「中國菜」 | 文化的流行還是味覺的俘虜?

「中國菜」 | 文化的流行還是味覺的俘虜?

來自專欄 生吃宇宙的我們

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歡迎來到「生吃宇宙的我們」第 11 篇文章

This Is Our 11th Article

In todays topic, we will be talking about the vegetables that many people in the US consider to be "Chinese" vegetables, that is to say they are, for the most part, found in Asian grocery stores only, used exclusively in Chinese-style dishes, not commonly eaten by the general public, and sometimes unknown to people unfamiliar with Chinese cuisine.


"Chinese vegetables"


Fortunately, some of these vegetables are beginning to gain popularity in different areas of the US, thanks to the work of Chinese gardeners who use their skills in working the land to bring new life to these plants in different soil.


One example can be found on Yale University campus, where a community of growers and eaters has sprung from the work of the family members of Chinese students. This project is a positive influence not only because it introduces new vegetables and gardening techniques to local people, but also because it is a productive way for all generations to work together on a healthy, sustainable activity.



In another part of the USA, Wendy Kiang-Spray is a Chinese-American high school counselor, gardener, and writer. She recently published a book titled "The Chinese Kitchen Garden," in which she introduces Chinese vegetables to an American audience, and teaches how to grow and cook them. Her family background plays an important role in her book- her father, who immigrated to the USA from Shandong Province, is a skilled lifelong gardener. Wendy also blogs about gardening, health and food, and family, at her website: greenishthumb.com

在美國另外一個州,華裔女生Wendy Kiang-Spray 是一名高中學校的指導顧問,同時也是園藝家、作家,最近她出版了一本書叫 "The Chinese Kitchen Garden",裡面為美國讀者們介紹了幾種中國蔬菜,還有教讀者們種菜做菜的方式。她在書中用了濃墨重彩來描述她的家庭背景,家父的中國山東移民身份,還有他熟練的園藝技巧。Wendy還會記錄一些關於園藝、健康與飲食以及家庭的文章在她的博客 greenishthumb.com 上。

Wendy says:

"I』m so excited to be publishing this book at this time. I』m finding that gardeners have tried bok choy and maybe a couple other Asian vegetables, but there is a vast amount they have yet to know, and I』m happy to share my knowledge with the world."


"I also think the family stories, short cultural notes, and other tidbits will interest readers who want to learn more about Chinese culture as well."


One interesting aspect of the book is shown when Wendy talks about connecting to her Chinese roots through her Shandongese fathers garden in the USA:


"Growing up, my sister and I would eavesdrop on adults in our family telling hushed tales of the harsh life my father lived in China. On the rare occasion, one of us would be brave enough to ask about some of the details—about the village, or maybe about our grandmother, who died before we were born. We never got the details we longed for. As a self-made man, a true American success story, my father believed the details from those difficult long-ago days were better left untold. They were simply too hard for a stoic, proud man to tell."


"I remember one summer day, when I had already been tending my own garden for several years, my father and I quietly sat on stools on his driveway, doing some laborious chore such as cutting the hearts out of bamboo shoots. I decided to break the silence by asking him if he had any tips about a particular vegetable I was planning to grow. He gave me some advice on how to grow the vegetable, but then he began telling me a story about the unique ways he used to grow and store his harvests in China."


"Finally, I was learning details about the past and gaining a true picture about life in China—albeit about the garden at first. I began to rely on this trick to learn more about his past."


Like Wendy, I also found food to be a poignant way of opening the doors of communication, and an inroad to understanding another culture more deeply. As a newcomer to China several years ago, a vast majority of my earliest conversations- especially when I was struggling to use Chinese to converse with others- centered around food. In fact, my first task, after I had set my mind on learning Chinese, was to memorize the menu of a local restaurant.


I discovered that food and eating was the topic which generated the most curiosity from my students and friends. They wanted to know everything about my opinions on Chinese food, and the differences between Western and Chinese dishes.


Everybody eats. So talking about food is great way to break down barriers and get people talking to one another. How many friendships and romantic relationships have begun over this simple topic?


If you have any food-related thoughts or questions, please dont hesitate to share them in the comments section!








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