



Your portfolio should show a selection of 12–20 examples of your best recent artwork. We suggest that the work reflect the full range of your ideas, interests, experience and abilities in the arts to date. Work presented can be in any medium (including film or video), in finished or sketch form, and the result of an assigned project or a self-directed exploration. We strongly recommend that you include a few pages from your journal or sketchbook to indicate your process of research, thinking and investigation.


The Assignment Choose one of the following three prompt options and create two responses using any medium you prefer (no restrictions).


? deconstruct 解構

釋義:| ?dēk?n?str?kt | verb [with obj.] | reduce (something) to its constituent parts in order to reinterpret it

  1. 選取一些東西
  2. 解構它
  3. 創作一個能夠表達解構過程或者結果的作品
  4. 給你的這個作品起個響亮又文雅的名兒(「響亮又文雅」是我編的,就是讓你給作品起個名字)

? light 光

| līt | noun | the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible

verb [with obj.] | provide with light or lighting; illuminate

  1. 創作一個用光或者光的錯覺作為靈感的作品
  2. 給這個作品起個名字

? contain 包含

| k?n?tān | verb [with obj.] | have or hold (someone or something) within |container | k?n?tān?r | noun | an object that can be used to hold or transport something

  1. 確定你的創作要包含什麼東西
  2. 為你的作品創建一個容器
  3. 額,也是要給你作品起個名兒


In the SlideRoom submission section for your two works, we also ask you to reflect on the two responses that you are sharing and provide a brief response to this question: What are the other directions or ideas you would explore as a next step?

writing sample方面基本上也是沒有太多的變化,依舊是五選一~

  • 有些學生的背景、身份、興趣愛好或者天資方面有特別之處,如果你是這樣嬸兒的,不妨分享一下你的故事。

  • 講述一段印象深刻的失敗經歷,敘述你從中學到了什麼,對你有怎樣的影響。(把你的失敗給我們分享一下,讓我們樂呵一下 ;))
  • 回想你對信念或者理念的挑戰。促使你有怎樣的做法,下次還會同樣的做法不?
  • 描述一個你想解決或解決完的問題,不論規模,可以是一個智力挑戰,也可以一項調查研究,或者一個對你來說非常重要的道德困境。解釋這個問題對你的意義,以及你採取了或者將要採取什麼樣的步驟去得到解決方案。

  • 討論一個曾經讓你蛻變為一個成熟的事件,結合你所處的文化、社區或家庭背景,正式或非正式都可以的。

山也還是那座山喲, 梁也還是那道梁~


First-year Students

Early Decision:

November 1, 2016

Regular Decision:

February 1, 2017

Graduate students

January 10, 2017

Transfer Students

March 15, 2017


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