How to – Flea treatment and flea』s life cycle(內含翻譯)


When an animal or house becomes infestedwith fleas it can become a huge problem. The best way to handle fleas is tounderstand the life cycle, once the life cycle is known the proper treatmentcan be done.

Howdo fleas get onto your pet and into the home?

fleas live in the tall grass and jump onanimals as they pass, when another animal passes the infested animal, fleaswill jump onto the new host. This is how the fleas transport to animal toanimal once an infested pet enters the home it won』t take long for the home tobe infested and the humans of the home to become the new host for the fleas.

Howto tell if your pets have fleas

One of the effects of fleas ishypersensitivity reaction, which is an allergic reaction that is caused by achemical on the flea. The reaction causes intense itchiness in the rump,thighs, tail base, belly of the pet. The main actions an owner will noticetheir pet doing are:

· Scratching

· Licking

· Chewing

· Biting

· Rubbing

The pet will not be able to stop theseactions which will cause the animal pain and suffering. The continues actionswill cause wounds which will lead to infection, which will cause pyoderma (Pusoozing out of skin sores). When the pet is licking the fleas, the pet willingest them which will lead to tape worms. This is the start of the fleatapeworm life cycle (Dipylidiumcaninum)

1. Immature flea eats tape wormegg

2. The flea after eaten the tapeworm egg jumps onto a host

3. The flea is ingested by the cator dog

4. The tapeworm larvae attach tothe intestine and develops into a mature tapeworm

5. The tapeworm grows intosegments which contain hundreds of tapeworm eggs

6. The segments are released withthe faeces and can be seen moving they look like bits of rice

7. The segments burst releasingthe eggs which the flea larvae will consume

8. The tapeworm will begin to growin the flea and the cycle continues

Since knowing there is not one but twocreatures you must deal with when trying to deal with a flea infestation. Whenfinding treatment, you will need flea treatment this can rather shampoo, spray,spot on or collar and dewormer this will be in the form of a tablet as thisneed to work on the inside of the animal.

Typesof treatments

Flea shampoo: this is just like normal shampoo but designed to deal with fleas.Wash your pet as you would normal but check the product to make sure it isdesigned for your animal and the size of your animal is this could poison youpet.

Flea spray:spray on the animal and rub into the skin.

Spot on:this is a liquid in an eye drop bottle you put some drops on the back of theneck and base of the tail making sure to part the fur and apply directly ontothe skin. This will mix with the natural oil of the animal to fight off thefleas.

Flea collar:just like a normal collar but with chemicals to fight off fleas but don』t useany other flea treatment with the collar as it may poison the pet.

Deworming tablets: this is a tablet that you give to your pet. This will be done byforcing the tablet down the mouth or hiding it in the pet food but the tabletmust be ingested to work.

Flea treatments should be done soon aspossible and kept applying every 3 months to prevent your pet from gettingfleas. If the house becomes infested the best thing to use would be a fogger,these full the home with smoke which poisons the fleas. You must completelyclean the house because after the foggers are used it will kill the maturefleas but the egg protects the baby fleas. When the flea eggs hatch and youhave already cleaned up the infestation will start all over again. The plan isthe chemicals from the fogger will coat the carpet so when the flea hatches itwill jump into the poison, it is recommended not to clean the house for 1 weekto make sure all the fleas are gone.

My horror story

When I got into my own place I was so happyto have my independence, me and my cat Neko was so happy, Neko had a huge parkto play in while I was away at work. Not knowing much about animals, I didn』tgive my cat flea and worming treatment which was a big mistake. While I wasworking nights, I felt it was evil to keep my cat locked in all day so I gavemy cat to my mother where she could live a healthier life. As soon as my catwas gone the fleas lost their source of food and they turned to me. While I wason my pc I could feel them crawling through my beard, then the biting startedmaking me itch and nearly to tears out of frustration as they would let me sleep. Iwent to the pet shop and bought some foggers and let them off but I boughtcheap and didn』t work so still had to put up with fleas biting me all day andnight. While I was at the pet shop buying more foggers then the shop keeperowner told me I should use the government to come clean my house. After lookingonline, I found that they could do this so I had to get the government to dealwith my flea problem. The nightmare was finally over and I learnt some goodlessons.

· Give worm and flea treatment toyour pets

· Don』t buy cheap there is a good reason there cheap

· Find out what the governmentcan do to help you







· 抓撓某處

· 咀嚼某處

· 撕咬某處

· 摩擦某處

寵物一旦寄生了跳蚤,就會不停得在感染部位抓撓、摩擦,這些持續動作會進一步形成傷口從而導致感染,形成膿皮病。如果寵物舔食跳蚤,當消化跳蚤時,就會使寵物體內寄生絛蟲。以下就是跳蚤絛蟲的生命周期(又叫 犬復殖孔絛蟲)。

1. 未成年的跳蚤會食絛蟲的卵;

2. 吃下了絛蟲的跳蚤跳到宿主身上;

3. 絛蟲的幼蟲就附著在跳蚤腸道內,並逐漸發育成長;

4. 絛蟲會長成幾節,每節都會包含成百上千的絛蟲卵;

5. 絛蟲都會隨著跳蚤糞便排出,並且可以看見他們依舊在蠕動,乍看像米粒;

6. 排出的絛蟲會產下卵供跳蚤的幼蟲食用;

7. 於是絛蟲又會在跳蚤體內成長,於是循環又將開始。












· 定期除蚤除蟲

· 千萬不要貪圖便宜


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