Po一篇Stern MS in accounting的文書

學生Z背景,國內S大學轉學到美國60位的F的大學,美本,gpa正常,Gmat 680, Toelf waive.

NYU 文書題目:

The program, scheduled to start in September 2016,

will have two tracks: taxation, and financial accounting and assurance.

Essay 1: Professional

Aspirations (500 word maximum)

  • Why do you wish to pursue this degree?
  • What do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduation?

Essay2, optional, 上傳任何一篇你覺得合適的文章


第一,捋清思路,方向性特別。人真是會當局者迷。Z同學,其實在自己第一篇的draft當中寫的非常全面,從社團,實習,個人在美國學習的不容易,洋洋洒洒快1000多字,好的方面說,溝通能力很強,不好方面去說,就是把我不住中心。我建議她把重點放在三個地方:1. 職業目標,越詳細越好,這部分,在原來draft一筆帶過,而新的draft做了增加(唯一增加的地方)。2.和accouting有關的實習,這是常理,但是很多學生,也會把在花期或者其他公司實習放進去,如果字數夠多,那是沒問題,如果500 words,緊扣會計相關的實習就哈,比如德勤的實習,如果有兩個相同類型的實習,要寫出層次,如果,你在德勤做了,後來去畢馬威做,卻不能說出,你做的工作,有什麼更進一步的提升,那會很迷惑(很多學生,寫實習,就喜歡羅列,其實招生官,喜歡看的是你怎麼提升自己,學到新的知識。)3.然後why school,寫的越詳細越好,最近有在一家學校擔任招生官,我覺得對於錄取委員會,他們可能最感興趣的一個話題就是,為什麼選擇我們,千里之外,只能通過文字來了解學生,情感是相同,人都會問,為什麼你喜歡我。




My purpose for applying to your prestigious graduate school is to prepare me for a successful and challenging career in auditing. As for my short-term career plan, I expect to qualify myself as an auditor in a Big Four Firm. And then after five to ten years of growth in

auditing when I will have acquired the competence to independently manage audit

teams and clients, I would like to work as a CFO in an international company to

improve its accounting and management systems. I believe Stern』s MS in

Accounting program will prepare myself academically and professionally and help

me fulfill my both short-term and long-term goals.

The education path I take is carefully orchestrated to help me set foot in a Big Four. As an undergraduate majoring in public accounting in F University, I』ve been striving to be

outstanding in academic performance, recognized as the Dean』s List Scholar for

all the two academic years so far. In addition, I positively put what I learned

into practice to generate business outcomes and foster greater social

responsibility. With profound understanding of financial reporting, in 2016, I started my winter audit internshipin BDO Shanghai, managing inventory tests at client』s field and performing bank accounts confirmation as significant risk evaluation procedures, which enabled me to identify potential errors during substantive procedures to ensure the

accuracy and existence with sufficient auditing evidence. Later on, taking

advantage of internship at Eastern Tax Consulting New York, I got insight on complicated

tax rules and learned to solve clients』 problems in consulting manners. This summer,

while interning in Finance Department of PricewaterhouseCoopers, I developed a

systematic idea of how risk constraints are ensured in accounts payable issues. I realized that my accountability of tracing bank balances, verifying expense claim statements and matching invoice generation are integrated a risk shield to maintain healthy business.

The deep immersion in accounting areas strengthened my mind

to pursue career in auditing and confirmed my ideas that the structural

analysis conducted in auditing engagements exemplifies the trends in business

world. Hence, with enthusiastic passion to be an outstanding auditor, I acknowledge

that I must gain a higher level education to meet the needs of becoming a CPA,

which I am currently working on. As I am ambitious to further develop my

knowledge in both financial and management accounting to accomplish my short-

and long-term career goals, Stern』s MS in accounting program really caters for

my needs. I appreciate the cohort learning module in Stern which would further

my leadership role and overall capacity. I am aware that the specialized courses

such as Foundations of Corporate Finance,

Accounting Information Systems and Controls
are tailored according to

current business environment which would definitely be instrumental for me to

know more about financing and data analysis. I am confident that Stern』s MS in

Accounting will not only better prepare me to sit for New York CPA, but also

will facilitate me to gain incredible practical opportunities to solve problems in real-world business settings.





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