英文翻譯對比:出師表 (諸葛亮)

英文翻譯對比:出師表 (諸葛亮/Zhuge Liang)

a. Pre-Battle Memorandum to His Majesty

b. Norther Expedition Memorandum

a. translated by alexcwlin/edited by Adam Lam

b. translated by王洛勇


a. Minister Liang states:

b. Permit me to observe:


a. Sadly our predecessor Emperor passed away midway through uniting the nation.

b. the late emperor was taken from us before he could finish his life`s work, the restoration of Han.


a. Today the country is split up into three kingdoms. Our Shu-Han Empire is in a desperate state. This is truly a critical moment which determines whether we live or die in the days to come.

b. Today, the empire is still divided in three, and our very survival is threatened.


a. Yet inside the palace, serving officials work tirelessly; outside staunch soldiers go all out in risking their lives.

b. Yet still the officials at court and the soldiers throughout the realm remain loyal to you, your majesty.


a. That』s because they are indebted to former Emperor』s generous benevolence and wish to pay it forward to you, Your Majesty.

b. Because they remember the late emperor, all of them, and they wish to repay his kindness in service to you.


a. Indeed this is the time Your Majesty should listen to voices around you, spread goodwill from late Emperor, and boost morale of your followers.

b. This is the moment to extend your divine influence, to honour the memory of the late Emperor and strengthen the morale of your officers.


a. This is not the time to have self-doubt in your own ability, and quote misguided examples to block well-intended advice.

b. It is not time to listen to bad advice, or close your ears to the suggestions of loyal men.


a. Personnel serving in palace and administrative offices belong to one common unit. Assessment standards for reward and penalty should be uniformly applied.

b. The court and the administration are as one. Both must be judged by one standard.


a. Where there are incidents of violations or merits, these cases should be referred to officers in charge to evaluate appropriate commendations or punishments.

b. Those who are loyal and good must get what they deserve, but so must the evil-doers who break the law.


a. Such measures would demonstrate a policy of fairness and impartiality of Your Majesty. Favoritism is unwise in applying rules in palace different from those in administration.

b. This will demonstrate the justice of your rule. There cannot be one law for the court and another for the administration.


a. Imperial Advisers and Assistant Ministers such as Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, etc. are all reliable, trustworthy, honest, and loyal. They were hand-picked by late Emperor and inherited by you. My humble opinion is they should be consulted on matters of all significance and sizes inside the palace before implementation. Their involvements would be beneficial in providing second opinions and pointing out oversights.

b. Counselors and attendants like Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun are all reliable men, loyal of purpose and pure in motive. The late Emperor selected them for office so that they would serve you after his death. These are the men who should be consulted on all palace affairs.


a. General Xiang Chong is righteous in disposition and proficient in military know-how. During his tenure in the old days, our late Emperor praised his competence and he was appointed senior military officer by consensus. My humble opinion is he should be consulted on all army』s matters. His involvement would ensure smoothness in operations and correctness in handling matters of military.

b. Xiang Chong has proved himself a fine general in battle, and the late Emperor believed in him. That is why the assembly has recommended him for overall command. It will keep the troops happy if he is consulted on all military matters.


a. Using good people in office to the exclusion of bad ones was the reason why West Han Dynasty prospered.

b. The emperors of the Western Han chose their courtiers wisely, and their dynasty flourished.


a. Using bad people in office to the exclusion of good ones was the reason why East Han Dynasty faltered.

b. The emperors of the Eastern Han chose poorly, and they doomed the empire to ruin.


a. When our late Emperor discussed with me on the corruptions during the reigns under Emperor Huan and Ling, he inevitably agonized over them and sighed.

b. Whenever the late Emperor discussed this problem with me, he lamented the failings of Emperors Huan and Ling.


a. Current Imperial Adviser, Minister, Adjutant, and Military Adviser are all faithful and country-first officials. I hope Your Majesty would like them and trust them. In doing so, prosperity of the Han Dynasty would only be a matter of time.

b. Advisors like Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, Chen Zhen, Zhang Yi, and Jiang Wan – these are all men of great integrity and devotion. I encourage you to trust them, your majesty, if the house of Han is to rise again.


a. I started out as a commoner who farmed in Nanyang while struggling to survive in times of turmoil. It was not my intention to seek fame amongst feudal lords.

b. I begin as a common man, farming in my fields in Nanyang, doing what I could to survive in an age of chaos. I never had any interest in making a name for myself as a noble.


a. Our later Emperor was not troubled by my humble status and faraway residence. Three times he condescendingly visited my thatched hut to seek my advice on current affairs.

b. The late Emperor was not ashamed to visit my cottage and seek my advice.


a. In appreciation, I promised to avail myself at his disposal.

b. Grateful for his regard, I responded to his appeal and threw myself into his service.


a. Later in a period of failures, I accepted appointment when our troops suffered defeat and took orders in times of dangers. Since then twenty-one years has passed. Our late Emperor knew I was prudent. So in his last breaths he entrusted me with all important matters.

b. Now twenty-one years has passed, the late Emperor always appreciated my caution and, in his final days, entrusted me with his cause.


a. Since I took up the assignment, I have been worrying days on end that I may not be able to carry out what I was asked to do and fail our late Emperor.

b. Since that moment, I have been tormented day and night by the fear that I might let him down.


a. So in fifth month, I crossed River Lu and went deep into badlands.

b. That is why I crossed the Lu river at the height of summer, and entered the wastelands beyond.


a. Now order is restored in the south. Also our troops are well armed and equipped.

b. Now the south has been subdued, and our forces are fully armed.


a. We should reward military commanders, and take over central plain up north, In mustering my feeble strength, I will get rid of those evil people, restore the Han Dynasty, and return us to the old capital.

b. I should lead our soldiers to conquer the northern heartland and attempt to remove the hateful traitors, restore the house of Han, and return it to the former capital.


a. It is my duties to repay our late Emperor and show my loyalty to Your Majesty.

b. This the way I mean to honor my debt to the late Emperor and fulfill my duty to you.


a. Dealing with daily operations and providing advice will be handled by Youzhi, Yi and Yun.

b. Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun are the ones who should be making policy decisions and recommendations.


a. It is my wish that Your Majesty grant me the assignment to quell evils and restore our dynasty.

b. My only desire is to be permitted to drive out the traitors and restore the Han.


a. If I fail in these regards, then I am willing to accept the punishment I deserve in consolation to the spirit of our late Emperor.

b. If I should let you down, punish my offense and report it to the spirit of the late Emperor.


a. If words do not go out to propagate Your Majesty』s grace, then Youzhi, Yi and Yun would be at fault and they would be reprimanded for their failings.

b. If those three advisors should fail in their duties, then they should be punished for their negligence.


a. It is advisable that Your Majesty should take initiative to seek good advice, and wisely choose the sensible ones. Wishes of late Emperor in his final edict should be closely followed, and I』m forever grateful for his words of wisdom. Now I am leaving for a long expedition.

b. Your Majesty, consider your course of action carefully. Seek out good advice, and never forget the late Emperor. I depart now on a long expedition, and I will be forever grateful if you heed my advice.


a. Tears stream down my cheeks in looking at this memorandum, and I am lost for words.

b. Blinded by my own tears, I know not what I write.



第二十回 用水攻陳公台建奇勛 起三軍張雋乂御外辱
三國新志 第一章 檀曼

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