Artable對話藝術家 | Frak51 威尼斯一家人的手工藝與中國的情緣

Artable對話藝術家 | Frak51 威尼斯一家人的手工藝與中國的情緣

來自專欄 Artable說有些想法就是會在不經意間迸發出來,而Carolina和她媽媽Francessca就是在偶然中找到了一家人想要努力的方向和興趣。


Frak51,Artable入駐手工藝術品牌現由Carolina經營 Carolina威尼斯人,現居中國上海現她和她媽媽一起在經營Frak51品牌她負責運營,她母親負責製作

「So thestory behind Frank51 is actually linked to my mom. 」

我為我媽媽感到驕傲,我想回義大利和她一起設計。我告訴她,她在這裡是有名的,人們很喜歡她的產品,但她依然非常謙虛。對我們來說,現在最主要的是繼續現在的事情,也許我們會做得越來越好。I am super proud of my mom and my idea is to go back to Italy and start helping her and creating something together. Sometimes I tell her that she is famous around here and people like her products, but she stays very humble.For us, the main thing is keep going and who knows, maybe it will grow to something bigger.

故事的開始 | 突然間迸發的靈感

我們住在威尼斯,還常常去法國附近的利古里亞區。 五年前的一次旅行,她打算在當地有名的絲綢廠為爸爸買領帶。她發現工廠有很多丟棄的角料,立即決定買這些布料自己製作東西。最開始做一些耳環和項鏈,主要賣給朋友和一些在威尼斯和當地的其他城區的精品店。那段時間,我人在中國。

We are based in Venice, but often go to Liguria region, region close to France border. Five years ago during one of the trips she decided to pass by a silk factory that is quite famous in this area to buy some ties for my father and she found out that there were a lot of left over pieces that she could buy, she decided to do so and use it for something. The first thing that she made were earrings and then my mom started doing necklaces. After a while we started selling them little by little mainly to our friends and also expanded selling in few boutiques shops in Venice and other cities in the province. At the same time, during this period I was here, in China.

驚喜發展 | 來自中國朋友的喜愛


Last July when I went back to Italy I noticed that her skills really improved, sales were going good and she was enjoying it. So I told my mom: 「Let me bring your works to Shanghai, I think people there are going to like it」. She gave me 13 necklaces that she had left from previous collection. And because I was working for media agency that time, so all I had to do was to post pictures of necklaces that I took in Italy in my WeChat and my colleagues from China started texting me if they could get one or two for themselves. That is why I was already excited before coming back to China and I sold out all of pieces that my mother gave me in less than 1 week.

趁著聖誕節我又讓她給我寄了14條項鏈,不出意外的都銷售一光,主要因為有好的口碑和私下關係。我打算在四月底拿一些夏季的新款,給你們的照片是上一系列的。 After this I asked her to send me other 14 necklaces before Christmas and again I sold it all out, mainly through private contacts and word of mouth. So now I am going to have new summer collection at the end of April, so the ones on the pictures are the last one I have left.

精心的設計 | 用心設計作品


My mom does everything by herself: starting with choosing the material, buying little pearls, picking vintage elements that she has from her mother and grandmother and so on. I think that they are all different and all are very personal, behind each of the products is a story and then I, guess, that for her it is the way to put a bit of her story. Some of them are literally precious because of pearls or expensive buttons, some of elements we bought together in London, so this creative process involve all of our family. Because of traveling and buying elements around the world, I cannot determine one style in her works, it is a mix. For instance, two of recent collections had links to China, because we took some elements that reminded us of China.

創意和精細手工 | 享受創作的過程



Also, all necklaces have names. I think she gives them based on colors, mood, elements that she uses for design, so you can see 「Snail in blue water」, 「Rainbow」, 「Pink Chocolate」 and so on. There is a great job behind every piece, my mom does everything by her own hands, so it is 100% handmade. It takes up to 5 days to create one necklace, and the most difficult part is to design them with limited colors and pieces of silk that she has, as I have already mentioned, all the pieces are left overs, so she cannot chose what she wants, she just purchase the bag with those silk pieces and then mix and match adding new elements.I think the fact that you cannot find two same necklaces is the main reason why people are willing to buy it and of course quality of details and materials is a big reason,too. The materials that she uses are very high quality premium silk, that factories use mainly for male neck ties so the colors are also very different, they can be very bright and playful or they can be very boyish.

個性和品味 | 輕奢時代低調的選擇


At the same time with a great quality, we want to keep price below 1000 RMB. It is not very expensive and not very cheap, so it is affordable for people who want to have something unique. Now 90% of our customers are Chinese, they are mainly business women, independent women with good taste that can buy big brands, but at the same time they like to stand out of the crowd and have something special, that no one else has. They send me pictures of how they mix and match it with Gucci and other famous brands and it looks amazing.



書畫家羅家軒 雄渾凝古意 雅逸見從容

TAG:藝術 | 手工藝 | 威尼斯 |