雙語翻譯筆記 - The Intern (實習生) 電影台詞

2015年9月上映的一部美國輕喜劇,劇情走向大致在意料之中,講述了年近七十的實習生本(羅伯特·德尼羅 Robert De Niro 主演)與年輕的企業家朱爾斯 (安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 主演) 之間的相處歷程,朱爾斯也從最初應付式地對待本,最後與本成為忘年之交。

電影題材還是挺新穎的,整部影片傳遞出的理念也發人深省的。部分思想可以引用《青春》(Youth) 的一句話來體現:

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows ofcynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.


1. That』s given me some time on my hand. 這讓我有了些空餘時間。

2. I miss her in every way. 我很想她。

3. Can』t explain it, but it makes me feel part of something.


4. Musicians never retire. They stop when there』s no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me, absolutely positive about that.


5. Maybe hero that girl in the red shirt. That is a great red, it』s going to fly out of here.


6. We want to make sure that we both find the right fit. 我們想確保彼此適合對方。

7. Business as usual is not really our motto. 循規蹈矩不是我們的訓言。

8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你覺得自己十年後處在什麼位置?

9. You definitely seemed to be liking the idea, so I set it in motion.


10. He』s a very big hit. 他很討喜。

11. I did not see that coming. 我沒想到會這樣。

12. And look, I get it. There』s only so many hours in a day, we』reall playing catchup. Customer Service is slammed.


13. Baby steps. 慢慢來。

14. How old is the briefcase? I』m a little in love with it. 這個公文包多久了?我有點喜歡。

15. —— See you in the A.M.? 明天上午見?

—— Be there or be square. 不見不散。

16. Not to mention we had an accident with mine, when someone, not to mention any names, put her elbow in it.


17. —— Are you happy at me? 你因為我開心嗎?

—— I am so happy at you. I』m beyond happy at you. 我很開心,開心得不得了。

18. Cracks me up. 讓我笑到不行。

19. —— And you』re hearing me, right? 你聽得清我說話吧?

—— Loud and clear, boss. 很清楚,領導。

20. When About the Fit took off, he left to be a full-time dad.


21. —— Are you listening, or did I lose you? 你還在聽嗎?

—— I am totally listening. 我在聽。

22. Taking the high road is exhausting. 秉承正確的理念真累人。

23. You』re never wrong to do the right thing. 做正確的事情,你永遠不會錯。

24. —— You must think I』m demented. 你一定覺得我失去理智了。

—— Not a word I woulduse. 我不會這麼說。

25. I apologize if I overstepped in some way. 要是我在某方面越界了,我道歉。

26. —— I never seem to do anything right around here. 我在這似乎從沒做對過什麼事。

—— I happen to think you do a lot of things right. 我倒覺得你做了很多對的事。

27. I bust my ass for her 14 hours a day, and she never notices.


28. I cannot believe how well that sweater is doing. 我真不敢相信那款毛衣賣得那麼好。

29. Busy man about town. 社交繁忙啊。

30. —— Okay, what』 the deal with the handkerchief? That one I just don』t get at all.


—— It』s essential.That your generation doesn』t know that is criminal. One of the last vestiges of the chivalrous.


31. —— Will you wake me up in the morning or is that too much to ask?


—— Too much. 太過分了。

32. Everyone』s flipping out about it, but you know I』m still on the fence at best.


33. Who says 「yep」 to 「I love you」? 誰會用「好的」來回復「我愛你」啊?

34. So I am counting on your graces and brilliance to figure out a way to save my ass.


35. Little does GPS lady know she is an accomplice. GPS女士都不知道她在協助犯罪。

36. I think that』s kind of self-explanatory. 我覺得答案顯而易見。

37. I』m sure my blood pressure was through the roof. 我肯定,當時我的血壓爆表了。

38. Hey, what』s with the waterworks, little one? 嘿,小朋友,你哭什麼呢?

39. You are like a clone. 你真是克隆版朱爾斯。

40. What』s your whole take on the CEO thing? I mean, you』re more on the inside than I am. CEO這件事你怎麼看?我的意思是,你知道的比我多。

41. Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full, upright positions, and all carry-on luggage is stowed under the seat in front of you. 女士們,先生們,我們開始降落之際,請確保您的座椅靠背和托盤桌已完全回歸垂直位置,所有隨身行李放在您前方的座椅下。

42. The husband feels like his manhood is threatened, so he acts out. 丈夫覺得自己的男子氣概受到挑戰,所以他出軌了。

43. You』re not actually taking the rap for any of this, are you?


44. He was a rising star, and he bowed out so that I could do this.


45. We shook hands on it. 我們握手言定了。


《Alike》- 爸爸媽媽們不能錯過的經典短片
看電影學英語 每日一劇: Youre so sweet!

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