制動異響(squeak,rattle and knock)根源解析

制動異響的診斷是一個讓人糟心的過程,判斷究竟是哪一種異響(squeaking,rattling or knocking)的過程中會讓你有一種挫敗的感覺,不管你是一個經驗多豐富的異響工程師。因為往往這種異響是發生在車輛運行過程中的,你既摸不得也鎖不定該它究竟來自哪個機構。

還有另外一種讓人迷惑不解的情況就是怎麼來正確地區分制動異響,而不是制動嘯叫(brake squeal),採用什麼樣的主觀評價方法盡量在項目開發初期(pre-prototype, prototype, program和pilot vehicle)來及早地發現問題就顯得極為重要(這不是本篇短文所要闡述的觀點,後期文章我會整理目前主流OEM針對制動異響的主觀評價方法)。




1) Raise and properly support the vehicle (第一步安全最重要).

2) Remove the wheel and tire(這一步只要會換胎就可以了).

3) Reinstall and tighten 2 lugs to secure the rotor to the hub(不一定所有的制動卡鉗都是這種結構,靈活變通).

4) With a large C clamp, compress the piston into the caliper bore, and remove the C clamp(如果自己實在不熟悉制動機構,應該先去解析一個廢舊的部件來增進對結構的了解).

5) Remove the lower caliper guide pin bolt(不要搞丟它).

6) With the brake hose still attached, pivot the caliper upward and secure the caliper with mechanic』s wire (見 Fig. 1).

7) Remove the lower caliper guide pin, being careful not to damage the pin boot(小心一點為好咯!).

8) Remove the rubber bushing from the caliper guide pin (見 Fig. 1).

9) Clean the caliper guide pin and install replacement bushing. Lubricate the guide pin and bushing with high temp silicone brake lubricant(這一步盡量老實照著做).

10) Remove the support wire and rotate the caliper into position over the disc pads(轉的時候小心你的小「豬腳」).

11) Install the lower caliper guide pin and torque to the required value(記得打滿扭力).

12) Repeat the procedure on the opposite side(對比很重要).

13) Swap them.




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