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A Supercar in SUV Clothing(Test-driving the Urus)

原文:Hannah Elliott,《彭博商業周刊》4月30日刊




「You must have a vision, or you have nothing,」 says Maurizio Reggiani, head of R&D for Automobili Lamborghini SpA, who was in Rome in mid-April to announce the brand』s latest SUV, the Urus, its first since the 「Rambo Lambo」 LM002 was released in 1986.

「你必須有一個願景,否則你什麼都不會有,」蘭博基尼的研發中心主管Maurizio Reggiani說。他於4月中旬在羅馬宣布了該品牌的最新款SUV——「Urus」,這是自1986年「Rambo Lambo」LM002上市之後該品牌的首個SUV車型。

This vision, put simply, is to make more money. The Volkswagen AG subsidiary needs to add affluent families, millennials, and women to the ranks of the power-hungry gentlemen drivers it has historically attracted. Last year, Lamborghini sold fewer than 3,900 units worldwide of its two models, the Huracán and Aventador. At full production, the SUV will almost double that number, strengthening Lamborghini』s position as VW moves to bundle some of its iconic brands into a new internal product group called 「Super-Premium.」

簡單地說,這個願景,就是賺更多的錢。大眾汽車公司(Volkswagen AG)的子公司需要把富裕的家庭、千禧一代和女性都加入到那些渴望權力的紳士們的行列中來,而這正是蘭博基尼歷來所吸引的人群。去年,蘭博基尼在全球發行的兩款車型——Huracan和Aventador的銷量低於3900輛,在全面生產的情況下,SUV的銷量將接近這個數字的兩倍。因為大眾集團將一些標誌性品牌捆綁到一個名為「超級溢價」的新內部產品集團中,SUV銷量的增加將提高蘭博基尼在整個大眾集團內部的地位。

Lamborgini Huracan

Although the Urus follows utility vehicles from rivals such as Bentley, Lamborghini is hoping sales will support its less profitable models, much the way Porsche introduced the Cayenne SUV in 2002 and 「saved」 its 911 model from extinction. Numbers don』t lie. Sales of all luxury SUVs were up more than 20 percent in March from a year earlier. Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, and Mercedes-Maybach are the last holdouts in the segment, and all four have SUV plans in the works.


Lamborghini Aventador Roadster

The $200,000 Urus certainly brings the heat, with seven all-terrain drive modes, seating for as many as five, roomier cargo space—and a zero-to-60 mph sprint time of 3.6 seconds. Imagine it as the love child of a Countach and the LM002: a 4.0-liter V8 engine with 641 horsepower and 627 pound-feet of torque, the most of any SUV today. Top speed is 189 mph.

這款定價20萬美元的Urus(國內初步報價約為:313萬元人民幣)當然帶來了熱度:它有7種全地形驅動模式,可容納5人的座位,更寬敞的貨艙空間,百公里加速只需3.6秒。想像一下,它是蘭博基尼Countach(中置引擎超級跑車)和LM002(越野車)愛的結晶: 搭載了一台4.0T V8雙渦輪增壓發動機,最大輸出功率為478kW(650Ps),最大扭矩為850Nm,超越了目前所有SUV:最高時速305km/h。

Racing around a track in Italy, the Urus grips each corner in an iron fist; it barrels down the straights with an intensity previously reserved for supercars. You can feel the rear wheels adjusting as you slide out of each corner; braking comes hard and fast.


And yes, the guttural roar of the Urus will more than adequately announce your status as the enfant terrible of grocery runs and school pickups. Interiors are smooth enough to balance the raw power, with a foot-long touchscreen and optional sunroof—plus, you can finally see out the back, although there are some blind spots directly over your shoulder. It』s telling that 68 percent of preorders are to 「conquest buyers,」 or those who don』t yet own a Lamborghini.


Test-driven on sandy and rocky dirt roads—what you may find on a remote country estate—it handles like any other top SUV thanks to all-wheel drive, four-wheel steering, and torque vectoring, even if each clunk or potential scratch wracks your nerves. Unlike a typical Lambo, it has some clearance, as much as 9.8 inches. But even with adaptive air suspension, the Urus is among the lowest-riding SUVs available.


Then again, taking this brawny auto off-road isn』t the idea. You buy this car, or a Bentley Bentayga or Mercedes AMG G Wagon, to access all the power and performance of a storied, respected brand in a rig that sits high on the road and is big enough to fit friends and children and, yes, even baggage for road trips, particularly if the seats are down. There are even four cup holders—a miracle! Compared to the $460,000 Aventador, the Urus is the best way to get a lot of Lamborghini for your money.

另外,這輛肌肉車的主打理念並不是越野。你買這輛車,或者賓利添越或者賓士AMG G Wagon,是為了享受傳奇的功能和性能、受人尊敬的知名品牌、高坐在路邊、足夠大、適合帶朋友和孩子。如果把座椅放下來,還很適合道路旅行。甚至還有4個杯架(完美!)。與46萬美元的Aventador相比,Urus是你最值得入手的一款蘭博基尼。

Lamborgini Countach

Initial interest is on track, according to Stefano Domenicali, chief executive officer of Lamborghini. The Urus is sold out for two years following its June debut, and 18 percent of those on order are to be painted the company』s traditional screaming yellow hue. A hybrid version is on the way.

蘭博基尼首席執行官Stefano Domenicali表示,對此車的興趣在不斷增長。預計首發車將於今年6月出廠,後面2年的訂單也都已經訂滿,其中18%的訂單車將被塗上該公司傳統的「尖叫黃」色。一款混合動力車即將面世。

It』s all coalescing into a rather clear message from Lamborghini that』s echoing across the pastures of northern Italy: Ferrari, your move.





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