
One Morning

at seven o AM my flowers are waking

a woman and dog came my direction

the naive creature was tired, may be old

a stranger is a null look with uninteresting scent

I remember from previous days

two walked till main road then turned

the woman was calm and pale as formerly met

uttered a word, hesitantly, I looked aside

she can be behind and a job be done

this morning I parted myself to her right

fixed down and straight like that old fellow

breath held by unspeakable shame

shyness is the greatest distance, there she held back too

morning air was slightly torn

a walking hole guarded by walls

conversations do not echo from that hollow

but, we may just wanted to exchange a smile

and say: hi, and good morning


如何賞析蘇軾《江城子·乙卯正月二十日夜記夢 》?

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