
Part2: 考官思路及論證方法



1 反對動物實驗



2 支持動物實驗




在開頭段我們可以採取讓步的方式提出自己的觀點。比如:While I tend towards the viewpoint that…, I would have to support…

eg. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.



寫主題句時,我們可以通過羅列理由的方式寫段落主題句。比如:there are clear ethical arguments against…

eg. On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal experimentation.



提出理由時,我們可以利用支持者或反對者的方式提出具體的理由。比如:Supporters/Opponents of…argue/believe that…

eg. Opponents of such research argue that humans have no right to subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should be respected.


eg. Supporters of the use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on the part of mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved.


Part3: 考官亮點詞句及語境含義

1 be tested on…語境含義


比如,談到動物實驗時,你說:藥品或其它產品在人類使用之前按慣例都要在動物身上進行檢測。英語可以說:Medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use.

再如,很多產品在投放市場之前按慣例都要在極端氣候條件下進行檢測。英語可以說:Products are routinely tested in extreme weather conditions before they are introduced into the market.

2 routinely語境含義


比如打太極,英語可以說:go through Taiqi routines; 每天清晨你都要快速步行。A brisk walk is part of your morning routine.

工作一旦熟悉之後就會更加容易。The job will be easier once you settle into a routine.

這種疫苗已常規使用。英語可以說:This vaccine has been routinely used.

再如,談到動物實驗,你說,藥品在用於人類使用之前按慣例都要在動物身上進行檢測。英語可以說:Medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use.

3 clear語境含義

clear原指「清除」之意,因此只要描述「清除障礙獲得通過」的時候都可以使用這個詞語。常用搭配有:sb clear sth, sb clear sb to do sth, sb clear sth with sb;

比如,你的文章在刊登前要獲得老闆的同意。英語可以說:You need to clear the article with the boss before getting it published.

老闆同意刊登該文章。Your boss cleared the article for publication.

老闆同意你刊登文章。Your boss cleared you to publish your article.

飛機允許著陸。英語可以說:The plane was cleared to land. 或者 The plane was cleared for landing.

再如,藥品在允許人類使用前要在動物身上進行檢測。英語可以說:Medicines need to be tested on animals before they are cleared for human use.

4 while I tend towards the viewpoint that…, I would have to support a limited amount of… 語境含義


比如,談到電腦遊戲,你說:雖然我傾向於認為電腦遊戲會給孩子產生負面影響,但我還是支持一定時間的電腦遊戲以開發孩子的大腦。英語可以說:While I tend towards the viewpoint that gaming can have a negative influence on children, I would have to support a limited amount of time on computer games for the development of their brain.

談到課程學習,你說:雖然我傾向於認為學生應專心學習必修課程,但我還是支持花一定時間學習選修課程以培養他們的興趣。英語可以說:While I tend towards the viewpoint that students should concentrate on their compulsory subjects, I would have to support a limited amount of time on selective ones for the development of their interest.

再如,談到動物實驗,你說:雖然我傾向於認為動物實驗在道德上是錯誤的,但我還是支持一定量的動物實驗以便藥品研發。英語可以說:While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.

5 there are clear ethical arguments against…語境含義


比如,談到死刑時,你說:一方面,從道德上反對死刑是顯而易見的。英語可以說:On the one hand, there are clear moral arguments against capital punishment.

談到年輕人做義工時,你說,一方面,從道德上反對年輕人做義工是顯而易見的。英語可以說:On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against young people doing voluntary work.

再如,談到動物實驗時,你說:一方面,從道德上反對動物實驗是顯而易見的。英語可以說:On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal experimentation.

6 Opponents of…argue that…語境含義


比如,談到核能時,反對核能的人認為核能會對世界構成威脅。英語可以說:Opponents of nuclear power argue that it represents danger to the world.

談到保護小語種時,你說:反對保護小語種的人認為保護小語種是浪費金錢。英語可以說:Opponents of saving minority languages argue that it would be a waste of money.

再如,談到動物實驗,你說:反對動物實驗的人認為人類無權讓動物遭受痛苦,所有生物的生命都應受到尊重。英語可以說:Opponents of such research argue that humans have no right to subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should be respected.

7 subject語境含義

參見話題education:ways of measuring students』 performance: 語境含義6

8 justify語境含義

justify包含just(公正的,合理的)這個單詞;因此只要描述「證明…是正當的或合理的」的時候都可以使用這個單詞。常見搭配有:sb justify sth, sth be justified, it can be justified to do sth。

比如:談到動物實驗時,你說:人們認為,動物實驗給人類帶來的好處並不能證明動物遭受痛苦的合理性;同時科學家應使用可替代的研究方法。英語可以說:They believe that the benefits to humans do not justify the suffering caused, and that scientists should use alternative methods of research.

支持動物醫學研究的人認為如果能拯救人類生命,那麼讓老鼠遭受痛苦就是合理的。英語可以說:Supporters of the use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on the part of mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved.

9 available語境含義

參加話題:internationalization and globalization: countries are becoming more and more similar:語境含義2

10 agree with sb/sth語境含義

雖然很多人認識這個搭配,但卻不會靈活運用。常見搭配有:agree with sth, agree with sb who believe/argue that…, agree with the idea of…, agree with doing of sth, agree with the idea/view/statement that…等。

比如,談到大學錄取時,你說:我不同意大學每個課程對每個性別都要錄取相同比例的學生。英語可以說:I do not agree with the idea of accepting equal proportions of each gender in every university subject.

談到動物實驗,你說:我同意禁止非醫學方面的動物實驗,但它對開發新葯和醫學流程來說卻是必要的。英語可以說:Personally, I agree with the banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a necessary evil where new drugs and medical procedures are concerned.

談到職業選擇時,你說:我不同意薪水是決定職業的關鍵因素,因為其他因素也很重要。英語可以說:Personally, I disagree with the idea that money is the key consideration when deciding on a career, because I believe that other factors are equally important.

談到薪水時,你說:我贊同某些人的觀點,即應對薪水設置上限。英語可以說:I agree with those who argue that there should be a maximum wage.

再如,談到明星時,你說:我同意娛樂圈的明星收入過高。英語可以說:I agree with the view that stars in the entertainment business are usually overpaid.

11 …is a necessary evil where…is concerned語境含義

A necessary evil是「不可避免之惡事」之意。因此只要描述「…雖不受歡迎,但對於...卻是必要的。」的時候都可以使用這個搭配。

比如,談到交通堵塞時,你說:徵收擁堵費雖然不受歡迎,但對於治理交通堵塞來說卻是必要的。英語可以說:Introduction of a congestion charge is a necessary evil where reducing traffic congestions is concerned.

談到空氣污染時,你說:提高油價雖然不受歡迎,但對於治理空氣污染來說卻是必要的。英語可以說:Higher fuel prices are a necessary evil where combating air pollution is concerned.

再如,談到動物實驗,你說:我同意禁止非醫學方面的動物實驗,但它對開發新葯和醫學流程來說卻是必要的。英語可以說:Personally, I agree with the banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a necessary evil where new drugs and medical procedures are concerned.


Lesson50: Taken for a ride
從《指環王》電影里學英語(1)——Galadriels Narration (I)

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