《象徵之輪 Sabian符號的起源,結構和力量》(一)靜電魚翻譯
and Power of the Sabian Symbols」___
《象徵之輪 Sabian符號的起源,結構和力量》
這是 Dane Rudhyar的一本重要著作。 丹恩魯伊爾(Dane
Rudhyar)是法國血統的美國人,當代作曲家,畫家和占星家。他多才多藝,而且在將心理學和占星學的融合中獨樹一幟,他的人本主義佔星思想,於後世有深遠影響。而這本關於薩比恩象徵的作品《象徵之輪 Sabian符號的起源,結構和力量》,我在讀後感覺頗好,鑒於我對薩比恩象徵研究已久,見到的好書不多,而國內關於薩比恩象徵的謬誤傳誦尤其多,所以,打算從今天開始為大家即興翻譯講解一下本書的精華,也算是為廣大占星愛好者造福之事。
「The Wheel of Significance is the third volume of The Lost
Writings of Dane Rudhyar series; it was written during 1944-45. Chronologically,The Wheel of Significance follows the material found in the first two volumesof The Lost Writings — The Universal Matrix, a work on the Zodiac and itsenergies, and a work on the astrological houses, entitled The Way of CreativeAccomplishment. Like the two earlier volumes, The Wheel of Significance hasbeen virtually unseen for nearly seventy years, and the material was not
incorporated into subsequent writings.The Wheel of Significance is unique in its in-depth
examination of the amazing inner structure of the 360 Sabian Symbols. Theoriginal articles additionally comprise the first full work on the meaning,power and use of the Sabian Symbols. In view of the out-of-print status ofRudhyars later work on the Symbols, An Astrological Mandala, it seemsappropriate to make the earlier material available for the benefit of studentsand scholars. And as well see below, The Wheel of Significance occupies aspecial place in the history of the Sabian Symbols, with its own fascinatingbackground story.」
「The Origin and History of the Sabian Symbols
Before outlining the inner structure of the Sabian Symbols,
lets review the origin and history of the 360 Sabian Symbols — from theirrevelation in 1925 until the publication of The Wheel of Significance in1944-45.It happen on an unknown day during 1925, between two
occupants of a car parked in San Diegos Balboa Park — Marc Edmund Jones andElsie Wheeler, a clairvoyant crippled with arthritis — and a mysterious thirdparty. In his 1953 work on The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Jonesdescribes the days work in these words:
Miss Elsie Wheeler was very anxious to start, and on the
visible side of things it was necessary to provide uninterrupted hours, with aproblem of inevitable fatigue to be taken into account. She had to be carried,no others could be present and conditions in general had to enable her tofunction in her accustomed manner. Balboa Park in San Diego offered a spotwhere a driveway was a matter of a very few yards from one of the citysbusiest traffic inter」「sections, fortuitously meeting the necessity that work of
this sort be done in the turmoil of some metropolitan center or other unusuallydense aggregation of people active in the business of being. There was a screen
of trees and bushes, and during the day no one would show any interest in a carparked here for a few hours. Special blank cards were prepared for the 360degrees, so that they could be shuffled continuously. A quarter of the pile wastaken at random for the first session. One card was put face down before themedium, and she reported on the picture she saw by inward vision. This wasnoted hurriedly in pencil on the card itself. The process continued steadilyfor nearly two hours, and then after a brief rest another ninety symbols wererecorded. After a drive well out into the country . . . sessions were resumedat the same spot in the park and the other degrees interpreted in a similarfashion.
The author had three tasks in addition to the physical care
of his student sensitive. These were (1) the shuffling which maintained theimmediate synchronization with source material, (2) making pencil notations ofthe psychic[…]」「selection at each point of progress, and (3) sustaining the
ancient mind-matrix, which made the whole procedure possible. The third taskhad its expression, in terms of any human experience be captured in words,through the presence and co-operation on the invisible side of life of that oneof the Brothers (to use the term by which he would be identified in Theosophy)who has been concerned in every spiritistic phase of Sabian investigation.
The pictures which Miss Wheeler saw came from various
sources, as far as their substance was concerned. Some were directly out of herown experience, or as she reached out to take them from other minds directlyavailable to her. Some were beyond her range of comprehension and wereimpressed upon her consciousness, and so were received in distorted fashion orwith an overlay of detail which had to be screened out. As events have shown,her total contribution was an exceptional achievement, and this one of theauthors volumes is dedicated to her memory, in the hope that it may in timebecome a monument to the beauty of her character and the immortal quality ofher ideals. (pp. 333-34).」
「What happened next in the story of the Symbols is best
described by Gavin Kent McClung in his article The Prophetic Sabian Symbols:After Marc Edmund Jones and the clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler
discovered the Sabian symbols, Jones placed in storage the cards on which theywere recorded. He felt that making scientific use of the symbols in astrologymight not be possible. At the time (the mid-1920s), Jones and others wereinvolved in the scientific reorganization of astrology itself, and in varioustypes of occult investigation.It was these other interests that brought him into temporary
partnership with Elsie Wheeler to obtain a new set of symbols for the degrees
of the zodiac. He had found the degree-symbols of Charubel to be useful, but feltthat the Charubel series was overly moralized or slanted in terms of"good/bad" interpretation. Also, as Charubels symbols were meant toilluminate the Ascendant degree only, Jones believed that a fresh approachcould produce a set of symbols with more universal significance.When he came to realize that it might never again be
possible to re-create the situation that had allowed the original discovery ofthe Sabian symbols, Jones decided[…]」「copies of the mimeographed courses on astrology he was then
sending to the members of the Sabian Assembly which he had founded."Symbolical Astrology" was written in 1931, and it listed andinterpreted symbols for each degree of the zodiac. I became very muchinterested in these symbols which, for various reasons that I will presentlystate, I found far superior to previously published sets of degree symbols; andwhen urged by my friend Alice Bailey, I decided to write my book The Astrologyof Personality (summer 1934 to spring 1936) I asked Marc Jones for permissionto include in it a condensed version of the symbols and their interpretations.This permission was readily granted. . . .As I came more and more to use the 360 Sabian symbols I grew
dissatisfied with many of their formulations and interpretations, even though Iwas ever more amazed by the inner structure of the entire series, especiallyconsidering the totally aleatory manner in which the symbols were obtained. Asa result I started to write a long series of articles, entitled The Wheel ofSignificance, which were published serially in American Astrology magazinebetween October 1944 and December 1945. (An Astrological Mandala, pp[…]」這本書創作於1944年至45年。在深入研究360 Sabian符號令人驚嘆的內部結構方面是獨一無二的。
馬克(Marc Edmund
Jones (October 1, 1888 - March 5, 1980)先生這位被譽為美國占星學之父,他受到一位西班牙基督教徒的一本「生命之源」獲得啟發,並結識了他的學生Elsie Wheeler,這位小姐是一名通靈者,他們互相合作,在序言里詳細描述了他們如何製作這套象徵系統的。馬克為黃道360度準備了特殊的360張空白卡片,以便可以連續洗牌。當惠勒手上拿到卡片時腦中所浮現的印象加以一一紀錄在紙條上,一共有360條,每一條如同詩般地描述黃道360度上每一個度數涵義,最終形成了這個珍貴的靈光乍現卻充滿隱喻象徵的重要體系。