navajo to English, they lose something,』 Mufwene says. 『Moreover, the loss of diversity may also deprive us of different ways of looking at the world,』 says Pagel. There is mounting evidence that learning a language produces physiological changes in the brain. 『Your brain and mine are different from the brain of someone who speaks French, for instance,』 Pagel says, and this could affect our thoughts and perceptions. 『The patterns and connections we make among various concepts may be structured by the linguistic habits of our community.』

So despite linguists』 best efforts, many languages will disappear over the next century. But a growing interest in cultural identity may prevent the direst predictions from coming true. 『The key to fostering diversity is for people to learn their ancestral tongue, as well as the dominant language,』 says Doug Whalen, founder and president of the Endangered Language Fund in New Haven, Connecticut. 『Most of these languages will not survive without a large degree of bilingualism,』 he says. In New Zealand, classes for children have slowed the erosion of Maori and rekindled interest in the language. A similar approach in Hawaii has produced about 8,000 new speakers of Polynesian languages in the past few years. In California, 『apprentice』 programmes have provided life support to several indigenous languages. Volunteer 『apprentices』 pair up with one of the last living speakers of a Native American tongue to learn a traditional skill such as basket weaving, with instruction exclusively in the endangered language. After about 300 hours of training they are generally sufficiently fluent to transmit the language to the next generation. But Mufwene says that preventing a language dying out is not the same as giving it new life by using it every day. 『Preserving a language is more like preserving fruits in a jar,』 he says.

However, preservation can bring a language back from the dead. There are examples of languages that have survived in written form and then been revived by later generations. But a written form is essential for this, so the mere possibility of revival has led many speakers of endangered languages to develop systems of writing where none existed before.




The chart shows the information about the Chinese passengers in 1995 and 2003. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.




How its populations varied

There was a noticeable increase

Aged over 50 In terms of/regarding

Starting at Tripling to

Rises could be found Climbing from

Undergo different trends The same situations occur to


The bar chart given shows changes in the number of passengers taking ships and how its proportions varied in different ages groups from 1995-2003 in United Kingdom.

Overall, it can be seen that there was a noticeable increase in the amount of passengers. Meanwhile,majority of them are people aged over 50.

In terms of the specific numbers, starting at 340,000 in 1995, it roared in the next 8 years, tripling to 1,050,000 in 2003.

Regarding the ratios of passengers, rises could be found in the proportions of people aged 24-33 and over 65, climbing from 4% and 32% to 8% and 35% respectively. However, the figures for other groups underwent different trends. Travelers for cruising who are 34 to 54 years old took up about 15% in 1995 but it declined to 13% in 2003. The same situations occurred to the rest two age groups, falling by 5% for passengers aged 54-63 and 3% for the 64 years old.(字數 169 words)

範文原創自老師Jeff. Lei

Task 2:

Some parents think that they can teach their children at home rather than sending to the school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample Answer 1:

Education is the fundamental building block for children』s development. However, the growth of students is very much dependent on the way of coaching. Some prefer educating students at home while others think it is necessary for children to attend schools. In this essay, I will analyse both viewpoints before reaching a reasonable conclusion.

There are groups of people who consider homeschooling has many benefits for child』s growth. For instance, a student studying at home can get personal attention from parents which result in good academic results. Furthermore, parents are aware of their child』s weakness and can help him to cope with difficulties. Thus, it can be said that children can learn their subjects at the pace in which they are comfortable and this can help them to excel in studies.

On the other hand, many consider schools as the required element in student growth. Educational institutions, for example, concentrate on teaching moral values like tolerance and sharing along with studies. Moreover, they are encouraged to perform tasks in a team, enabling them to learn teamwork and not to dishearten by failure. Therefore, chances of suffering from depression are reduced to a greater extent in case he doesn』t get what he desired in the real world.

From above, it can be seen that both the viewpoints have their own merits. However, I tend to believe that in order to sustain in the actual world, students should be motivated to get educated in institutions rather than learning alone at home. It is thus hoped that the government will enforce strict laws for attendance in school compulsory.

(by - Aqueela Mansuri)

Sample Answer 2:

Homeschooling method of educating children is a trend still followed by a diverse variety of groups all over the world. The concept dates back as far as the times when actual schools, for teachings group of attendees, didnt exist. The method originated in royal environments where kings would appoint the wisest pupil in their cabinets to carry out teaching sessions with kids in the house. However, this practice of in-house education began to diminish when public education institutes came to the fore.

Benefits of homeschooling cannot be overlooked. The biggest advantage for children who are learning at home is the individual attention the tutor can provide to them. This not only results in clear delivery of knowledge to the student, but the pace of such can also be set, maintained and adjusted as per needs of the student and requirements of the course. Recipient of home tuition can enjoy a flexible schedule as deemed fit by the involved parties. This time selection option can be a great tool to tune up the process of learning. Some children find it easier to study at night while others prefer to do the same in the daytime. A one-on-one session between a student being taught at home by his teacher establishes a social bond between them. This leads to an increased level of interactivity which contributes assertively in the learning curve.

On the contrary, participants of group schools acquire some distinct advantages primarily due to the system they get involved in. First and foremost would be societal structure. Human is a social being and there is no place better than a public or private school where children learn how to interact with others. Another social property which the students pick up in group schooling system is competition. They learn how to survive together and how to get ahead of other. A healthy competition amongst students teaches them the value of effort. Group schooling systems make the arrangement of specialized practical equipment feasible, which would ultimately enhance the learning experience of all the students.

In my opinion, group schooling systems were made a global standard for a reason and not the homeschooling. Public schools provide balance in society on a large scale. Children with the uniform set of educational skills aligned towards a common goal can grow up to be more useful for the world, rather than each child moving in a different direction.

[By - Rouhullah Noorani]

Sample Answer 3:

Today』s children become tomorrow』s citizens. So allowing them to interact with the community is very important. More than that every human is a social being. Schools play an important role in forming children』s social behaviours. So, in my opinion, teaching children at school is better than teaching at home.

The main reason why kids need to be sent to school is to get awareness about the society he/she will be a part of the future. Till 4-5 years, children normally with their family. Only after sending to school they will get a chance to mingle with the same age group. This will help them to improve communication skills, social awareness, skills to handle difficult situations etc. They will be able to do at least their own things themselves. Also, I think this is required to reduce their selfishness- they will learn how to share in schools.

The other important fact is discipline. At home, kids always feel easiness. It will be always a tension free atmosphere for them since they are used to it from the childhood. Also, parents and other family members may not be as strict as a teacher in many aspects. So it is hard to get discipline in life for kids those who miss schooling. The main reason for this is the freedom they get at home.

Apart from all these disadvantages, learning at home has some merits too. The main advantage is kids will be more comfortable. Parents can decide or prioritise the topics to teach, unlike in some schools give over work-load to kids. The time for study can be flexible so that children will get more free time. And parents may be comparatively tension free too.

In a nutshell, even though both methods have its own merits and demerits, parents should make important decisions about their children according to their circumstances and convenience.

(by - Tintu Joy)

Sample Answer 4:

One school of thought is that the best approach for child』s development is that if parents teach their children themselves at home. On the other hand, the second school of thought is that children should attend school for their better development. There is no general consensus over this and both approaches have advantages.

Let』s see the advantages of the first approach. It is understood that no one can better understand their child except his/her parents. A child is with the parents since birth and parents know each and every aspect of the child. While teacher has to teach the whole class and take every student along with including slow learners and fast learners. Whereas parents have one child to teach and they can give him/her their hundred percent attention. They can schedule the teaching as per their child』s pace. Moreover, parents can better look after the child.

Another approach is attending school. This method has its own advantages. In school, a child has to spend his time in the class with other children of the same age. He/she starts making new friends. They not only talk about studies but also discuss other happenings around them. They share knowledge and information with each other. All the children take part in group activities including extracurricular activities. As a result, their confidence increases many folds.

As we have seen, both methods have their own advantages. However, I strongly feel that it is very vital for children to attend school. This way, school and parents share the responsibility of development of the child and it is the best approach.

[by - Mansoor Afzal]

Sample Answer 5:

Education is a vital element in a childs development. Over the past years, there has been a lot of option on how the parents want their children to attain an excellent education. Hence it brought the argument on being homeschool and being enrolled in a school. Although homeschooling provides much freedom for the children to learn on their own time without limit, being enrolled in school will provide them much of the resources that are available in a school set up.

Homeschooling has been a practice throughout history, as the mother serves as the first teacher. At the present, homeschooling has been a choice for parents who commonly not satisfied with the school system. It provides learning freedom, giving children enough time to focus on one topic at the time as well as giving them enough rest periods. Commonly it is facilitated by the mother, giving them a chance to spend much time with their children creating a great bond. Moreover, making them aware of the children』s aptitude, attitude and abilities, making it easier to come with the individualised lessons and facilitate one-on-one tutorial.

Another benefit of it is that it helps in reducing emotional pressure brought by bullies, peer pressure and boredom. On the contrary, this requires a full attention by the parents, limiting their time to work. Thus, requires parents to be creative in facilitating the lesson in order to gain interest and childrens attention in each lesson. In the fiscal note, although you are not obliged to pay for tuition fees, being homeschool is expensive as you need to buy certain educational resources that are easily available in school settings.

On the other side, attending school provides a lot of positive aspects; one of this is that the school provides a wide range of up to date educational resources. Moreover, teaching is facilitated by a well-trained teacher that can provide effective teaching strategies. Although bullies and peer pressure are present in the school settings, this will help children to be socially exposed to these factors, thus, giving them a chance to cope with it and further gain their confidence and high self-esteem.

To sum it up, both choices has its positive and negative side, but in my opinion, attending school provide a wide range of necessary information as well as skills that children will help them develop well. Even though attending school is beneficial, education supplementation from home will help students to attain a high level of education. School and home teaching will greatly help students understand more and help them mould their character and attitudes that will help them in the near future.






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