
韓承東獨立書畫藝術家--浸潤古韻 引領新風




Han Chengdong,born in 1962,isa professional calligrapher and painter. For generationshis family was the neighbor of the Nine Immortals Mountain in Wulian County, Shandong Province, hence he got such literary names as Luzhilang (son of Shandong), Yicao (a blade of grass), or Xianshan Yicao (a blade of grass fromtheImmortals Mountain).Under the nurture of his uncle, his talents in poetry and paintings stood out since childhood.He had a special liking for writing articlesandpainting even though at such a young age. Han』s self-contained philosophical thoughts on art and painting style derive from his absorption of classics, both occidental and oriental, ancient and modern and his insight into the charm of the oriental culture.

Apart from Beijing, Han has also travelled to many other places for learning and cultivating himself.The hands-on teaching of many masters from China Artists Association, Renmin University of China andChineseCharacter Writing Art Court contributed to motivating him to be an artist of innocence and elegance and moreover, his works to be fine instead of being evil. Yicao』s calligraphy attaches importance to the exaggeration and diversity.While pursuing a sense of wilderness and oddness, his works are still easy to perceive simplicity and naturalness.With his deep love for mountains and waters, Yicao is adept at presenting green hills and clear waters.Furthermore, he also minors in painting flowers and birds.Of all the flowers, he loves lotus only in that he himself wants to be as clear and clean as lotus.He often says to himself,「Iam satisfied with making a living as a calligrapher and painter merely due to my heartfelt passion and sincerity.」


中國哲學是「物我合一」的哲學; 中國美學是「合於天、融於物」的生命超越美學。因此,中國畫的精神貴在畫「心圖」,中國畫的傳統重在「師法天地,道法自然」。

一草君鍾情於中國山水,取法中國傳統工筆畫與寫意畫之精神,善「金碧青綠」,獨愛清蓮,畫作放浪不羈、樸拙率真,富有禪思妙悟。其「潑彩」繪法,淋漓酣暢,妙造天成。潑洒水墨中難辨有為無為、物我合一;鏤金錯彩中筆法任性奇絕、風骨自現。其畫境不失在傳統中別開生面,可謂「方寸間見天地,一花一葉皆靈奇」,總有難以遏制的生命力躍然紙上。Chinesephilosophy stresses the harmony between nature and men, so is its aesthetics which is of transcendence-type highlighting the integration of heaven with earth.Therefore, the spirit ofChinesepainting lies in capturing its essence, while the tradition of Chinese painting focuses on learning from the universe and valuing the original state of nature.

Yicao prefersChinesemountains and waters.Keeping to the spirit of traditionalChineserealistic and freehand brushwork painting, he is deft at portraying green hills and clear waters.Of all the flowers, he loves lotus only.His paintings of lotus are bohemian, simple, sincere and full of meditation thoughts.His splashing colors of landscape paintings implying the spirit of harmony between nature and men fully express his thoughts and feel like nature itself.The gilt and colored painting vividly reflects his vigor of style presented through its magnificence.Just as the saying goes,「To see aworld in agrain ofsandand aheaven in awildflower」,his painting mood breaks such a new path from tradition that unquenchable vitality comes alive onto the paper.


看道 | 樂由心生便是美——王心心 選題記
書畫家王樹營——點劃靈動 氣韻貫通
幾根線撐起生命 一片墨躲避風雨 著名書畫家崔偉

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