外刊 | 這次,機器人終於有智能了?
來自專欄 達達萬事屋
# 經濟學人 #
April 21st-27th 2018
專欄 | Leaders
Artificial intelligence: The Kamprad test
IKEA furniture and the limits of AI
COMPUTERS have already proved better than people at playing chess and diagnosing diseases. But now a group of artificial-intelligence researchers in Singapore have managed to teach industrial robots to assemble an IKEA chair—for the first time uniting the worlds of Allen keys and Alan Turing. Now that machines have mastered one of the most baffling ways of spending a Saturday afternoon, can it be long before AIs rise up and enslave human beings in the silicon mines?
在棋類對弈和診斷疾病方面,計算機已經證明了自己有強於人類的優勢。世界沒有止步於此,一組來自新加坡的研究團隊已經成功教會機器人組裝宜家的椅子——這是首次用計算機把體能和智能結合了起來(工具「內六角扳手"Allen Keys代表體力活,人工智慧之父"艾倫·圖靈"Alan Turing代表AI)。這確實是「手殘」星人的福利,但是否就意味著不久的將來人工智慧的崛起和奴役人類時代的到來呢?
之前看過斯坦福大學的《機器人學》公開課後才知道原來要讓機器實現類似人類的動作是這般不容易。此課簡直良心課程,涵蓋機器人運動學、動力學、運動規劃、編程及設計等(授課人: Oussama Khatib教授)。
* baffling: making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
The research also holds a serious message. It highlights a deep truth about the limitations of automation. Machines excel at the sorts of abstract, cognitive tasks that, to people, signify intelligence—complex board games, say, or differential calculus. But they struggle with physical jobs, such as navigating a cluttered room, which are so simple that they hardly seem to count as intelligence at all. The IKEAbots are a case in point. It took a pair of them, pre-programmed by humans, more than 20 minutes to assemble a chair that a person could knock together in a fraction of the time.
* differential calculus: 微積分中的微分學(無窮、極限)
* knock together: to produce something quickly and easily
AI researchers call that observation Moravec』s paradox, and have known about it for decades. It does not seem to be the sort of problem that could be cured with a bit more research. Instead, it seems to be a fundamental truth: physical dexterity is computationally harder than playing Go. That humans do not grasp this is a side-effect of evolution. Natural selection has had billions of years to attack the problem of manipulating the physical world, to the point where it feels effortless. Chess, by contrast, is less than 2,000 years old. People find it hard because their brains are not wired for it.
莫拉維克悖論(Moravec』s paradox)
由人工智慧和機器人學者所發現的一個和常識相佐的現象。和傳統假設不同,人類所獨有的高階智慧能力只需要非常少的計算能力,例如推理,但是無意識的技能和直覺卻需要極大的運算能力 (high-level reasoning requires very little computation, but low-level sensorimotor skills require enormous computational resources)。
* dexterity: n. great skill in using your hands or your mind
That is something to bear in mind when thinking about the much-hyped effects of AI and automation, especially as AI moves out of the abstract world of data and information and into the real world of things you can drop on your foot. On April 13th Elon Musk, the boss of Tesla, an electric-car firm, said that the production problems which have dogged his company』s high-tech factory were partly the result of an overreliance on robots and automation. 「Humans are underrated,」 he tweeted. Lots of jobs have physical aspects that robots struggle with. Machines may soon be able to drive delivery vans, for instance. But, at least for now, they could well fail to carry a parcel to a flat at the top of a flight of slippery stairs, especially if the garden was patrolled by a dangerous dog.
* dog: (often passive) to cause trouble for someone over a long period of time
Not such a silly Billy
* silly Billy: [British spoken] a name for someone, especially a child, who is behaving in a silly way
Today』s AI systems are limited in other ways, too. They are pattern-recognition engines, trained onthousands of examples in the hope that the rules they infer will continue to apply in the wider world. But they apply those rules blindly, without a human-like understanding of what they are doing or an ability toimprovise a solution on the spot. Makers of self-driving cars, for instance, worry constantly about how their machines will perform in 「edge cases」—complicated and unusual situations that cannot be foreseen during training.
* improvise: to make something from whatever is available, although it is not what you normally use
* edge case: an edge case is a problem or situation that occurs only at an extreme (maximum or minimum) operating parameter.
Calibrating excitement about AI is tricky. Researchers complain that great progress is quickly forgotten: as soon as a computer can do something, it ceases to count as 「AI」. But those same researchers also tend to be more cautious about the future than many pundits. There is no reason, in principle, why a computer could not one day do everything a human can and more. But that will be the work of decades at least. Furniture-assembly helps explain why.
* pundit: n. someone who is an expert in a subject, and is often asked to talk to the public about that subject
※人工智慧成未來資本領頭羊 是時候轉行了嗎?
※瞄準短視頻紅海 「AI+內容」精準營銷引爆市場