verify or validate?

If you look up verify in, it tells you 核實;查證, and this dictionary returns 證實,驗證;確認;使生效 for validate.

To an ordinary English learner like me, it means the same unless I really spend the time to understand the subtle difference in Chinese and memorize it, and then translate it. This was how I learned English in school and I think it is why we couldnt speak fluent English.

Id recommend to understand them in English and use it in English, in the end, you will think in English.

If you verify something, you make sure it is true, and you will give a statement (officially) for what you check.

If you validate something, you make sure it is acceptable, oradmissible.

I can give some examples here, but I think it is better for you to do some homework (Im still cool if you dont care as I am not a teacher

). Share what you think is right as a comment below, and others might help to check.

PS: Admissible means it can be used in the court of a lawsuit.




  • 不是牛人:牛人的世界我們不懂
  • 有熱情:我已經堅持了每天更新接近3個月了(其實之前已經堅持在微信群裡面分享有4個月了)
  • 有失敗經驗:學了這麼多年,從學校學習到在國外生活十多年,還在吭哧吭哧地學
  • 有體會:前面分享過一篇心得,朋友們幫忙轉載,閱讀量還不錯
  • 臉皮厚:有上面4點理由,臉皮也是夠厚的,可是學習英語不就是應該這樣嗎?


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