

來自專欄 心理雜記

這段演講是美國作家David Brooks給芝加哥大學2017屆畢業生的一段分享,最後五分鐘的內容讓我特別觸動和感動,所以記錄下來,放在這裡,給剛好有機會看到的人。如果你也會感到觸動,那麼這段內容多半可以提高你餘生的幸福感。


芝加哥大學畢業演講 by David Brooks

(David Brooks 是一位作家、評論家,紐約時報的專欄作者。)


Let me finish by speaking very briefly about what the University of Chicago did not give to me.


In my era, and maybe today, Chicago did not prepare its students for intimacy.


As Ive grown older, Ive come to see that the capacity for intimacy, is one of the more crucial talents for a fulfilling life.


Thats because the primary challenges of life are not knowledge challenges, they are motivational challenges. Its not only knowing what is good, but being completely and passionately devoted and loving what is good.


Its about passionately loving your spouse and family, in a way that brings out their loveliness. Its about loving your vocation with fierce dedication. Its about loving your community with a serving heart. Its about loving your philosophy or your God with a humble fervor.


A fulfilled life is moving from open options to sweet compulsions. Its about saying no to a thousand things, so you can say a few big yeses to the things you are deeply bound to. Its about loving things so much that you are willing to chain yourself down to them. The things you chain yourself to are the things that set you free.


And it is not only loving Platonically. Its actually and intimately living out the day to day realities of your fiece love. Its about having the courage to engage in the reciprocal cycle of ever greater vulnerability. Its about enduring faithfully when there is some crisis, and you are not sure you believe in this relationship, this career, or this institution. Its about forgiveness for the betrayals committed against you and asking forgiveness when you have let down your friends or your profession or your spouse.


When you make an intimate connection to a spouse, a friend, a profession or a community or faith, you are as Leon Wieseltier puts, "consenting to be trully known, which is an ominous prospect".

當你和伴侶、和朋友、和你的事業、和你身邊的社群、或者和你的信念,保持著親密的連結的時候, 就像 Leon Wieseltier說得那樣,即使這樣做前途未卜,但仍然寧願以真誠的自我面對別人、面對世界。

And so one needs the skills of intimacy to live well in such close proximity. One needs the skills of intimacy to achieve the kind of fusion that leads to real joy--when a couple become one loving entity, when you and your vocation have merged into a single identity, when your love for your God or your philosophy is a complete surrender.

What I am describing here are emotional arts. They are not natural, but have to be acquired by repeated vulnerability, commitment and experience.


When I was here at Chicago, we students by and large did not excel at intimacy. We were artful dodgers, with a superb ability to slip out of situations at moments when deep heart to heart connection might come. We were in the business at age 20 or 21 of trying to make a good impression, so of course we werent going to show the unattractive sides of ourselves, which is an absolute prerequisite of intimacy.


We were busy with our work and our books and student activities, and we told ourselves idiotically, that we didnt have time for deep relationships. We too often approach each other, shrouded in what Candace Volger calls an ediface of thought, when confronted with uncertainty or difficulty, we tended to revert to our strengths, which were our IQs and our thinking and talking skills.

我們當時忙著學業、忙著看書、忙著參加學生活動,年少無知地告訴自己,沒有時間去發展什麼深層的關係。 我們經常在互相接近時帶著一種Candace Volger所說的--「思維的面具」,一旦遭遇了困難或者不確定感,就紛紛逃回到自己擅長的慣性方式中去,用智商、思維和談話技巧來掩蓋自己的驚慌。

We sought to be masters of our life, rather than surrendering to emotions which are so much our of our control. And the university didnt help. The atmosphere at Chicago then was emotionally avoidant from the top down.


Too much of life was defined by what could be discussed in the classroom, and everything else just fell by the wayside. There wasnt enough dancing and drinking, or any of the other activities that make diffidence possible. There wasnt enough joint physical activity.


Too much emphasis was put on scholarship and professionalism, and those things were defined by a pose of detachment, specialization, critical thinking, aloofness and a mythical belief in cool reasoning.


Too much time was spent studying, which is solitary activity.Too much of student life was oriented around the Reg, and not because couples were fooling around in the stacks.


I left Chicago better at reading books than at reading people. I did not have the eyes to see the beauty in people who were so open hearted that they have nothing particularly interesting to say. I did not know how to handle the deepest and scariest intimacies.Im hoping I am a little better. I have had some graduate tutors in this.


Life will offer you a diminishing number of opportunities to show how smart you are. It will offer an infinite number of occations that require kindness, mercy, grace, sensitivity, sympathy, generosity and love. Life will require that you widen your repertoire of emotions, that you throw yourself heading into other people, that you take the curriculum of intimacy. If you havent mastered it yet, I ask you to turn to this task intentionally now.


So Im asking one final thing of you members of the Class of 2017. Tomorrow you will graduate. And that is a great accomplishment. But before you do, I hope that tonight, you will do one thing to cap you education. Go to the Regenstein with a special friend in you life. Find a spot deep in the stacks, where Nietzsches The Death of Tragedy is found. But do not open the book. Take off some of your clothes and fool around. Thank you and God bless you!



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