


When discussing what makes us different from animals, you』ll always hear that we are so much smarter. While this is true we really got lucky in the way we evolved, although animals are not that far behind us. While the animals have no real interest in

inventing gadgets like us, they use intelligence in their own way that will

allow them to escape predators or catch prey.

Tool use

Animals using tools shows signs of high intelligence, mainly seen in primates and some birds its starting be seen in a lot of animals. While exploring the oceans and

the jungles its becoming more apparent that animals are starting to use tools a

lot more, one of the most shocking was on the new tv show Blue Planet 2. While

filming an octopus that was being stalked by a shark, the octopus gathered and

covered its self in shells to make itself amour and it showed it worked, when

the shark attacked the octopus and the octopus was able to escape while the shark

was confused by the shells.

One of the animals that have seen to be using tools is the crow, while it was thought that crows would use sticks to get what they need they found out that the crow will

bend bits of wire to make their own tools for what they need them for. While most animals will use what ever is

laying around to use, a crow being able to make their own tools shows a very

high intelligence and a clear understanding on how creating your own tools cost

a lot less energy than looking for sticks that fit the purpose of getting food.

An experiment with crows show they have the same intelligence as a 5-year-old

child, one experiment had a tube with water with a piece of food floating

inside the tube. The water wasn』t high enough for the crow to get to it, around

the tube was some weight that the crow could pick up. The crow was never taught

to use the weights although the crow knew that if you put the weights in the

water the water will rise, meaning it will be able to get the floating food.

the experiment had children trying to figure this puzzle out but only children

over 5 years old where able to do the puzzle without being told what to do.

Learning to speak

Communication with animals would be an amazing thing, but since we don』t have the same vocal cords and our outlook in life is so different we would have difficulty communicating and even holding a conversation. so, to do this there has to be a made-uplanguage that both animals and humans can understand each other, this was done in the Language Research Centre Georgia State University. They had a female bonobo called panbanisha who sadly passed away in 2012 due to a cold, panbanisha was able to speak to people using a special bored with a unique language. The boards have small pictures that had meanings on them that allowed

panbanisha make full sentences. She learned over 256 symbols and understand the


She was so good that that when the photographer she was with complimented Panbanisha and told her he would get her a drink, Panbanisha promptly replied 「Coffee, milk, and juice with no ice」. Her ability was also to speak was also able to tell someone about emotions like when expressed her sadness at leaving Kanzi, a male Bonobo who was her companion, out of the game of hide and seek they were playing which would upset him and make him feel left out. With being able to speak with animals we can understand they are more human like and even more intelligent then we believe.










玩個剛想出來的腦筋急轉彎(群里玩過的別劇透 )?

TAG:智力 | 動物 |