

來自專欄 胡言英語




歌名是 The Misty Mountain,電影里只出現了一段,後來Peter Hollens翻唱的版本里又多唱了幾段。全文是這樣的(從紙質Hobbits裡面手動輸入):

Far over the misty mountains cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away ere break of day,

To seek the pale enchanted gold.

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,

While hammers fell like ringing bells

In places deep, where dark things sleep,

In hollow halls beneath the fells.

For ancient king and elvish lord

There many a gleaming golden hoard

They shaped and wrought, and light they caught

To hide in gems on hilt of sword.

On silver necklaces they strung

The flowering stars, on crowns they hung

The dragon fire, in twisted wire

They meshed the light of moon and sun.

Far over the misty mountain cold,

To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away ere break of day,

To claim our long-forgotten gold.

Goblets they carved there for themselves

And harps of gold; where on man delves

There lay they long, and many a song

Was sung unheared by men of elves.

The pines were roaring on the height,

The winds were moaning in the night,

The fire was red, it flaming spread;

The trees like torches blazed with light.

The bells were ringing in the dale

And men looked up with faces pale;

The dragon』s ire more fierce than fire

Laid low their towers and houses frail.

The mountain smoked beneath the moon;

The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.

They fled their hall to dying fall

Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.

Far over the misty mountains grim,

To dungeons deep and caverns dim,

We must away ere break of day,

To win our harps and gold from him.

全詩由三段「Far over…」引領,分成三部分。第一部分講矮人過去的富饒生活。其中第二段講得是綜述。先說過去的矮人用刀劈斧鑿創造了巨大的地下文明。Yore意為「過去」,屬於文語 (Longman),也就是比較古雅的說法。Fell在這裡的意思應該是山,Longman顯示它是有這個意思的,應該是個比較特別的用法,多用於英格蘭北方山丘 (Longman),和矮人的生活習慣,整本書意圖營造的文化氛圍都是契合的。

第三段集中筆墨描寫矮人的創造力。全文先是讚美了矮人的領袖和他們的巨大財富,之後描寫他們勤勞工作的場面。Wrought 為work舊時的過去式 (Longman),「light they caught to hide in gems…」實際上是一個倒裝,直譯就是「將光注入(hide in)劍柄上的寶石里」,形容矮人高超的工藝技術。


然而,讓我們回到第一段,如此富足的民族,其歌謠卻又如此悲壯,這是為什麼?第一段裡面這麼幾個意象在後來反覆出現,「dungeon(地牢)」,「cavern(洞穴)」,「ere break of day(黎明之前,ere也是一個比較古雅的詞,等於before (Longman))」,「gold」。最後一個相信看了前面的解讀都知道是什麼了,沒錯,gold就是矮人創造出來的巨大財富。Dungeon和cavern,我認為說的是矮人的老家,因為前面用得詞是「to」,表示目的,而從後面可以看出,矮人的老家被龍佔領了,所以變成了地牢,洞穴。



The pines were roaring on the height,

The winds were moaning in the night,

The fire was red, it flaming spread;

The trees like torches blazed with light.

The bells were ringing in the dale

And men looked up with faces pale;

The dragon』s ire more fierce than fire

Laid low their towers and houses frail.

The mountain smoked beneath the moon;

The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.

They fled their hall to dying fall

Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.






顯然,翻譯的有些用力過猛了。這裡的用語有一種很神奇的力量,就是之前提到的strong verb的力量。簡單來說,就是英語裡面一些動詞可以表示很豐富的意思,而這些動詞,尤其是那些來自本族語的strong verb,往往簡短有力,有一種「平凡之中見功夫」的美感。看看前一段,體會一下選詞。Roaring和moaning,用擬人渲染惡龍來襲時萬物燥動的不詳之兆,能讓人彷彿聽出大災大難之前風在吼,樹在叫的壓抑,充滿壓迫感的情景。隨後是大火燃燒的場景。大火四處蔓延,樹木猶如火炬閃耀火光。不妨看一下這裡的韻律,不僅是句末,還有roaring對moaning,flaming 對blazed。

後面一段就是災禍自身了,講史矛革來的時候人們四處逃亡,面色蒼白,史矛革則在怒其中將他們frail(脆弱,這段詞裡面有很多定語後置的現象,應該是托爾金意在模仿古代英文民謠的一些特點)的房屋一個個推到。Ire(怒氣,書面語 (Longman),和irritate同源 (Merriam Webster))和fire的諧音組合還是很有意思的,畢竟龍的怒火就是火嘛。

第三段是矮人逃亡的場景。Tramp(不是Trump!!!)意為沉重的腳 步 (Longman)(又是選詞的技巧,比通常的heavy steps不知道高到哪裡去了),放在這裡,不妨想像一下一個叫DOOM的人(相信大家都知道這個詞,表示不可避免的厄運 (Longman))大魔頭步幅沉重地走過來,大概這個樣子:(圖片出自星爺的《濟公》)

最後來說說重複出現的幾段。前兩次出現幾乎完全相同,最後一次cold變成了grim,old變成dim。Grim而最後一句對黃金的修飾動作從「seek」變成「claim」再到「win」。大家都知道「claim」有宣稱斷言的意思,但其實還有「索要」的意思(to officially demand or receive money from an organization because you have a right to it (Longman)),然後大家很容易就能體會到其中的情感變化了。



Longman. Dictionary of Contemporary English.

Merriam Webster. Collegiate Dictionary.


For dire ages ve you been entombed,

in my agony, of fake aplomb.

Necropolis, blocking lament my own,

s consuming my visage so forlorn

that even you, cannot know.

Drifted you the window where youd combed

into my dream, and came you alone.

Sorrows remained, while elergies were gone.

Under tis wailing pine and pale moon,

annually, shall I mourn.


entomb: "en"到tomb裡面,自然就是埋葬的意思。

aplomb: 淡定,沉著

necropolis: 墳場

forlorn: (longman) seeming lonely and unhappy. 愁苦的,孤苦伶仃

visage: 面容(longman)


In chilly autumn,

above northward water,

on sands alone,

seeing mountains and woods

all soaked in fire,

and ships are racing

across sapphire,

hawks are soaring

and fish are gliding

boldly in the unshackled world,

I inquire,

of this cosmos,

who is the Lord?

Here I and comrades once came,

at the age of dense epic and poems,

when chests were charged up,

with lavish vigor,

and profuse and keen


when the nations falling

and words are roaring,

inhuming the lords of corrupted realm.

Admist the river

that once we stirred,

ripples move all.

sapphire: 藍寶石



Briskly drifting over the street,

As a piece of slight snowflake,

Im seeking her feeblest trace.

See it? See it? See it?

The traces are lying on the ground.

See it? See it? See it?

The traces are leading me forward,

To no valley as cold as death,

No mountain dismal as night sky,

No wandering on no vacant road,

to no forsaken vacant site.

Flying am I deftly across the air.

Her lovely neat yard is in my sight.

Following her, Im

Waiting for her even a glance cast to the yard.

Feel it? Feel it? Feel it?

Ah, redolence of crimson plum on her.

Feel it? Feel it? Feel it?

Ah, redolence of crimson plum on her.

Weightlessly, gently Im falling,

Soundlessly on the edge of her collar,

Into her ethereal bosom.

Melting, melting, melting I am,

Into her ethereal bosom.

Melting, melting, melting I am,

Into her ethereal bosom.

ethereal: ether就是臭名昭著的」以太「啦。ethereal就是」以太似的「,也就是。。。這種玄妙的意思大家意會。

bosom: 為了不被當作小h文此處拒絕翻譯,自行查閱


東坡肘子先生的」江城子 十年生死兩茫茫「,毛主席」沁園春 長沙「,徐志摩的雪花的快樂


雪花的快樂 http://www.iqiyi.com/w_19rrrrpjm5.html

This is us第九集打卡09

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