我們為什麼要抹防晒霜?| 外刊精讀

我們為什麼要抹防晒霜?| 外刊精讀

來自專欄 英語外刊精讀




Most of us think of the Sun as our friend. It helps plants grow, keeps us warm, and who doesnt love to lie on the beach on a sunny day? But for all of its good qualities, the Sun can also be harmful in large amounts. Thats why we invented sunscreen.


  • quality 品質 be of poor / good / high etc quality Much of the land was of poor quality.很多土地質量都很差。(quality 的用法很廣泛,在表達好處、優點時,除了advantage等辭彙外,可以多使用good qualities ,讓句子表達更多樣性,此外,在表達「生活質量」含義時,只能用quality of life,不能用living quality』 or 或 『life quality』)
  • in large amounts 大量地,大批地
  • sunscreen 防晒霜;防晒油

The purpose of sunscreen is to shield the body from the Suns ultraviolet rays, which have several harmful effects, including sunburn, aging, and skin cancer promotion. These rays are separated by their different wave lengths, into types such as UVA and UVB, which exert a variety of effects in the skin due to the absorption patterns of chromophores, the parts of the molecules responsible for their color.


  • shield...from 保護,保衛: ☆ import tariffs that shield firms from foreign competition保護企業免受外國競爭威脅的進口關稅
  • ultraviolet 紫外(線)的: ultraviolet radiation / rays 紫外線輻射
  • wave lengths 波長
  • exert 施加〔影響力〕 ☆ Environmental groups are exerting pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws.環境保護組織在向政府施加壓力,要求強化污染法規。
  • chromophores 發色團(發色團是分子中與顏色有關的部分。 當分子吸收某特定可見光的波長射出或反射其他波長的光時會產生顏色)

The primary two chromophores are hemoglobin, found in our red blood cells and melanin, which gives our skin its pigment. We know that UVB rays cause the skin to burn. The role of UVA rays is less well understood and appears to have an effect on our tanning response, carcinogenesis, and aging.

兩種主要的色基發色團是血紅蛋白,存在於紅血球以及黑色素中,它使我們的皮膚產生色素。我們知道 UVB 會導致皮膚晒傷,但對 UVA 射線的作用的了解還不夠全面,它會引發照射反應,導致皮膚癌變,以及衰老。

  • hemoglobin 血紅蛋白(俗稱血色素,(縮寫︰Hb或Hgb)是高等生物體內負責運載氧的一種蛋白質。)
  • pigment 色素 (是能使物體染上顏色的物質,有時稱顏料)
  • tan (使)〔皮膚〕晒黑: ☆ ?She has a pale skin which doesnt tan easily.她的膚色很白,不容易被晒黑。
  • carcinogenesis 癌病變

So, how does the sunscreen protect us from these rays? There are two basic types of sunscreen, physical and chemical blockers.


Physical blockers, like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, reflect the Suns rays by acting as a physical barrier. If youve seen lifeguards with noses covered in white, then you know what this looks like. The same ingredients are primary components of diaper creams, where the goal is also to create a physical barrier. Historically, they havent always been easy to apply and were conspicuously visible on the skin, but new formulations have made this less of an issue.


  • Physical blockers 物理阻擋劑(結合上下文,可知是指防晒霜,外刊文章偏愛同義表達多樣化,因此我們要平時多積累,在寫作中表達要多樣化)
  • lifeguards 救生員、警衛
  • component 成分 [+ of ] ?each component of their work他們工作的每個部分
  • diaper creams 尿片霜。痱子粉
  • Historically 歷史上地(文中的翻譯很巧妙,結合)
  • conspicuously 顯著地,明顯地;
  • 【寫作推薦】but new formulations have made this less of an issue.但新的配方已經減少了以上的問題了。很好的寫作句型:XXXX have made this less of an issue【來,跟我一起讀三遍】

Chemical blockers, on the other hand, absorb the Suns rays. They deteriorate more quickly than physical sunscreens because their ability to absorb the Sun diminishes. Generally, these are more transparent when rubbed on the skin, but some people develop allergic reactions to some of the chemicals.


  • Chemical blockers:化學防晒(與上文的Physical blockers 同理)
  • deteriorate 惡化,變壞,退化
  • rub
  • allergic 對…過敏的

Regardless of the type of sunscreen, all are subjected to testing to determine their sunburn protection factor, or SPF. This is essentially a measure of the protection that the sunscreen will provide from UVB rays before one begins to burn. But even if you dont burn, you still need to use sunscreen because unless you live in a cave, youre not immune to the effects of the Sun. It is true that darker skinned people and those who tan easily have more built-in protection from sunburns, but they are still vulnerable to the effects of UVA.

不論是哪種防晒霜型態,所有的防護產品都需要經由測試來決定能防止晒傷的防晒係數,就是我們常見的 SPF。判斷防護能力的主要辦法是防晒霜能在被晒傷前阻隔 UVB。但即使你並未感到皮膚燒燙,你仍須使用防晒霜。因為除非你住在洞穴里,不然你對太陽所產生的影響沒有免疫力。事實上,皮膚比較黝黑的人和那些容易晒黑的人,比較不容易被晒傷。不過他們仍然無法倖免於 UVA 帶來的傷害。

  • Regardless of 不顧,不管,不論
  • be subjected to 受到…;經受…
  • cave 洞穴,窯洞
  • vulnerable 易受傷害的





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