Sometimes what you see is not the reality.

What I learned from VR FEST as an event volunteer!

The original version is Chinese version published on Wechat platform as 『What I learned from VR FEST as an event volunteer.』 on 09/20/2017.

What is VR? VR often refers to virtual reality, a computer technology that simulates an environment with which a user may interact.(From wikipedia).

Though most of you might already know what is VR, it is better to quote the concept from Wikipedia as a general introduction.

Last weekend, I was volunteering for a VR FEST, things turned out pretty cool and I unexpectedly discovered something magic that happened to people when they are experience VR games. This is my first time to experience VR game, also a good timing to get to know VR related knowledge, and share some personal thoughts.

Core Value of VR: To maximize the possibility to satisfied the senses of human, eventually exceed the sense of the natural world by using technology. This kind of senses and abilities are the essential functions that human obtains to feel including visual and hearing.

Not everyone like certain VR game, just like it is impossible to make everyone like you.

The booth that I am responsible has for Demo games that delegates can experience. My main job is to help delegates adjust the equipment and handles when they try on to achieve a better experience. Pretty simple.

But how people react and the first words they say to me when they take off the mask really surprise me. (Partially might because I have a pre-assumption that most people will like more interactive games compare to Single-phase communication game)

There is one Demo that I feel is special compared to others. It is made by an artist from Canada. The original art shows three freestanding naked female in a line. After making it VR, delegates can change their position of standing and gestures by dragging their body.

I tried this game when we were preparing the booth right before the opening session. It really feels real! It is just like I was standing in the same space with the three, feels like I can really touch them. I even feel a sense of control when I get to know that I can make them stand whichever way I want.

So when delegates step in and show the interest of trying VR games, I will definitely suggest people try this first. Then people act like this…(They are not aware of what they are going to experience.)

I: OK, here we go. You just need to turn around, and then you will see them.

First trier : !!!!!!!!!!!! (Step back a little bit.) This is weird!

Uh…. seems this reaction actually makes sense … And he just tried few times without any interest and tool off the mask. Then I asked:

How』s everything going? lol

Hmm….It is nice…..(Obviously not …..)

Then I feel that people might just don』t like these kinds of wired Demo, man might prefer to play Ninja game that is more interactive. Then I helped him to try the Ninja one…. Bingo, he never took off the mask once the game start…

Second trier.

After finish the process of getting the equipment, he turned around, calm and patient. I have not got time to give him a brief introduction. he already goes straight to the girls and playing with them without any hesitation. He tried several ways to change the position and location of the girls to make them face to face that seems like they discuss some secrets. He spent a lot of time and took off the ask with satisfaction on his face.

- How was that?

- Great. I wish I could have more time.

Later on, more and more people came and try this game. Some people stops when they think they already got the idea of the Demo; some people choose to leave after see the screen; some people even show more interest to try after watch the screen.

During the whole process, my feeling has also been through many times of up and down. Since I do like this Demo, though some part of it might not appropriate, the idea and experience are really innovative. How the picture will show is totally depends on how the trier moves them. I will definitely feel happy when delegates like it, on the opposite, if people feel it is boring or weird, I will be upset and worry that people actually did not get the intention that designer wants to deliver.

However, isn』t it how it works? Everyone has both things they like and things they don』t like, and there must be a reason behind the facts. There is nothing absolutely good or bad.

If others like it, you feel happy. If not, you try to understanding. This might should be the way that we look at the others and the world.

Sometimes you don』t want others to do the thing that you want.

There is an MBA visiting group from Vienna.(Sounds really great, seems they are visiting New York for a study abroad program.) Anyway, one of the ladies first try the ninja one and never stop…Continue for five rounds. (Luckily there are no people in line.) She was 120% involved in. Jump, squat left and right, just act like an 18-year boy.

She might finally feel tired and talked with me: It is soooooooo good! I can』t stop! Really exciting! And I don』t need to worry about that I am really getting hurt by knife.

Ok! That sounds good…. But I never expected the nest sentence from her mouth.

I can never let my 15 year boy touch it! He will definitely addicted to it.

The reaction of male and female might really have something indifferent.

One of the Demo is that you can use handles to catch the ball and either push or through the away.

At the beginning, I can only hold the balls and let them go. Because it has the speed originally, so they will automatically gone away. I thought this should be the way that it played.

However, when I was observing how delegates play the balls, I find out that people really have different ways to play….

For example, someone hold two candles and burn each other …or burn the mural….(Never expected ….)

Girls normally catch the balls slightly, and let it go slightly. Acted quite slow.

Boys are usually like the photo above. Making big movement. (I was nearly hit for few times, because I stand too close.)

To the balls which is in motion, boys tend to jump and catch them. Then throw them away like throw an actual ball. Some times they might even use two hands to do so.

Of course these are not rules, because people might have different adaptation to different games. But in some extend, how you play the game might reflect your personality. There might already been some research about thsi topic or so.

You will never see the change unless you try something.

Actually I was late that morning, so I arrived at the event place late about 30min. I was worrying and start to ask people wearing staff T-shirt that looks they should know something about volunteer orientation. finally Royal helped to set up everything and briefly explained to me what I should do later. He repeated several times that: Don』t worry, just be nice and patient when people comes. Then he play with himself …

I stand alone and just wait for people to come. Because I have no idea about what I should do and how to start a conversation. Delegates really saved me because I have to spend time communicate with them for game experience.

Magic happened, with the first few delegates, what I can talk is only, the induction of the games, who designed it and some tips for playing. Later, I begin to ask how people feel when they were experiencing, and finally, I can easily talk with people about something totally no related with game itself.

When we had lunch, Royal said to me: Now you are master la! You look so different three hours ago! (Though I totally don』t agree.)

It is true, you will find out actually things are not that hard once you really try them. Most things are really not that matters, you scare is only because your over-worry about failure.

Just give it a try and you will know that it is not that hard to make changes.

There lots of opportunities and share them can double the happiness.

I never regret that I come to New York. NYC is really an amazing place that you can meet different people and many chances that you might never think about.

You will never know what idea can be inspired by whom.

I always believe that: chances are just around, what matters is whether you try to find them or not.

I will always sharing good experience and chances as I am writing this blog, and I also hope that you can share your stories with me. Some times just words can make big impact.

Keep going and don』t settle!

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