

Salad days 少不更事的時期

salad是西餐中的一種涼拌菜,做salad需要各種新鮮蔬菜,因此人們常把salad跟green(綠色的,不成熟的)和fresh(新鮮的,不老練的)相聯繫,由此產生了salad days,用來表示「閱歷尚淺,處世經驗缺乏」。此習語出自莎士比亞的《安東尼與克里奧佩特拉》(Antony and Cleopatra)。埃及女王克里奧佩特拉在女侍夏米安(Charmian)拿其以前的情人凱撒取笑她時,她就用salad days為自己辯解。她說:「My salad days ,/When I was green in judgment: —cold in


I was in my salad days then, and fell

in love easily. 我當時年少輕率,容易墮入情網。


cup of tea 感興趣的事情

在英國歷史上,各階層常常以啤酒和葡萄酒為飲料。當時,窮人常說not my pot of beer,富人常說not my glass of wine,表示「不合自己口味的東西」。後來,隨著茶葉的引入,喝茶逐漸成為一種風氣、時尚,於是就出現了常用口語:That』s not my cup of tea.(這不是我喜歡的茶。)後來one』s cup of tea逐漸被人們廣泛使用,其意義也被引申為「感興趣的事,喜歡的東西等」。another cup of tea的意思則是「另外一回事,又作別論」,如:

It』s true that I have promised to give you any help you need, but lending you my homework for you to copy will be another cup of




someone on 慫恿某人做某事

A: 「Why on earth did you try that jump on your bike?」

B: 「These boys were egging me on and I didn』t

want to seem to be a coward.」

A: 「你剛才究竟為什麼要在那個自行車上跳一下?」

B: 「這些男孩慫恿我,我不想被看做是懦夫。」

Forbidden fruit 歡樂(尤指男女偷歡)

出自《聖經·創世記》「惟有園當中那棵樹上的果子,上帝曾說,你們不可吃,也不可摸,免得你們死。」(「But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.」)

有這樣一句諺語:Forbidden fruit

is sweet.(Proverb)(諺)禁果最甜。


land flowing with milk and honey 魚米之鄉

出自《聖經·出埃及記》「And I am

come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up to out of that land unto a good land and a

large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey.」(我下來是要救他們脫離埃及人的手,領他們出了那地,到美好寬闊、流奶與蜜之地。)該習語也作a land of milk and honey,如:

America is now the fancied

land of milk and honey, but not for every

American citizen. 美國現在是人們心目中的魚米之鄉,但並非對每個美國公民都是如此。

Have egg/jam on/over one』s face 出醜

人在吃雞蛋或果醬時不小心弄到臉上而自己卻不知道,看起來就會有點兒可笑,像個傻瓜一樣,這就是have egg/jam on/over one』s face原先的含義。此習語源自美國,後來也被英國英語接受,現多用於口語中,表示「形象受損害;出醜」等,有時也以be left with egg/jam on/over one』s face形式出現,如:

The latest scandal has left

the government with egg on its face.



in the sky 無法實現的計劃

該習語出自美國流行歌手、世界產業工人聯盟(IWW)的組織者希爾(Joe Hill, 1879~1915)在1911年所作的一首歌曲《傳教士與奴隸》(The Preacher and the


他在歌中寫道:You will eat, bye and bye,/In the glorious land above the

sky!/Work and pray,/live on hay,/You』ll get pie in the sky when you die!(不久你將在天上的聖地就餐,勞作吧,祈禱吧,靠著乾草幹活,死後你就會有天國的餡餅。)這幾句話是希爾從美國救世軍的軍歌中引用來的,意在諷刺揭露這個宗教組織的欺騙性。由此,人們就用pie in the sky喻指「渺茫的幸福;不能實現的承諾」等,如:

Their plans to set up their

own business are just a pie in the sky. 他們要創辦自己公司的計劃猶如天上的餡餅,希望十分渺茫。


grapes 聊以自慰的話

來自《伊索寓言》(Aesop』s Fables)中《狐狸和葡萄》(The Fox and the Grapes)的故事。一隻饑渴的狐狸想吃葡萄架上的熟葡萄但又夠不著。它想方設法,結果還是沒吃到。最後只好悻悻地轉身走開,一邊走一邊自我解嘲說:「葡萄是酸的,恐怕沒熟透。」由此,sour grapes常被用於貶低得不到的東西以自我安慰的場合,如:

John said he was more

interested in the competition itself than in the prize. Obviously it was sour

grapes to him. 約翰說他對比賽本身比對獎品更感興趣,很明顯,對他來說,獎品是可望而不可及的東西。

Apple of the eye 珍愛的東西

習語中的apple原指「瞳孔」。古時候,人們認為瞳孔是固體球形物,如蘋果的果實,便把瞳孔稱為apple of the eye。由於瞳孔對於人非常寶貴,人們視其如珍寶而加以保護,故後來用apple of the eye喻指「珍愛的人或物,寶貝等」,如:

He loved his sons, but his daughter

was the apple of his eye. 他愛他的兒子,但女兒是他的掌上明珠。

Bread and butter 必需品;生計

Just explain the bread and butter of

your report. You dont have to go into details. 只需解釋你報告中必要的部分,不用細緻入微。

Bad egg 壞蛋;不可信任的人

bad egg大約於上世紀中葉在美國出現,十年後傳到英國。在比喻上,"壞蛋"也可作為腐敗的象徵,因為壞蛋從外表看不出來,裡面卻已氣味難聞。

Go bananas 發瘋;發狂

The children will go bananas

when they see the cute little puppy. 當孩子們見到可愛的小狗時,他們就會興奮地上蹦下調。


all of ones eggs in one basket 把所有的雞蛋放在一個籃子里,喻孤注一擲

Youd be very unwise to put

all your eggs in one basket. You should keep several courses of action open.你要孤注一擲,那是很不明智的,你應該留幾條後路。








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