

不是針對貓咪綠紙BLUE SLIPS,讀者請注意區分。

一般得到美國愛貓協會 The Cat Fanciers Association 批准後會有一個PDF文件




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Registration & Renewal Policy

for CFA Registered Catteries?

1.The Cat Fanciers』 Association will initially register a cattery name for a

period of five years. The registration fee is $75.00 (subject to change).

For $100.00 in addition to the $75 application fee (subject to change)

you may establish your cattery name as a permanent name. Your cattery

name would never require further renewals nor could it be given to

someone else.

2. Upon expiration of the initial five year period and any subsequent

renewal period, a breeder may apply for a five year extension of the

registration. There will be no limit on the number of extensions allowed,

but not more than one extension will be permitted per renewal. The

renewal fee is $25.00 per five year period. For $100.00 in addition to

the renewal fee you may establish your cattery name as a permanent

name. Your cattery name would never require further renewals nor

could it be given to someone else.

3. It is the breeder』s (registrant』s) responsibility to apply for a renewal of

the cattery name registration. CFA will send notice (maximum of two) of

the impending expiration, but failure on the part of the registrant to

receive these notices will not be the basis for any future claims which

may arise due to the reissuance of the cattery name to some other


4. Each five year renewal period starts at the expiration of the prior paid

period. Fees for renewals are payable from the expiration of the prior

paid period. For example, if a cattery name registration period expires

March 31, 2011 and the breeder renews it on December 1, 2011, the

effective renewal date is April 1, 2011 and the next renewal period will

expire March 31, 2016.

5. The use by the registrant of the cattery name either as a prefix or suffix

will not be allowed after the expiration date. Upon renewal of a cattery

registration, the cattery name may be added to the names of cats which

were individually registered after the expiration and prior to the renewal

date. The applicable fee(s) for corrected registration and/or addition of

cattery suffixes will apply.

6. Anytime after a cattery name is registered, a breeder(s) other than the

original applicant(s) may be added to the registration upon submission

of a new cattery application signed by ALL current registered owners of

the cattery. Payment of the fee in effect for an initial cattery registration

will apply. The registration period will extend for five years from the date

of re-registration.


260 East Main Street

Alliance OH 44601

Phone: 330-680-4070 ? Fax: 330-680-4633

The Cat Fanciers Association


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