

來自專欄 動物君


When you

think of how large the world is, you』ll notice how much of it is covered in

water. While there are millions of different life forms in the water the most

powerful is the plankton. since plankton is at the bottom on of the food chain

it is very important, if the plankton would die out it would create a domino

effect which would wipe out all life in the water.


plankton appear in huge areas of the ocean and are very common in warmer

waters, lagoons and narrow openings to the seas, where the plankton will drift

into, this causes the plankton to be trapped in specific parts of the world.

Meaning if you go to these parts of the world at the right time you will see

the luminous plankton.

One of the

more beautiful sights you can see on the coast of 15 places which are

· Australia

– Cairns, Gippsland Lakes

· United

States - Manasquan Beach, Mission Bay, Torrey Pines Beach, Cortez

· Caribbean

– Luminous Lagoon (Jamaica), Mosquito Bat (Puerto Rico)

· Asia

– Bali (Indonesia), Halong Bay (Vietnam), Ton Sai (Thailand), Toyama Bay


· Europe

– Zeebrugge (Belgium), Norfolk (UK), Reethi Beach (Maldives)

The sight

that you will is that the water will turn into electric blue, of course you

will only see this at night but it is worth taking a trip at night to see this

beauty. Most of the places that have the luminous [plankton have turned into

holiday resorts, so this means you can take trips to see these and able enjoy

the rest of the country. My tip would be to look at the 15 spots listed and

find the country that will interest you the most and enjoy the days and relax

on the beach at night enjoying the water turn into electric blue colour.

what causes

the plankton to turn luminous?


have a chemical in them called luciferins and when a catalysis called

luciferase interact with the plankton it sets of an oxidation reaction, this

light that the plankton let off is called cold light, meaning that the light

that they give off does not produce any heat at all, this give off the

bio-luminous glow and can be seen in serval forms of plankton in the world. Scientist

have discovered that the plankton glow because of the stress, which is a shame

because of the relaxing effect it gives to people watching the plankton.


creatures in the deep ocean have this luminous effect but use it for a defence,

since the deep ocean is so dark a flash of blue light will blind and knock out

any predator that is close. Predators also use this

luminous effect to attack fish that might think what is in front of them is a

bit of plankton or a small fish but really is a lure in front of some very

sharp teeth.





· 澳大利亞——凱恩斯,吉普斯蘭湖

· 美國——馬納斯寬海灘,米申灣,多利松海灘,科爾斯特

· 加勒比海——牙買加、波多黎各

· 亞洲——巴厘島(印度尼西亞),下龍灣(越南),通賽灣(泰國),富山灣(日本)、瑞提海灘(馬爾地夫)

· 歐洲——澤布呂赫(比利時),諾福克(英國)、






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