
你怎麼看? | 米其林收購羅伯特·帕克《葡萄酒倡導家》及網站的40%股份



《葡萄酒倡導家》(The Wine Advocate),簡稱為「TWA」或「WA」,由全球最具有影響力的酒評家伯特·帕克於1978年創辦而來,採用的是50至100分的評分系統。簡潔明了的評分一度左右無數酒庄的發展,「低於90分的賣不出去,高於90分的拿不到」。儘管帕克已於2012年12月卸任主編職位,其在葡萄酒世界仍佔有極重要的地位。

7月5日 點開Robert Parker Wine Advocate網站的葡萄酒愛好者們 被網頁上的這行字震驚了↓

世界上影響力最大的美食評論指南 和 世界上影響力最大葡萄酒評論機構 聯姻 ?!!!

《葡萄酒倡導家》的現任主編——Lisa Perrotti-Brown, MW在網站發表聲明:米其林收購了Robert Parker Wine Advocate及RobertParker.com網站40%的股份。


此次兩大權威機構強強結合,未來無限的可能性實在引人遐想。米其林美食和旅遊商務CEO Alexandre Tabie說:「米其林和《葡萄酒倡導家》的合作會使我們消費者得到絕無僅有的體驗。我們將先專註亞洲和北美洲的市場,然後在歐洲和世界其他地區發展。我們期待著利用我們強大的關係,為客戶開發更廣泛的產品」Robert Parker非常地興奮和激動:「長久以來,評論家們將葡萄酒和美食分為兩個單獨的專業領域,但現在,為了葡萄酒和美食消費者的共同利益,它們公正、獨立、智慧的觀點和知識真正交融。」消費者們表示:「希望米其林餐廳們能組織一些葡萄酒餐廳周,推出一些特別的餐酒搭配套餐!」「國外的米其林餐廳,通常都有food & wine tasting menu,例如十道菜搭配十款不同的酒。既然中國也有了米其林餐廳,如果能在tasting menu裡面加入中國的黃酒、白酒等搭配,一定會非常精彩。最好侍酒師能提供具有中國特色的侍酒服務。」「米其林指南和《葡萄酒觀察家》都是專業的權威的評分機構,我倒是希望二者能繼續各干各的,不要互相影響,不要有利益牽扯。」

你怎麼看 敢來評論區說一說么 ??

下面是《葡萄酒倡導家》現任主編Lisa Perrotti-Brown,MW的聲明原文(翻譯部分僅供參考):05 七月 2017 | News & ViewsLisa Perrotti-Brown, MW, Editor-in-Chief

We are very excited to inform our readers that Michelin, the globally renowned tire company and name behind the world』s leading guide to quality restaurants, MICHELIN guide, announces today its acquisition of a 40% stake in Robert Parker Wine Advocate and RobertParker.com, the world』s most widely read independent consumers』 guide to fine wine. 我們非常高興地告訴讀者們,擁有全球知名輪胎公司、世界領先優質餐廳指南的米其林收購了世界上閱讀最為廣泛的獨立精品酒消費指南——羅伯特·帕克 《葡萄酒倡導家》(Robert Parker Wine Advocate)和 robertparker.com網站 40% 的股份。 Our RobertParker.com website includes online archives of every Issue of The Wine Advocate dating back to 1992, consisting of more than 300,000 original tasting notes. And we have recently developed a special events platform that enables the public to experience fine wine together with gourmet dining. Since 2016, we have joined forces with Michelin in Singapore and Hong Kong-Macau to offer unique dining experiences based on pairing fine cuisine and wine. The highly successful events offer consumers the chance to experience a selection of dishes prepared by the MICHELIN guide』s 「starred" chefs and compatible wines recommended by Robert Parker Wine Advocates experts. RobertParker.com網站包含了三十萬份可追溯到1992年的《葡萄酒倡導家》原始品鑒記錄。最近,我們還開發了一個讓公眾可以和美食家一起享受優質葡萄酒的特殊活動平台。自2016以來,我們已經在新加坡、香港、澳門與米其林聯手提供了獨特且優質的餐酒搭配體驗活動。這些活動都非常成功,消費者同時體驗到了米其林「星級」主廚製作的佳肴和 《葡萄酒倡導家》的專家們精心搭配的葡萄酒。 Working with the MICHELIN guide on events in Singapore and Hong Kong-Macau demonstrated to both of our companies how much richer and more impactful the experiences we create for our loyal readers can be when we come together. The similarities between our core values, integrity and rigor as critics within the worlds of wine and food are striking. While collaborating with MICHELIN guide, it very soon became apparent that merging to create a sum that is even better than individual our parts would be an incredible means of offering even more for fine food and wine lovers around the world. 與米其林指南在新加坡、香港、澳門的合作,讓我們彼此都意識到,如果我們攜手合作,將會為我們的讀者帶來更豐富、更有價值的體驗。我們的核心價值觀非常相似,在葡萄酒和美食領域都秉承著誠信和嚴謹的原則。在與米其林指南合作的過程中,我們很快就發覺聯手合作比獨立運作更有優勢,而且這種具有開創性的方式也會為全世界的美食和葡萄酒愛好者提供更多價值。 Our founder and President, Robert Parker, has been thrilled over the union of the two most independent sources for fine cuisine and wine, and the infinite possibilities it creates: 「For far too long, critics have divided wine and food into two separate areas of expertise, but now the most realistic blend of impartial, independent, unbiased, intelligent food and wine opinion and wisdom have been married for the benefit of both wine and food consumers.」我們的創始人和總裁,Robert Parker先生,對米其林與《葡萄酒倡導家》的合作將帶來的無限的可能性表示非常地興奮和激動:「長久以來,評論家們將葡萄酒和美食分為兩個單獨的專業領域,但現在,為了葡萄酒和美食消費者的共同利益,它們公正、獨立、智慧的觀點和知識真正融合在一起。」 With this equity investment, Michelin is strengthening and broadening its experience in the area of gourmet dining. 通過此次股權投資,米其林正在加強和擴大其在美食領域的經驗。 「Around the world, the credibility of Michelin and Robert Parker Wine Advocate is based on unique selection systems, organized around a proven methodology and undeniable independence,」 says Alexandre Taisne, the CEO of Michelin』s Food and Travel Business. 「The partnership between Michelin, the global reference in gourmet dining with the MICHELIN guide, and Robert Parker Wine Advocate, the world leader in wine tasting and rating, will enable our customers who enjoy upscale restaurants and fine vintage wines to experience unique moments. Initially we are focusing on markets in Asia and North America before pursuing our deployment in Europe and others regions of the world. We look forward to leveraging our strong relationship to develop even broader offerings for our customers.」 「在世界各地,米其林和《葡萄酒倡導家》的信譽基於獨一無二的篩選體系、經過考驗的方法學、不可否認的獨立性」,米其林美食和旅遊商務CEO Alexandre Tabie說:「米其林和《葡萄酒倡導家》的合作會使我們消費者得到絕無僅有的體驗。我們將先專註亞洲和北美洲的市場,然後拓展到歐洲和世界其他地區。我們期待著利用我們強大的關係,為客戶開發更廣泛的產品」 We hope our readers will join us in celebrating this auspicious merging of the world』s greatest fine food and wine publications. 我們希望讀者能和我們一起慶祝這個世界上最偉大的美食出版物和葡萄酒出版物的合作。 Cheers & Santé! 乾杯!— —END

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插畫 I 彩鉛手繪 《春》
【焦點新游】未知之地:迷失的記憶 (Nowhere: Lost Memories)

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