Side Project Marketing Checklist 中文版
本文是《The Side Project Marketing Checklist》的譯文初稿,僅作為個人學習記錄所用,文章所有權歸原作者所有
另外需要注意的是,對於國內的用戶,文中的方法不一定奏效或者適合,比如你的用戶都是國內的,但你跑到 Facebook、Twitter 這些不存在的社交渠道去宣傳顯然是不行的,再比如,國內的用戶都沒有使用郵件的習慣,但是咱們有公眾號啊,但我相信各位讀者都能夠都懂得變通
前往官網 閱讀原文
Market Research
If we knew what were doing it wouldn』t be called research. - Albert Einstein
如果我們已經知道自己正在做什麼,那麼我們就不會將其成為調查。- Albert Einstein
Competitive Landscape
- [ ] Make a list of competitors (see this list of tools to research competitors).
- [ ] 列一個競爭對手清單(可到這裡看看用於研究競爭對手的工具)
Competitor data to collect
- [ ] Link to their website.
- [ ] 指向他們網站的鏈接
- [ ] 「One-liners」 and taglines competitors use.
- [ ] 競爭對手所使用的宣傳語和口號
- [ ] Pricing and business model.
- [ ] 價格和商業模型
- [ ] Blog/RSS link.
- [ ] 博客/RSS 鏈接
- [ ] Social media links.
- [ ] 社交媒體鏈接
- [ ] Key employees on social media.
- [ ] 在社交媒體上活躍的核心員工
- [ ] Subscribe to RSS feeds of your competitors』 blogs.
- [ ] 通過 RSS 訂閱你的競爭對手的博客
- [ ] Follow your competitors and their key employees on social media.
- [ ] 在社交媒體上關注你的競爭對手和他們的核心員工
- [ ] Monitor competitors』 websites for changes.
- [ ] 時刻關注競爭對手網站的變化Site monitoring tools
- [ ] Site Alerts
- [ ] Versionista
- [ ] Subscribe to industry newsletters, magazines, trade journals etc.
- [ ] 訂閱行業資訊簡報、雜誌、期刊等
- [ ] Use Google Trends to do initial demand and search volume research (check out this article for specific tips).
- [ ] 使用 Google Trends (譯者註:類似於國內的百度指數) 進行需求分析和搜索體量調查(譯者註:即調查這個需求的搜索量有多少)
Customer Research
- [ ] Find people in your contact list who might be future customers. Get their feedback on your idea.
- [ ] 在你的聯繫人列表當中找到潛在的用戶,從他們那裡獲得的反饋
- [ ] Attend meetups or conferences for your target market.
- [ ] 參加和你的目標市場有關的見面會或者會議
- [ ] Meet another entrepreneur who has a similar or competitive product.
- [ ] 和其他有類似或者能夠形成競爭的產品的創始人見面
- [ ] Make a list of your competitors』 customers:
- [ ] 將競爭對手的客戶列表做一個清單:Finding competitors』 customers
- [ ] Check their Twitter followers, mentions.
- [ ] 他們的 Twitter 關注者,以及被提及的人
- [ ] Look through their Facebook fans.
- [ ] 他們的 Facebook 粉絲
- [ ] Find people who follow them on Linkedin.
- [ ] 在 LinkedIn 上找到關注他們的人
- [ ] Check their website. Some companies list customer stories on their websites.
- [ ] 瀏覽他們的網站,因為有些公司會在他們的官網列出客戶的事迹
- [ ] Reach out to your competitors』 customers, find out what they like/don』t like.
- [ ] 接觸競爭對手的客戶,找出他們的喜好(譯者註:關於產品的喜好)
- [ ] Create an 「early access」 list for potential future customers.
- [ ] 為潛在的客戶創建一個「早期體驗」 清單
PR Preparations
- [ ] Create list of tech, startup, and industry blogs.
- [ ] 列出一份關於科技、創業、所在行業的博客清單
- [ ] Create list of local small business journals (eg: Crain』s Chicago).
- [ ] 列出一份本地的小型商業報紙清單
- [ ] Create list of local bloggers and journalists in your industry.
- [ ] 列出一份和你所在行業有關的博客主和新聞記者的清單
- [ ] Create a 「Media Kit」 page (check out this example).
- [ ] 創建一個「媒體資料包」頁面(譯者註:比如你的產品描述,Logo等資料,提供給媒體使用)
Landing Page
- [ ] Come up with a name and domain name.
- [ ] 起一個名字和註冊域名
- [ ] Write a site tagline and elevator pitch.
- [ ] 想一個網站的口號和「電梯簡報」(譯者註:電梯簡報在這裡即指網站的簡短介紹)
- [ ] Create a logo.
- [ ] 創建一個 LogoLogo creation tools
Logo 製作工具
- [ ] The Logo Company (use this link for 10% off any order)
- [ ] LogoFox (use coupon code 「CHECKLIST」 for 20% off your order)
- [ ] The Noun Project
- [ ] FlatIcon
- [ ] Logo Rank
- [ ] Set up a landing page (see this list of landing page tools).
- [ ] 創建一個落地頁
- [ ] Create 「About」 and 「Contact」 pages.
- [ ] 創建一個「關於」和「聯繫」頁面
- [ ] Create Pricing page (see this list of pricing models):
- [ ] 創建產品價格頁面
Pricing ideas
- [ ] Create a free or trial tier for your paid product.
- [ ] 為銷售產品創建一個免費或者試用的版本
- [ ] Offer a 100% satisfaction/money-back guarantee.
- [ ] 提供一個 100% 滿意/退款的保證
- [ ] Make product invite-only to start.
- [ ] 只通過「邀請」作為產品啟動的機制
- [ ] Offer free/discounted access for early adopters/beta testers.
- [ ] 對於早期用戶/測試用戶提供免費/折扣優惠措施
- [ ] Add social media follow links to landing page.
- [ ] 在落地頁放上社交媒體關注鏈接
- [ ] Set up analytics to learn about who signs up, bounces, etc.
- [ ] 分析,研究用戶註冊、退出等行為Analytics platforms
- [ ] Google Analytics
- [ ] Mixpanel
- [ ] Kiss Metrics
- [ ] Webmaster Tools
- [ ] Set up on-site messaging to capture leads and engage customers as they land on your site (see our list of live customer chat tools)
- [ ] 設置網站通知(譯者註:類似溫馨提示),當用戶進入網站的時候,能夠引導用戶
Email Setup
See this list of email marketing tools for services that make managing email easier.
- [ ] Set up email address to send and receive emails.
- [ ] 分別創建接收郵件和發送郵件的郵箱地址
- [ ] Set up email list and signup form.
- [ ] 創建郵件列表和註冊表單
- [ ] Create a standard email template for your brand.
- [ ] 為你的品牌創建一個標準的郵件模版
- [ ] Create transactional emails for when users sign up/purchase.
- [ ] 為用戶註冊和交易創建用於交易的郵箱
Blog Setup
Content Marketing is all the marketing that』s left. - Seth Godin
內容市場營銷是所有市場營銷中一直被保留的。-- Seth Godin
- [ ] Choose a blogging platform (see this list of blogging platforms for your side project).
- [ ] 選取一個博客平台(到這個清單查看有哪些博客適合你的Side Project)
- [ ] Research keywords that you』d like your site/blog to rank for.
- [ ] 關鍵詞研究,即那些你希望網站獲得排名的關鍵詞
Keyword research tools
- SpyFu
- SEMrush
- Moz Keyword Explorer
- KWFinder
- Google Keyword Research
- [ ] Create anchor posts or pages for keywords you』d like to rank for.
- [ ] 為你所希望獲得排名的關鍵詞創建文章或者頁面
- [ ] Have a blog post brainstorming session:
- [ ] 展開一場關於博客文章的頭腦風暴Blog post ideas
- Little known features of your product.
- 提及產品的特點
- Highlight use cases for your product.
- 突出產品的使用場景(用例)
- Highlight customers who are using your product.
- 突出哪些正在使用該產品的用戶
- Interview industry specialists.
- 採訪行業專家
- List of popular sites in your industry (be sure to notify them after you publish it!)
- 列出行業著名的網站(發布之後別忘了通知他們)
- See these lists of ideas from Buffer and Hubspot.
- 其他點子可訪問 Buffer 和 Hubspot
- [ ] Add email signup form or link to all blog posts.
- [ ] 在所有頁面增加一個註冊表單或者鏈接
- [ ] Add social media follow links to all blog posts.
- [ ] 在所有文章中添加社交媒體的關注鏈接
Social Media Setup
- [ ] Search for availability of names on social networks using KnowEm.
- [ ] 搜索在社交媒體上可註冊使用的名稱
- [ ] Choose the social media accounts you』ll use:
- [ ] 選擇你所接觸到的社交媒體賬戶Social media platforms
- [ ] Snapchat
- [ ] YouTube
- [ ] Standardize profile image, background photo, links and call to action across social channels.
- [ ] 社交渠道統一標準,包括配圖、背景圖、鏈接、行為召喚
- [ ] Put premium content behind 「pay with a tweet」.
- [ ] 在「分享即可免費使用」後面放置高價值內容
Customer Outreach
You should be talking to a small number of users who are seriously interested in what you』re making, not a broad audience who are on the whole indifferent. - Jessica Livingston, Founding Partner at Y Combinator
你應該和那一小撮對你的所做的事情感興趣用戶溝通,而不是那些對此完全不關心的品牌客戶。--Jessica Livingston
- [ ] Send a coupon code to close friends and family members to let them try your product.
- [ ] 給親朋好友發送一個優惠碼,讓他們試用你的產品
- [ ] Send early access notification to customers identified in research.
- [ ] 給調查中獲得的用戶發出早期版本使用通知
- [ ] Reach out to your social media followers, ask them to try your product.
- [ ] 和你的社交媒體關注者進行溝通,說服他們試用你的產品
- [ ] Cold call ~20 people who might be good customers.
- [ ] 給至少20位可能的優質客戶打電話(譯者註:Cold Call,冷電,也叫意外訪問,類似於電話銷售)
- [ ] Connect with potential customers on Linkedin, reach out when they accept.
- [ ] 嘗試在LinkedIn連接潛在的客戶,當他們接受的時候與他們溝通
- [ ] Watch a first time user use your product.
- [ ] 觀察用戶首次使用你的產品的場景
- [ ] Survey or poll your users for feedback (see our list of survey tools for lots of great options at any budget).
- [ ] 讓用戶做問卷調查或者投票,獲得反饋
- [ ] Collect and display testimonials from happy users.
- [ ] 從喜出望外的用戶里收集並展示他們的褒獎
- [ ] Run an early-stage cold email campaign.
- [ ] 發起一個「冷郵件」活動(譯者註:Cold Email,和前面的 Cold Call 類似,只不過是通過郵件的方式進行)An early-stage cold email campaign
- [ ] Make a list of 30 prospective early customers』 email addresses (Find email addresses with a tool like Hunter).
- [ ] 創建一個30個潛在客戶的郵件地址清單
- [ ] Send three cold emails per day for ten days. Experiment with messaging, take note of what works.
- [ ] 持續10天每天發送三封「冷郵件」,研究這些發出去的信息,並對那些有效的信息記錄筆記
- [ ] Send three follow up emails per day for ten days. Experiment with messaging, take note of what works.
- [ ] 連續十天每天發送三封跟進郵件,研究這些發出去的信息,並對那些有效的信息記錄筆記
- [ ] Scale it up. Find more prospects, set up an automated drip campaign, rinse and repeat every month.
- [ ] 擴大規模,尋找更多的潛在客戶,建立自動化流程,每個月不斷地重複
- [ ] There』s also a really comprehensive how-to article here.
- [ ] 這裡也有一份關於「怎麼做」的文章
Free Promotional Channels
I don』t care how much money you have, free stuff is always a good thing. - Queen Latifah
不管你有多少錢,免費的東西總是好東西。--Queen Latifah
- [ ] Post your product on directories and review sites (Matt McCaffrey has compiled a great list on Github).
- [ ] 在商品名錄和測評網站發布你的產品
- [ ] Write and distribute a Press Release (here』s a comprehensive guide from Wajeez).
- [ ] 撰寫並發布新聞稿
- [ ] Write and distribute an eBook, exchange it for email signup.
- [ ] 撰寫並發布電子書,發送給郵箱註冊用戶
- [ ] Write and distribute a white paper, exchange it for email signup.
- [ ] 撰寫並發布白皮書,發送給郵箱註冊用戶
- [ ] Give free access to influential bloggers in the industry.
- [ ] 給行業內有影響力的博主提供免費的使用
- [ ] Build a 「best of」 page with your best blog posts that you wrote or contributed to other sites (ProBlogger calls this a 「Sneeze Page」).
- [ ] 建立一個「最佳」頁面,將你在其他網站所撰寫發布的文章放到這個頁面
- [ ] Make sure all blog posts have high quality images.
- [ ] 確保所有的博文都有高質量的圖片Places to get free stock images
- [ ] Unsplash
- [ ] Skuawk
- [ ] Pexels
- [ ] Death to Stock
- [ ] Create an online course or guide around your product/industry.
- [ ] 圍繞你的產品/行業做一個在線教程或指南Free learning management systems
- Adapt Learning
- Google Open Classroom
- Moodle
- Eliademy
- Forma LMS
- Canvas
- Opigno
External course-creation sites
- [ ] Snapguide
- [ ]
- [ ] eHow
- [ ] Lynda
- [ ] Pluralsight
- [ ] Skillshare
- [ ] Udemy
- [ ] Run a link-building campaign.
- [ ] 展開外鏈建立活動
Link building strategies
- [ ] Skyscraper campaign
- [ ] Ego baiting
- [ ] Interview/expert Q&A post
- [ ] 訪談/專家 解答文章
- [ ] Guest posting
- [ ] 客座文章
- [ ] Broken link building
- [ ] Get interviewed on podcasts
- [ ] 在博客上獲得訪談
- [ ] Become a source on Help a Reporter Out
- [ ] More strategies on
Link building tools
- [ ] Ahrefs - Two-week free trial
- [ ] Majestic
- [ ] Rank Signals - Free
- [ ] SEMrush
- [ ] Serpstat - Free limited account
Paid Promotional Channels
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- [ ] Paid social and search advertising
- [ ] 在社交平台或者搜索引擎付費做廣告Social and search advertising platforms
- [ ] Google Adwords
- [ ] Bing
- [ ] StumbleUpon
- [ ] Launchbit
- [ ] Izea
- [ ]
- [ ] Commission based advertising
- [ ] 基於傭金模式廣告Commission/affiliate advertising platforms
- [ ] Commission Junction
- [ ]
- [ ] Rakuten Marketing
- [ ] Sponsor a local meetup or conference for your target customers.
- [ ] 為你的目標用戶贊助當地沙龍見面會或者會議
- [ ] Sponsor podcasts your customers might be listening to.
- [ ] 贊助那些你的客戶可能會聽的播客
- [ ] Sponsor/advertise an industry newsletter (check out
- [ ] 通過 Newsletter 為行業贊助/宣傳
- [ ] Set up a user referral marketing system.
- [ ] 打造一個用戶分析的市場營銷系統Referral marketing platforms
- Harry』s Prelaunchr (free, open source)
- CleverTap (offers a free tier)
- Expect Referrals
- Frederick
- Genius Referrals
- InviteBox
- InviteReferrals
- Referral Candy
- Viral Loops
- Girafi
- Campaigned
- [ ] Run an engagement contest with prizes or free products for winners.
- [ ] 舉行一場競賽,並為獲勝者提供獎品活著免費的產品
- [ ] Buy email or lead lists.
- [ ] 購買郵件營銷服務或者Lead lists(譯者註:不知如何翻譯)
Blogging is like work, but without coworkers thwarting you at every turn. - Scott Adams
- [ ] Build/update publishing calendar for your blog.
- [ ] Regularly post blog posts on your blog(s).
- [ ] 定期發布文章
- [ ] Solicit guest posts from early customers and fans of your product.
- [ ] 向早期用戶或者粉絲索求發布客座文章
- [ ] Repurpose existing blog posts:Repurposing blog posts
- [ ] Record/post video of you reading the post on YouTube.
- [ ] 在 YouYube 錄製/發表你朗讀文章的視頻
- [ ] Turn posts into a podcast.
- [ ] 將文章轉換為播客
- [ ] Create an infographic based on the post.
- [ ] 基於文章創建一個信息圖
- [ ] Create a Slideshare or Prezi of your post.
- [ ] 為文章創建幻燈片或者演示文稿
- [ ] Promote your blog content:
- [ ] 推廣你的博客內容:Blog promotion techniques
- [ ] Send post to your email list.
- [ ] 通過郵件發送你的博文
- [ ] Promote on your social media.
- [ ] 在社交媒體推廣
- [ ] Email friends and relatives, ask them to share if relevant.
- [ ] 給親朋好友發送郵件,如果相關的話,詢問他們是否願意分享
- [ ] Send to other bloggers for feedback, ask to share if they like it.
- [ ] 給其他博主發送獲得反饋,如果他們感興趣的話,詢問是否願意分享
- [ ] Add your latest blog post or landing page to your email signature.
- [ ] 在郵件簽名中加上最新文章或者落地頁鏈接
Email is the Jason Bourne of online: somebody』s always trying to kill it. It can』t be done. - Unknown
- [ ] Send a regular email newsletter with blog posts, use cases, customer stories, etc.
- [ ] Promote email list on social media.
- [ ] Send 20 cold emails per week to connect with early customers and get direct feedback.
- [ ] Send new users a personal email introducing yourself.
Social Media
We have technology, finally, that for the first time in human history allows people to really maintain rich connections with much larger numbers of people. – Pierre Omidyar
- [ ] Schedule regular social media content (try these social media tools to help automate the social media process).
- [ ] 為社交媒體內容制定計劃Content ideas
- [ ] Show what happening 「behind the scenes」 (eg: pictures of your workspace, in-development features, etc.).
- [ ] 展示背後的故事(比如你的辦公場所的照片、特點等)
- [ ] Blog posts from your blog (or partners』 blogs).
- [ ] 你自己或者合作夥伴的博文
- [ ] Special offers or discounts.
- [ ] 特殊授權或者折扣
- [ ] Relevant news, advice, or blogs.
- [ ] 相關新聞、建議、或者博客
- [ ] Funny or inspiring quotes.
- [ ] 有趣或者激勵的引用
- [ ] Polls or questions for your followers.
- [ ] 向關注者提問或進行投票調查
- [ ] Suggested books.
- [ ] 書籍推薦
- [ ] Useful tools or websites.
- [ ] 有用的工具或網站
- [ ] Join Facebook and Linkedin groups where your product might be beneficial.
- [ ] 加入對你的產品有益的 Facebook 和 LinkedIn 群組
- [ ] Send exclusive offers to LinkedIn/Facebook Group owners.
- [ ] 給 LinkedIn/Facebook 群主發送特殊的授權
- [ ] Join Twitter chats related to your industry/product.
- [ ] 參與和行業/產品相關的 Twitter 討論
- [ ] Give early users discounts for taking pics with your product.
- [ ] 給早期為產品拍照的用戶折扣
Public Relations
The art of publicity is a black art; but it has come to stay, and every year adds to its potency. – Thomas Paine
- [ ] Ask bloggers with list articles to add your site to their content.
- [ ] 詢問博主是否可以在他們的內容裡面加上你的網站鏈接
- [ ] Reach out to small business journals, reporters, bloggers. Inform and ask for coverage.
- [ ] 和商業媒體、記者、博主接觸,尋求報道
- [ ] Find professors and students with .edu sites to link to your content (good for SEO).
- [ ] 找一些擁有 .edu 網站的教授或學生,鏈接到你的內容(對 SEO 友好)
- [ ] Find reviews or lists of similar products. Ask to be added or leave a comment about your product.
- [ ] 找到相似產品的評測,詢問是否可以將你的產品添加進去
- [ ] Guest post on other blogs.
- [ ] 在其他博客發表客座文章Guest posting
- [ ] Build a list of blogs that are a good fit for your product and accept guest posts. Save their contact form/information.
- [ ] 建立一個契合你的產品並且接受客座文章的博客列表,保存他們的聯繫方式
- [ ] Write a few posts on your own blog first (to use as a demonstration).
- [ ] 首先在你的博客里寫一些文章(作為示範)
- [ ] Create a list of 「pitches,」 blog post ideas with a title and one paragraph summary that might grab bloggers.
- [ ] 列一個博文 Idea 的「Pitches」清單,包括標題以及一段總結,這些也許會吸引到博主
- [ ] Pitch the blogs one idea each. See what they respond to.
- [ ] 給每一篇博文 Pitch(譯者註:這個怎麼翻譯) 一個 Idea,看看他們有什麼反應
- [ ] Help promote your posts via social media, email lists, etc.
- [ ] 通過社交媒體、郵件列表等渠道推廣文章
- [ ] Reach back out in a month and try another pitch. Try to become a 「regular」
- [ ] 每個月回顧和嘗試其他Pitch,嘗試將其作為一種日常工作
- [ ] Leave non-spammy comments on blog posts related to your industry or product.
- [ ] 在和你的行業/產品相關的網站留下評論,但不是垃圾評論
- [ ] Join and participate in forums related to your product or industry.
- [ ] 參加產品或者行業研討會
External Sites
- [ ] Answer relevant questions on Q&A community sites (check back regularly)
- [ ] 在社區網站回答相關問題Q&A Communities
- [ ] Stack Overflow
- [ ] Quora
- [ ] Industry or geographically specific forums
- [ ] Product Hunt For more information on how to launch here, read this.
- [ ] Leave comments on Slideshare presentations.
- [ ] 在演示幻燈片上留下評論(譯者註:這麼翻譯感覺不對)
- [ ] Review industry-related books on Amazon, Goodreads.
- [ ] 在Amazon、Goodreads瀏覽業內相關書籍
- [ ] Register to be notified of relevant discussions on Reddit and Hacker News with F5Bot
- [ ] 在 F5Bot 註冊一個賬號,當 Reddit 和 HackerNews 有相關消息的時候第一時間通知
- [ ] Run a customer poll (can also generate content for your blog or social media channels).
- [ ] 用戶調查(可用於博客內容或者社交媒體渠道)
- [ ] Create another side project to promote your product (read more).
- [ ] 創建另一個Side Project 去推廣你的產品
- [ ] A/B test your landing/payment pages (check out Optimizely).
- [ ] 對落地頁/付款頁做 A/B 測試
- [ ] A/B test email newsletters and promotions.
- [ ] 對郵件營銷和產品宣傳進行 A/B 測試
- [ ] Implement Twitter cards on your blog posts.
- [ ] 在博文里放置 Twitter 名片
- [ ] Implement rich snippets in Google search results.
- [ ] 在谷歌的搜索結果里實現豐富的展示結果
- [ ] Analyze user signup flow (check out the teardowns here).
- [ ]分析用戶的註冊動作
- [ ] Test your website on multiple platforms, make sure speed is good.
- [ ] 在多平台對你的網站進行測試,保證訪問速度良好
- [ ] Use Website Grader to pinpoint website improvements.
- [ ] 使用 Website Grader 去找到網站能夠提升的地方
- [ ] Create and track weekly traffic and growth goals.
- [ ] 建立和追蹤每周的流量和增長目標
- [ ] Time social media posts and email newsletters to when your audience is most likely to respond.
- [ ] 為你的客戶標註最有可能在社交媒體的文章和郵件營銷進行反饋的時間點
- [ ] Make sure each page on your site has a clear call-to-action.
- [ ] 確保網站的每一個頁面都有清晰的「行動召喚」
- [ ] Audit and improve your conversion rate (see this checklist for detailed steps you can take)
- [ ] 審查和提高轉換率
- [ ] Set up automatic analytics reports to be emailed to you each week.
- [ ] 建議每周自動發送分析報告郵件給自己
- [ ] Experiment with various signup form locations, colors, and sizes.
- [ ] 研究各種樣式的註冊表單,包括表單的位置、顏色和尺寸
- [ ] Add 「Exit Intent」 popup to your blog/site.
- [ ] 在退出網站的時候設定彈出層
- [ ] Create an FAQs page.
- [ ] 建立 FAQs 頁面
- [ ] Experiment with various proactive on-site messages to promote engagement and conversions.
- [ ] 研究各種主動通知信息和轉換率的聯繫
- [ ] Verify your website』s tags are correct with Google Tag Assistant.
- [ ] 通過 Google Tag Assistant 核查網站是否正確使用標籤
※How to develop a marketing purpose database successfully with forms and emails.
TAG:市場營銷 |