

  1. 最常見的連貫性問題, 當然是俗稱的跳邏輯

所謂的跳邏輯, 百分之九十都是直接從現象得出結論,沒寫原因

Many young people are fans of TV series and this could influence their personality and behavior.

很多年輕人迷電視連續劇, 這對他們的個性和行為有影響



Many young people are fans of TV series and this could influence their personality and behavior adversely as they tend to blindly initiate the speech, manner and dress of the characters they admire.

2. 錯用連接詞. 學名叫做Fake Coherence, 犯這個錯誤基本上只有一個原因, 曲解了上下句的邏輯關係 (儘管兩句都是自己寫出來的)

On the other hand, the primary function of a school is to deliver academic knowledge and art lessons will encroach on a large amount of time for core subjects, such as mathematics and science.

這裡講的是學校就是要傳授學術知識, 而藝術課會佔用學術課程的時間

這裡的 and, 改成 but 錶轉折更合適, 雖然 and 有時也是可以表示轉折的.但語氣弱了點, 在這裡不如 but

3. 這一種好像從來沒聽人提出來過, 我把它叫做意思表現不充分帶來的不連貫.

Advertisements aimed at children appear in daily life through some public medium, such as tv programs and internet. Thus parents concern about the negative influence to their children from such commercials.

當然, 他用法錯誤很多, 但我們不管這些, 先看意思.

針對兒童的廣告出現在媒體上, 因此父母擔心這些廣告對孩子的影響.

這個粗看起來是沒有邏輯問題的. 但仔細一想, 出現了, 就足以讓家長擔心了嗎? 我覺得程度達 不到.

所以我加了個單詞, ubiquitous, 無所不在的意思, 這樣我覺得就到了讓家長擔心的程度了.

Advertisements aimed at children are ubiquitous on mass media and Internet media. Thus parents are concerned about the negative influence on their children by such commercials.

這篇就到這裡了, 總結一下:


1. 跳邏輯

2. 連接詞使用不當, 又叫Fake Coherence

3. 意思表達不充分造成的不連貫



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