你距離完成Pathways Lv1,只差5次會議
來自專欄 D88 Pathways早知道
這幾天的時間裡,我收到的最多的問題是,Lv1該怎麼做,做些什麼。好消息是,10條Path的Lv1內容上是一致的,對於新手來說,大家都是一起開始通關,到了Lv2開始才有分支關卡。從Base Camp入門到精通,需要一個過程。我們大家也都在嘗試,並且Base Camp本身也在自身的迭代升級過程中,我相信未來會有更好的體驗給大家。
LEVEL 1: Mastering Fundamentals
- Ice Breaker
- Evaluation and Feedback
- Researching and Presenting
Ice Breaker
This foundational project is designed to introduce you to your club and the skills you need to begin your Toastmasters journey.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to introduce yourself to the club and learn the basic structure of a public speech.
Overview: Write and deliver a speech about any topic to introduce yourself to the club. Your speech may be humorous, informational, or any other style that appeals to you.This project includes: A 4- to 6-minute speech
Evaluation and Feedback
This project addresses the skills needed to give and receive feedback. You will learn about giving, receiving and applying feedback.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to present a speech on any topic, receive feedback, and apply the feedback to a second speech.
Overview: Choose any topic for your first 5- to 7-minute speech. After your speech, carefully review your feedback. At a different club meeting, present a 5- to 7-minute speech in which you incorporate feedback from your first speech. You may choose to present the same speech again or a new speech. Your second speech should reflect some or all of the feedback from your first speech. Finally, after you have completed both speeches, serve as an evaluator at a club meeting and deliver constructive feedback about another members presentation.This project includes: A 5- to 7-minute speech Incorporating feedback from your first speech into a second 5- to 7-minute speechServing as a speech evaluator
Researching and Presenting
This project addresses topic selection strategies, suggestions for research and methods for producing a well organized speech.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to learn or review basic research methods and present a well-organized, well-researched speech on any topic.Overview: Select a topic that you are not already familiar with or that you wish to learn more about. Be sure your topic is narrow enough to be an effective 5- to 7-minute speech. Research the topic and begin organizing the information, as described in this project. Practice your speech and continue to refine its organization. Present your speech at a club meeting.This project includes:
Researching a topic The Research Worksheet The Speech Outline Worksheet A 5- to 7-minute speech
Ice Breaker,和我們傳統的CC1是一個標題。一個4-6分鐘的備稿演講,來介紹關於自己的內容。如果大家之前在官網體驗過它的Sample,那麼會發現這個project與CC1還是有一定區別的。在Base Camp里,我們能夠看到演講之前需要的準備工作,能夠看到範例視頻,能夠看到演講前後的自我評估。相當於是一個更加立體的CC1。對老會員來說,你可以參考自己之前CC1的經驗,結合Pathways的指導完成。對於新會員來說,Base Camp的指引非常詳細,完全可以一步步完成。整個過程只需要一次會議。
值得一提的是,Base Camp里對於順序並沒有強制要求,但是仍然推薦大家尤其是新會員,先從Ice Breaker做起。
Evaluation and Feedback,點評與反饋。一個新項目。旨在讓新會員體會並學習點評。點評是頭馬教育體系里非常重要的一環,也是峰會比賽項目之一。這個項目需要最少三次會議,第一次做一個備稿演講,邀請一位點評人。根據點評和反饋,再準備一次備稿演講,邀請同一位點評人。兩次演講完成以後,以點評人的身份為另一位會員做點評。通過親身經歷,完成一個閉環,藉此來體驗點評對演講的重要性,而不是再和以前一樣,CC與CL割裂。這是Pathways的一個重要改進。整個過程需要三次會議,如果正常進行可能需要一個月甚至更久。
Researching and Presenting,與之前的CC7有些像。點開Base Camp才會發現,裡面的內容會有很多變化。而且提供的指導建議更加具體,包含一些簡單的小測試。同時要完成8035和8038兩個表格。以往的CC7並沒有提供這麼具體的形式,往往讓一些演講者有些無所適從。而這次官方提供了建議和指引,可以有效幫助演講者選材、調研以及歸納總結。如果還是按照以往CC7的經驗來做,就會錯過很多新內容。
綜上所述,3個Project一共需要1+3+1次會議才能完成。而在完成Ice Breaker以及整個Lv1,VPE確認之後會由系統發出郵件,通知會員獲得教育獎勵。整個過程更加智能高效。對會員來說,儀式感和成就感也會更突出。對於會員來說,也是更好的激勵。
※TEDx 演講教練:如何做到當眾講話不緊張?
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