

來自專欄 動物君


As humans, we see ourselves being better then animals and not having animal』s instinct

anymore, although we still act like animals even though we don』t think about

it. These are some of the animal』s behaviours we still manage to have and we

have found these through watching other animal』s behaviours.

Group dynamic

When there is a group of mixed people something strange can happen, when the group of same

number of males and females, nothing will have happened but when there is only

one male or one female, with a group of the opposite sex something happens the

lone person.

This can be seen in the work environment, if there is one woman in the work place

surrounded by men, even though she would be an average looking woman in public

in the offices she will look above average. This is mainly because we see the

same sex around the woman, the woman must have something that attracts the men that she becomes more

desirable and a competition will start to gain her attention.

Since we know that this works, tv producers also use in on tv shows to make the cast

more appealing, they will have a male who is always dating many woman or lives

in a woman』s environment, which in turn makes him more appealing to the female

audiences. But if this person was put in a tv show with a group of men with no

females his sex appeal would be lowered since woman would have more men to look


This is seen in the animal』s kingdom, when there are many females and less males, the

males won』t have any competition but the females will choose who to mate with,

but if there are many males and less females, the males will have competition

to see who they will mate with and the females won』t have a choice of who they

will mate with.

Peacocking theory

We all know what type of bird a peacock is, it』s a bird that has a giant tail and such

beautiful that it is hard to not to notice. This can also be seen in humans

when looking for a partner, this is mainly done to stand out in large crowds.

the aim is to make yourself look different from everyone else so a person from

the opposite sex will notice you more and remember you. This will be done

wearing clothes that might be bright or very appealing to the eye. with more

people the around the different and more outlandish styles must be used.

This can be seen in the animal kingdom, when animals are looking for a mate, they will

learn a song or they will cover them self in flowers to make themselves stand

out. We can see this in trends in fashion though the ages, fashion trends will

change as sexual preferences will change with every generations, so different

styles of clothes will change with each generation of human.














TAG:獸性 | 本能 | 群體心理 |