
TensorFlow的未來?2018.03.NO.1(Note )

What is the future of TensorFlow?

This is an answer about the question "What is the future of TensorFlow?" in Quora. For practicing,i read it and write down some note in Chinese. The original answer was written by Zeeshan Zia , a PhD in Computer Vision and Machine Learning .

這是在Quora上回答「TensorFlow的未來在哪裡?」問題下的一個回答。為了練習我自己的英文科技板塊寫作和閱讀的能力,我閱讀了這些內容並且用中文寫下了一些筆記(翻譯)。原回答是Zeeshan Zia(傑桑 齊亞?)寫的,一個計算機視覺和機器學習領域的博士生。

And it is my duty to provide the link of the discussion (of Quora)(鏈接如下):

What is the future of TensorFlow??



I am going to take the contrarian viewpoint here.



TensorFlow is superior today, largely because of early adoption by academic and

industrial research teams all across the world. The primary reason I use TensorFlow is because I get the chance to quickly try out a model described in a research paper that came out just last week on arXiv, and

whose authors outsourced their code/models. By the way, thats also the reason a lot of researchers are still hung up on the clearly inferior Caffe, in the computer vision community.



One aspect of machine learning models is that they replace huge codebases with huge sets of coefficients. After all the research and hammering, once you arrive at your final deep learning model, it doesn』t take much time to reimplement it with CNTK or MXNET.

到目前為止,絕大多數大型企業甚至是創業者們,都不會在自己的實體伺服器中跑他們的深度學習網路。取而代之的是第三方的雲服務(third party cloud services),而在雲應用方面,Amazon和微軟相對於Google有著非常明顯的優勢,而且這一種優勢還在不斷發展。不僅如此,在企業競爭中,Google在工程實踐方面的話語權也非常小,反之,微軟簡直是這方面的王者。


most big enterprises and even startups won』t be running their deep networks on premises. They will be using third party cloud services, and in cloud Amazon and Microsoft have a significant lead over Google, and that lead is growing. Not only that, Google has relatively little experience talking to the enterprise market, whereas Microsoft is king when it comes to enterprise.


Combine the above two facts, and you begin to see a major threat to TensorFlow!

深度學習,對於企業級(enterprise-level)的機器學習還不是那麼重要,在這個領域中,邏輯方程(logistic regression)仍然統治著這一片江山,這樣一來,成熟的團隊就會離開Amazon或者微軟的云為Google的雲服務。事實上,只有很少的雲工程真的完全只應用機器學習理論。所以,當一個團隊真的需要一些機器學習模型代碼來完成某些功能的時候,他們會更願意在TensorFlow上寫出一個原型,然後再用CNTK或者MXNET來進行工程實現。非常明顯,同時三個公司一起為某個目標專門設計最好的演算法框架或者計算機硬體,用MXNET寫的模型便可以更好的利用AWS的機器。他們甚至會通過低價提供本機DL框架的方式,來鼓勵他們這樣做。

Deep learning isn』t so important for enterprise-level machine learning yet, where logistic regression still rules, that development teams will want to leave Amazon or Microsoft』s superior cloud offering for Google』s. In fact, machine learning as a whole provides a small fraction(分數,份額) of the utility(應用,實用) of cloud services to businesses. Thus for the deep learning components that most teams do need in their systems, they might very well want to prototype(原型,樣板) on TensorFlow but shift(移動) to CNTK/MXNET for production. Obviously, in the meanwhile all three companies will try to specialize their framework and hardware(硬體) to work best together, such that MXNET models might be able to best utilize(利用) AWS machines. They might even incentivize(以物質激勵) this, by offering lesser prices for using their native DL framework.


Once the research environment around deep learning cools down a bit in a couple of years, developers will learn the tools that most enterprises put in their job adverts. This could start a feedback cycle that starts improving these rival frameworks at a faster pace than TF - anyways, we keep seeing deep learning ideas get superseded by newer ones, which may enable even an entirely new framework to skip a couple generations and get in the top league!


So, my feeling is that it』s too early to say who will win in the framework wars. It』s easy to claim that the wars are over and TF has won. But in fact, the wars have only just begun; and those wars won』t be fought in academic labs and dorm(宿舍) rooms. It』s the businesses that will eventually dole out(少量發放) the money for cloud services - and those services will likely be bought as a package - and the ease of use of a tiny piece of the puzzle, the DL framework will be a non-issue(不被考慮) in that decision.


  1. 要麼雲開發商在他們的原始架構上支持一個更加頂層,更加普適的標準化的結構,而我們已經在Keras上見到這一點了。當然這對於TensorFlow和其他專註底層構建的結構絕不會是好消息。
  2. 而另一個可能的方向上,邊緣集成智能架構可能會取得對雲智能架構的優勢地位,而英偉達也已經把他們的結構呈現給了世人,更可貴的是,他們並不想把自己完全局限在Google的架構內,雖然Google已經通過TPU業務開始逐漸影響他們。

Two alternative universes that I completely neglect(忽略,忽視) in the above include : one in which every cloud provider starts supporting a higher, relatively 「neutral」(原意中立,譯者理解為普適) layer on top of their native framework — which gets standardized. We are beginning to see that happen with Keras. But then again, that means lesser importance for TensorFlow and all the other lower-level frameworks.

Another possibility is that edge intelligence becomes a bigger deal than cloud intelligence, in which case we might well see NVidia coming up with their own framework, as they might not want to limit themselves to Google』s framework, which has already attempted to enter NVidia』s business through its TPUs!

Original answer(原文如下):

I am going to take the contrarian viewpoint here.

Yes,TensorFlow is superior today, largely because of early adoption by academic and

industrial research teams all across the world. The primary reason I useTensorFlow is because I get the chance to quickly try out a model described in a research paper that came out just last week on arXiv, and whose authors outsourced their code/models. By the way, thats also the reason a lot of researchers are still hung up on the clearly inferior Caffe, in the computer vision community.

But,One aspect of machine learning models is that they replace huge codebases with huge sets of coefficients. After all the research and hammering, once you arrive at your final deep learning model, it doesn』t take much time to reimplement it with CNTK or MXNET.

Now,most big enterprises and even startups won』t be running their deep networks on premises. They will be using third party cloud services, and in cloud Amazon and Microsoft have a significant lead over Google, and that lead is growing. Not only that, Google has relatively little experience talking to the enterprise market, whereas Microsoft is king when it comes to enterprise.

Combine the above two facts, and you begin to see a major threat to TensorFlow!

Deep learning isn』t so important for enterprise-level machine learning yet, where logistic regression still rules, that development teams will want to leave Amazon or Microsoft』s superior cloud offering for Google』s. In fact, machine learning as a whole provides a small fraction of the utility of cloud services to businesses. Thus for the deep learning components that most teams do need in their systems, they might very well want to prototype on TensorFlow but shift to CNTK/MXNET for production. Obviously, in the meanwhile all three companies will try to specialize their framework and hardware to work best together, such that MXNET models might be able to best utilize AWS machines. They might even incentivize this, by offering lesser prices for using their native DL framework.

Once the research environment around deep learning cools down a bit in a couple of years, developers will learn the tools that most enterprises put in their job adverts. This could start a feedback cycle that starts improving these rival frameworks at a faster pace than TF - anyways, we keep seeing deep learning ideas get superseded by newer ones, which may enable even an entirely new framework to skip a couple generations and get in the top league!

So, my feeling is that it』s too early to say who will win in the framework wars. It』s easy to claim that the wars are over and TF has won. But in fact, the wars have only just begun; and those wars won』t be fought in academic labs and dorm rooms. It』s the businesses that will eventually dole out the money for cloud services - and those services will likely be bought as a package - and the ease of use of a tiny piece of the puzzle, the DL framework will be a non-issue in that decision.

Two alternative universes that I completely neglect in the above include … one in which every cloud provider starts supporting a higher, relatively 「neutral」 layer on top of their native framework — which gets standardized. We are beginning to see that happen with Keras. But then again, that means lesser importance for TensorFlow and all the other lower-level frameworks. Another possibility is that edge intelligence becomes a bigger deal than cloud intelligence, in which case we might well see NVidia coming up with their own framework, as they might not want to limit themselves to Google』s framework, which has already attempted to enter NVidia』s business through its TPUs!


Tensorflow是如何註冊和調用C++ New Op的

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