商科有哪些期刊SSCI收錄的?(主營銷/管理 含審稿時間)


註:1. 排列方式為歐洲MKT行業期刊ABCDE排名,排名應該與其他國家的MKT排名差不多

2. 格式 期刊名-出版社-審稿時間-每年刊數-影響因子

3. 影響因子主選5年IF,沒有的最近年份IF,有的期刊沒有IF可能是因為我沒有找到或者今年剛收錄。RG是ResearchGate Impact, H數是JCR H index.


Journal of Marketing AMA 雙月刊 IF3.82

Journal of Marketing research AMA 雙月刊 IF3.7

Journal of consumer research 雙月刊 IF3.8

Journal of the academy of marketing science SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見19天 接收到見刊24天 雙月 IF9.5


Journal of business research ELSEVIER 月刊 IF4.1

Marketing Science INFORMS 月刊 IF3.58

Journal of retailing ELSEVIER 季刊 IF4.6

Journal of applied psychology APA 月刊 IF6.89

Journal of personality and social psychology APA 月刊 IF7.3

Strategic management journal WILEY 月刊 RG6.36

Academy of management journal WILEY 雙月刊 IF11.9

International journal of research in marketing ELSEVIER 雙月刊 IF3.28

Management science INFORMS 月刊 IF2.8

Journal of product innovation management WILEY 月刊 IF3.76

Journal of service research SAGE 季刊 IF2.14

Academy of management review AM 季刊 RG1.29

Psychology and marketing WILEY 月刊 IF2


Journal of international business studies SPRINGER 8刊/年 IF3.4

Industrial marketing management ELSEVIER 月刊 IF4.4

Journal of management SAGE 8刊/年 IF7.7

Journal of consumer psychology ELSEVIER 季刊 IF3.98

Marketing letters SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見59天 接收到見刊11天 季刊 IF2.3

Journal of advertising TAYLOR&FRANCIS 季刊 IF1.2

Journal of advertising research WARC IF2.0

Organizational behavior and human decision processes ELSEVIER 雙月刊 交稿到初審意見10.4周 接受到見刊9.1周 IF3.95

Journal of interactive marketing ELSEVIER 交稿到初審意見4.4周 接收到見刊12.8周 季刊IF7.7

Journal of business ethics SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見52天 接收到見刊14天 28刊/年 IF3.5

Organization Science INFORMS 月刊 IF6.1

Journal of international marketing AMA IF3.7

Journal of service management EMERALD 5刊/年 IF5.1

International marketing review EMERALD 雙月刊 IF3.45

Research policy EMERALD 交稿到初審意見9.3周 接收到見刊7.5周 雙月刊 IF6.3

Journal of business venturing ELSEVIER 雙月刊 IF8.2

Journal of service marketing 7刊/年 IF2.6

American economic review 月刊 RG4.7

Entrepreneurship theory and practice WILEY 雙月刊 IF4.9


Psychological review APA 雙月刊 IF9.5

California management review SAGE 季刊 IF2.9

Journal of operations management ELSEVIER 也是SCI 交稿到初審意見2.5周 IF8.6

American psychologist 9刊/年 IF7.3

Long range planning ELSEVIER 雙月刊 IF6.3

Psychological methods 季刊 IF10.1

Annual review of psychology 年刊 RG11.09

International business review ELSEVIER 雙月刊 IF3.1

Journal of management studies WILEY 雙月刊 IF3.96

International journal of advertising T&F 雙月刊 IF2.45

Journal of business logistics WILEY 季刊 IF2.88

Journal of business and industrial marketing EMERALD 8刊/年 IF2.0

International journal of physical distribution and logistics management EMERALD 10刊/年 IF3.98

International journal of electronic commerce 季刊 IF1.85

Structural equation modeling T&F 雙月刊 也是SCI IF3.1

Journal of consumer behavior WILEY 雙月刊 IF1.5

Personality and social psychology bulletin SAGE 月刊 IF2.5

Psychological science SAGE 月刊 IF4.9

Business horizons ELSEVIER 雙月刊 IF3.3

International journal of project management ELSEVIER 交稿到初審意見5.7周 接收到見刊4.1周 IF4.4

Econometrica WILEY 季刊 IF3.4

Psychometrika SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見85天 接收到見刊32天 季刊 IF2.7

R&D management WILEY 季刊 IF2.4

European management review WILEY 季刊 IF1.3

Journal of applied social psychology WILEY 月刊 IF1.23

Technovation ELSEVIER 雙月刊 也是SCI IF4.8

International journal of market research SAGE 雙月刊 IF1.6

Journal of business economics T&F 雙月刊 IF0.9

Marketing theory SAGE 季刊 IF2.56

Journal of consumer affairs 季刊 IF1.26

British journal of management WILEY 季刊 IF2.98


Journal of occupational and organizational psychology WILEY 季刊 IF3.1

Journal of supply chain management WILEY 雙月刊 IF5.8

Organization studies SAGE 月刊 IF3.1

Journal of small business management WILEY 季刊 IF2.87

Multivariate behavioral research T&F 雙月刊 RG1.3 H61

Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory and cognition 月刊 IF2.96

Tourism management ELSEVIER 雙月刊 IF6.0

Journal of political economy 雙月刊 IF3.9

Decision sciences WILEY 雙月刊 IF1.6

Management decisions EMERALD 10刊/年 IF2.5

Managing service quality EMERALD 雙月刊 IF1.1

International journal of consumer studies WILEY 雙月刊 IF1.5

Service industries journal T&F 16刊/年 RG1.36 H48

Journal of business-to-business marketing T&F 季刊 IF1.3

Project management journal 雙月刊 IF1.14

Journal of macromarketing SAGE IF1.8

Business strategy and the environment WIELY 雙月刊 IF3.1

Journal of travel research SAGE 8刊/年 IF4.56

Management international review SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見33天 接收到見刊54天 IF2.7

Creativity and innovation management WILEY 季刊 IF1.4

Journal of behavioral decision making WILEY 季刊 IF1.7

European journal of innovation management EMERALD 季刊 RG1.88 H40

International journal of management reviews WILEY 季刊 IF5.6

Journal of computer-mediated communication WIELY 雙月刊 IF3.8

Educational and psychological measurement SAGE 雙月刊 IF1.5

Journal of communication WILEY 雙月刊 IF3.9


Journal of purchasing and supply management ELSEVIER 季刊 IF4.8

International journal of industrial organization ELSEVIER 交稿到初審意見7.8周 接收到見刊2.7周 雙月刊 IF1.2

International small business journal SAGE 8刊/年 IF3.7

OMEGA- the international journal of management science ELSEVIER 也是SCI 交稿到初審意見5.7周 10刊/年 IF4.67

Journal of engineering and technology management ELSEVIER 也是SCI和EI 雙月刊 IF2.98

International journal of technology management 也是SCI 月刊 IF0.365

Group decision and negotiation SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見111天 接收到見刊14天 雙月刊 IF1.95

Food policy ELSEVIER 交稿到初審意見7.3周 接收到見刊3周 季刊 IF3.7

Journal of economics and management strategy WILEY 季刊 IF0.9

Journal of media economics T&F 季刊 RG0.36 IF0.24

Journal of electronic commerce research 季刊 RG2.5 IF1.4

Journal of cultural economics SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見57天 接收到見刊17天 季刊 IF1.0

Journal of organizational change management EMERALD 7刊/年 IF1.2

Annals of tourism research ELSEVIER 雙月刊 RG2.7

Sport marketing quarterly 季刊

Journal of industrial economics WILEY 季刊 IF0.9

Scandinavian journal of management ELSEVIER 投稿到初審意見10周 接收到見刊5周 季刊 IF2.0

Cornell hospitality quarterly SAGE 季刊 IF2.6

Journal of forecasting WILEY 月刊 IF0.7

Journal of knowledge management EMERALD 季刊 IF3.3

Journal of management inquiry SAGE 季刊 IF1.2

Asia pacific journal of management SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見25天 接收到見刊45天 季刊 IF2.6

Australian journal of management SAGE 季刊 IF1.48

Journal of technology transfer SPRINGER 交稿到初審意見29天 接收到見刊12天 雙月刊 IF2.7




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