World war was one of the terrible times in human history, and the way armies fought in this war change war all together. You see war was just about marching forward
and shooting, but this time they started building trenches, which turn battlesthat would have been over in days last for years. So, with battles lastingyears they needed to think of a new weapon that could attack the other side,that weapon was called mustard gas, a thick yellow cloud that was heavier then
air so it would crawl across the ground and down the trenches coating thesoldiers.Early life
This is when our military hero came In Sergeant Stubby, this is a very brave dog as
Sargent Stubby was a Bull Terrier, these types of dogs where bred for takingdown large cattle and when you see how small they are you can understand howbrave these dogs are. And this dog holds a percentage of DNA that helped breedthe Boston terrier.Stubby was found one-day walking around the grounds of Yale university, while members of the 102ndinfantry army was training. Stubby would watch the men
while they trained and became friends with the troop, even the Corporal Robert
Conroy Adored the dog so much that when it was time for his regiment to go tobattle the Corporal Smuggled Stubby to the front lines in France. While in Francethe dog was discovered by the Corporals commanding officer and was told to sendhim back but the stubby saluted the Commanding officer like he had been trainedand could stay with his infantry he had grown to love.War Since stubby could stay on the front line it means that he had to help with the
fighting, stubby stayed on the front lines for 18 months, fought in fouroffensive attacks and 17 battles, his first battle was on April of 1918, wherehe was under first day and night for a month but he was able to keep his coolproviding moral for all the troops. But terrible news happened to stubby, while
taking part in a raid fleeing Germans threw a grenade, which blew up injuringthe foreleg. Because of his injury he was send to the back so he could recover,but as he did on the frontline he improved moral for the troops recovering.Soon as he recovered from his injuries he was giving to stripe medals and putback on the front line to be with the troops.Within the first year stubby had been blown up and attacked by mustard gas, a special gas masked was designed to protect stubby after this attack, the attack by the
mustard gas may have been a good thing. As stubby has been attacked by the gashe was able to pick up the scent and knowing how dangerous it was, he was ableto warn all the other troops in the trenches saving many lives. he started tobecome famous in the trenches with exploits of saving men who was stuck in no man』s land, to hearing artillery fire before the human ear could and warning troops
to take cover. One of the most notable of his actions was capturing a Germanspy named Argonn. With all these achievements, the commander of 102 unit gavestubby a promotion to sergeant, for all his hard work.After the war
Whenthe war was over stubby was smuggle back home by Corporal Robert Conroy, when he returned home he became a famous dog been taken on parades and even giving medals. But in 1926 stubby died in his sleep but he lived a full and adventurous
life which not even many humans can get to experience.中文翻譯: