
While survival and breeding is the main goals for animals, there is times when

animals must come together to make this goal. This article will talk about some

of the animals that will normally not work together but come to gather in times

of need to help each other. This is

known as mutualism

The toad and the tarantulas

This is one of the bizarre become people who study tarantulas couldn』t understand why these

would work together, as tarantula』s like to eat toads. But for survival they

came to an understanding, the toad will eat any parasite that are too small for

the tarantula to attack and could give the tarantula a disease. While the

tarantulas protect the toad from larger predators, since the toad will act like

bait it provides tarantulas will food and the parasites that attack the

tarantula provides food for the toad. With this considered it makes it a good

team to work together, both get protection from each other and they both

provide food for each other.

Spider crabs and algae

The best way to hunt in a wild is to blend into the background, so that the prey they

are hunting cannot notice them approaching. This is when the spider crab comes

into play, the spider crab will stay it swallow waters allowing algae to grow

on it, the common interest in this is survival. The crab can blend in better

with the sea floor allowing it to hunt better and the algae is able to grow and

spread its self-further areas of the ocean floor, so the benefit of this team

work in spreading genes and hunting.


Owls and Blind Snakes

This owl like to live in abandoned woodpecker and spend there say hunting rodents and

other small mammals and building a nest out of the carcases, but the main

problem with this is that the bodies rodents will start to attract insects and

parasites. So how does the owl deal with this? it does out and finds something

that it would normally eat, a snake. This snake is called a blind snake very

small and only hunts insects and parasites. The snake will burrow into the nest

but one of the problems is that when the owl lays eggs and the eggs hatch. The

insects would provide nutrients for the baby owls but it』s better for them to

be protected by the snake in the long run. The snake gets as much food as it

wants if the owl brings food to the nest and the owl gets a clean nest free of

parasites and the young owls are protected from parasites.

These team

ups are only a small example of how animals will work together for survival.

Although these are learned there is one team up that is spectacular to see.

That is during an annual feeding frenzy that include dolphins, sharks, whales

and birds.

the bait balls

this is one of the biggest team works that occurs on the planet and the payoff is a lot of

food, the food they are after is sardines. When the sardines are migrating,

they will be four miles long and 1 mile thick and all the fish can be seen from

the surface, the animals only have 5 days before the sardines leave and they

lose the chance to have a feast.

The dolphins will surround the fish controlling the movements with chirping, making the fish

confused and start swimming into a ball, the fish will try and rise to the top

to escape the dolphins, but this is when the birds attack. The fish are the

right distance for the birds to swoop down into the water to grab fish.

This is when the sharks start to get involved they get very excited and start attacking

the sardines and the dolphins start to use bubbles to make the bait balls a lot

tighter so it』s easier to attack. This is known as a bubbles net which looks

very terrifying to fish. Once the fish are in these balls all the animals will

attack until they have their fill, but it』s not over for the sardines yet all

the ones that think they escape must deal with the whales that will eat any

sardines that try to escape.

This team up is very powerful and terrifying for the sardines but it also shows you how

intelligent the dolphins are. As they are the brains of this attack making sure

all the sardines are in control and offering food to the other animals so that

there is no conflict between the predators. Also, to note is that animals do

not eat more then they need so there is always enough fish alive to breed for

the next season.
















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