
看電影學英語 每日一劇: Pandoras box

二十年前的經典電影,Youve Got mail,現在重看,有一個發現,難怪當年看電影學不好英語!中文翻譯錯得離譜,要不就是按照自己的意思"編劇情"

不找碴,我們重新翻譯,好好學習這部經典愛情電影的英語 - 書信英語

分享電子情書第八幕: When Kelly Met Fox

女主角Kathleen Kelly參加PEN Dinner(國際筆會晚宴),在晚宴上發現Joe原來是超級連鎖書店的創辦人Joe Fox。Kelly上前質問,卻被Joe反咬得遍體麟傷

晚上,NY152(Joe)發郵件給筆友Shopgirl(Kelly),NY152形容自己是邪惡之源"潘多拉的盒子",只要被激怒,他人性的惡毒面一次全跑出來,是卑鄙的小人(Mr. Nasty)

Shopgirl說,她的情況剛好相反,面對低級小人(the bottom-dweller)的攻訐,她一句話都說不出口,因此而輾轉難眠



JOE(V.O.): Do you ever feel youve become the worst version of yourself? That a Pandoras box of all the secret - hateful parts, your arrogance, your spite, your condescension - has sprung open? Someone provokes you, and instead of just smiling and moving on, you zing them? "Hello, its Mr. Nasty." Im sure you have no idea what Im talking about.


KATHLEEN: No, I know what you mean, and Im completely jealous. What happens to me when Im provoked is I get tongue-tied. My mind goes blank. Then I spend all night tossing and turning trying to figure out what I should have said. What should I have said, for example, to the bottom-dweller who recently belittled my existence? (Nothing. Nothing. Even now.) Even now, days later, I cant figure it out.


JOE(V.O.): Wouldnt it be wonderful if I could pass all my zingers to you? Then Id never behave badly and you could behave badly all the time. And wed both be happy. But then, on the other hand, I must warn you that when you finally have the pleasure of saying the thing you mean to

say, the moment you mean to say it, remorse inevitably follows. Do you think we should meet?


KATHLEEN: Meet? Oh, my God.



Verb Master Taiwan


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