




1. identity evidence 身份證明

1.1 passport 護照,我當時是掃描了首頁和印有我個人詳細信息的那頁,加起來一共兩頁。

1.2 national ID card 身份證,需要英文翻譯版,這個簡單,在百度上找一個模板,照著翻譯過來就行,不需要蓋章公證的。

1.3 birthcertificate 出生證明,這個需要到戶口所在地的辦理,開一個證明之後拿到公證處公證,一般縣裡的公證處是不辦理英文的公證,需要拿到市裡去辦理,反正我當時的情況是這樣的。因為我的戶口地址是某某村,所以我是到村委員開的證明,蓋好村章,在拿到鎮政府蓋個鎮章。

1.4 photograph 登記證,我用的是白色的,大小是35*45mm

2. health insurance 保險證明

2.1 Certificate of Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC),就是你賣保險後,他們發到你郵箱的東西

3. Employment History Evidence,工作證明

3.1 Resume 英文的簡歷,這個自己隨意

4. Intended Study Evidence,計劃的學習證明,

4.1 Letter of offer 就是你的unconditional offer

5. Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement Evidence, 一系列證明你去這個國家沒有任何問題的材料

5.1 Letter Statement for Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirement,這個我是自己寫的,大致包括這四項

Brief introduction of PhD research project

Research and study schedule

Reasons why I go to Australia and University of Melbourne

Academic ability and career planning after returning to China

5.2 No Criminal Record Certificate 無犯罪記錄證明,需要到戶口所在地的派出所辦理,之後拿到公證處公證,可以與出生證明一起辦理。

5.3 CoE Certificate,這個是你拿到unconditional offer之後填好offer上的東西,買好保險後向學校換來的。

5.4 Sponsorship Certificate from CSC CSC的資助證明,英文版

5.5 Scholarship from UniMelb, 墨爾本大學與CSC合作的獎學金

5.6 Academic Transcript of Bachelor Degree,本科成績單,英文,不需要公證

5.7 Academic Transcript of Masters Degree,碩士成績單,英文,不需要公證

5.8 Evidence of completion of Bachelor,本科畢業證書和學位證書,英文版,不需要公證

5.9 Evidence of completion of Masters,同上


5.10 IELTS雅思成績單

5.11 Research Proposal 英文的研修計劃

5.12 Form 80,在移民局下載填寫,可以直接填寫電子版,然後列印,但是不知道為什麼上面凡是涉及到日期的地方填不了,所以我將其他的填好,列印出來,填寫所有的日期,然後再掃描的。內容如實填寫就好,好像也沒有特別的嚴,因為我當時有些內容為了省事沒有填,或者填的「無」。

5.13 Form 1221,同上

5.14 Cover Letter,就是給簽證官寫一封信,大致內容是你把提交的材料一一列出來


打開這個網頁ImmiAccount - Login,點擊左下角的create immiaccount註冊一個新的賬號


點擊 new application

選擇學生簽證student -student visa (500)


1.Current location,一般我們都是在國內就開始申請的,所以選擇China

Legal status, 選citizen

2.Does the applicant hold a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) for any intended course of study in Australia? YES 並添加詳細詳細信息

3.Does the applicant hold evidence of their intended study in Australia other than a CoE? NO 這個我剛開始填的是YES,準備上傳我的offer上的信息,但是但是但是後面有一個提示:Note: Do not add a Letter of offer for a course that has already been included in the Confirmation of enrolment section above. Adding a CoE and a Letter of offer for the same course is unnecessary and may lead to delays in processing the application.千萬別加上你的OFFER,說是會delay你的申請的

4.Education sector 我是攻讀博士學位,所以當然是postgraduate research sector

5.Is the applicant applying for this visa due to the closure of their Australian education provider? 一定是NONONO

6.Is the applicant receiving partial or full funding under a training scheme approved by the Commonwealth government of Australia?這裡我開始選的是YES,結果填錯了,導致我後面不用付簽證的錢(笑哭)。如果你是拿到了全獎就選YES,如果其他情況則選NO



7.Does this applicant have other identity documents? 這裡選YES,然後上傳你的出生證明上面的信息

8.Enter name in Chinese Commercial Code 不用填

9.Has this applicant undertaken a health examination for an Australian visa in the last 12 months? 如果你是提前體檢的就選YES,填上你的HAP ID,如果你還沒體檢,選NO,申請提交後你就可以下載文件你就拿著你的HAP ID去體檢好了。我是第一申請的時候還沒體檢,申請提交後拿著HAP ID去體檢,後來第一次申請填錯了我又重新申請,第二次的時候我就選的是YES。

10.Are there any accompanying members of the family unit included in this application? 如果你要申請陪讀,這裡就要選YES了,如果只有你自己一個人,填NO

11.The applicant may be required to attend an Australian Government Office for an interview. Which is

the closest office to the applicant』s current location?


12.Residential address in Australia 還沒確定就不用填

13Contact telephone numbers in Australia同上

14.Does the applicant authorise another person to receive written correspondence on their behalf?


15.Does the applicant have any members of their family unit that have not already been included as an

Accompanying member of the family unit in this application?


16.Does the applicant have any parents or siblings in or outside Australia?


17.Give details to support the applicants ability to meet the criteria and ensure supporting documents are attached:


18.Do all applicants in this application confirm that they each have access to sufficient funds to support

themselves for the total period of stay in Australia and understand that further evidence of funds may

also be requested?


我是CSC資助的,所以選的other organisation scholarship


關於Organisation address,你CSC資助證明的底部會有的

接下來是Health insurance,你已經買了保險,所以把信息填上就好




19.Has the applicant successfully completed at least five years study (in the English language) in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom and/or United States of America?

In the two years before applying for the Student visa, has the applicant successfully completed the requirements for a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (conducted in English in Australia)?

In the two years before applying for the Student visa, has the applicant successfully completed the requirements for a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (conducted in English in Australia)?


20.Health declarations這裡所有的問題應該都是NO,特殊情況除外,可以自己仔細閱讀後再填

21.Health declarations這裡所有的問題應該都是NO,特殊情況除外,可以自己仔細閱讀後再填

22.Student declarations,這裡所有的都填YES


24.Australian values,這是最後一項,

Each applicant who is 18 years or over has read, or had explained to them, information provided by the Australian Government on Australian society and values, and agrees to the Australian values statement. 當然YES


祝大家申請順利,如果有不清楚的可以加我微信 CharmaineandSareph


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