Homosexuality 同性戀-越來越多的年輕同性戀者被他們父母接納和認可


Homosexuality 同性戀

Coming out 出櫃

More gay teenagers are gaining acceptance by their parents



HOMOSEXUALITY was declassifiedas a mental illness in China a decade ago, but prejudice remains deep. So when an editor at the government education department in the city of Hangzhou was compiling a pamphlet recently to help parents guide their children through puberty, she included a warning about 「deviant」 behaviour.


What she may not have expected was an irate open letter in response from a group of mothers of gay children. Eighteen mothers, from all over China, affiliated with Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, an NGO known as PFLAG China, signed the letter. It called for the book to be withdrawn.

然而可能令她意想不到的是:一群子女是同性戀者的母親用一封憤怒的公開信對此做出回應。這些來自全國各地的十八位母親聯合了「同志親友聯合會」(Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays),即一個稱之為「PFLAG中國」的非政府組織,共同簽署了那封信,要求那本手冊下架。

「We』re extremely angry about this,」 one of the signatories says who asked only to be identified by her internet name: Romantic Mum from Hebei. 「Understanding and accepting gay people starts with education,」 she continues. 「But if kids continue to get this kind of education, the prejudice will remain.」

「我們對此感到極度憤怒,」一位要求以其網名「來自河北的浪漫媽媽」註解其身份的簽署人說。「理解和接納同性戀者從教育開始,「 她還說,「但是如果孩子們繼續接受這種教育,那麼偏見會繼續存在。」

The mother says her own 「unsuitable education」 meant that she was devastated when her son came out to her at the age of 15: 「I kept asking myself what I had done wrong in bringing him up.」 But last year, after joining some online discussion groups, she accepted that her son was not going to change. Now she helps run PFLAG』s hotline, which offers advice to parents of gay children.


PFLAG』s director, Hu Zhijun, says that ten years ago very few children came out to their parents. Now, with more information available online, a new generation of gay people are more confident. 「They』re more likely to tell their parents and classmates,」 he says.


The government editor』s response was encouraging too: she invited the volunteers for a chat, apologised for not knowing much about gay people, and said there will be changes in the next edition of the book.


But there is much more to do, says Romantic Mum.Her parents and close friends have been surprisingly accepting of her son』s homosexuality, but the boy』s father has not, and now barely talks to him. And although Mr Hu and his group have recently given talks in universities, schools are more resistant. He estimates that perhaps 10% of gay people in China now tell their parents. Most of the rest still feel they must get married to satisfy their families.






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