

女王17年聖誕演講視頻(中英對照字幕):騰訊視頻 v.qq.com/x/page/g0524os



many, the idea of "home" reaches beyond a physical building to a home

town or city. This Christmas, I think of London and Manchester, whose powerful

identities shone through over the past twelve months in the face of appalling


【銜接】For many, the idea of

"home" reaches beyond a physical building to a home town or city. 上文講的是人們回家這個主題,這句話將概念從具象的樓房、血緣家庭擴展到家鄉和城鎮,接下來就是主要描述後者的內容了。

the idea of A reaches beyond a physical XX to XXX(可以直譯為A的概念不僅包含XX還包含XXX)在句式上也是一個點睛之筆,可以靈活應用於抽象概念的討論,比如親情不僅僅是血緣紐帶更是照顧日常起居和關心愛護;中國人愛國不僅是國籍認同更包括對中華民族的熱愛,等等。

【語音】這句話里,home前後出現了兩次,有一個小小的對比,因此在語音層面,女王將第一個home 是句子重讀,因為它是句子主幹的核心;第二個home位於to引導的賓語部分,雖然也是句子重讀,但要比第一個輕快一些,強調程度沒有第一個重。

【語法-through】powerful identities shone through

over the past twelve months裡面的through是介詞么?查了下《牛津搭配詞典》,並沒有shine through的搭配。因此through在這裡是副詞,表示一個活動、一段時間或一個情景的從頭到尾from the beginning to the end of an activity, a situation or a

period of time,例句1 The

children are too young to sit through a concert. 孩子們還小,無法堅持聽完音樂會;例句2 He will not live through the night. 他活不過今晚。例句3 Im halfway through (= reading) her second novel. 我把她第二部小說讀了一半。

此外,through 還有幾個有意思的用法:

Her knees had gone through (= made holes in) her jeans. 褲子膝蓋處磨破了;The sand ran through (=

between) my fingers. 沙子從指間落下;這兩個句子里,though作from one end

or side of something/somebody to the other。

He drove through a red light (= passed it when he should have

stopped). 他開車闖紅燈;Id

never have got through it all (= a difficult situation) without you. 要是沒有你,我一定挺不過去。這兩句里through作past a barrier, stage or test。

It was through him (= as a result of his help) that I got the job. 就是因為他的幫忙我才找到工作。Through作by means of; because of。

【語音-停頓】This Christmas, I think of London and Manchester, whose powerful

identities shone through // over the past twelve months // in the face of

appalling attacks. 這句話的停頓//充分體現了按意群劃分的特點,在這句里就是按照句子成分走的。同時,為什麼在講到through的意義時先查搭配,只查shine through 卻不查shine over?因為句子停頓已經充分說明shine 和over 分屬兩個意群。假設是同一個動詞片語的動詞和介詞,是不會有這麼大的停頓的。

In Manchester, those

targeted included children who had gone to see their favorite singer. A few

days after the bombing, I had the privilege of meeting some of the young

survivors and their parents.

【語法】those targeted直譯是被恐怖分子當做目標的人們,可以翻譯為受害者。 「the + 形容詞」可以表示一類人,在同義替換的時候特別好用,比如the elderly老年人、the disabled殘疾人、the vulnerable弱勢群體、容易受到傷害的人(通常指小孩婦女)等等。


pathos和 logos三個要素。Ethos是指可信度,也就是說演講者或是作者必須要讓自己顯得可信。Pathos指的是情感,也就是說作者或是演講者通過煽動受眾情緒來達到演講的目的。Logos和pathos相對,指的是利用完全的邏輯來說服聽眾。

小孩、偶像的演唱會 VS 恐怖襲擊、目標 ,弱小純真與強大邪惡的對比躍然紙上,聽眾的憐憫同情和憤怒一起上涌,不得不說 pathos的運用很成功。

【同義替換】英語語言與中文的不同點之一就是英文使用豐富多樣的形式,從各種角度描述同一個概念,比如those targeted = children = the young survivors。



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