


When we look at animals we see things we wish we could do, such as flying or swimming

underwater without having to breath. Although there is abilities that animals have that so seem

superhuman and very bizarre.

The horned lizard

A lizard that is light brown and its body covered in spikes, while this would normally

be the defences of any other lizard this one has a very cool but bizarre

ability to fight off predators. This ability could be placed in a horror movie.

What the reptile does is build up pressure in the eye sockets to a point that

blood will shoot out at any predator in the range of the reptile. The horned lizard

can do this many times and uses it to remove dirt from the eyes. When the eyes

get covered in dirt it uses the third eye lid to push all the dirt into the

corner of the eye where to reptile could shoot the dirt away. While this is a

super power I don』t think it would be one any human would like to have.

The mantis shrimps and the pistol shrimp

This shrimp has one of the most powerful attacks on the planet according to its size, the

attack of the mantis shrimp will give the same feeling as be shot by a gun. The

punch is so fast that it creates light and air pocket that makes and implosion

on impact. It has been noted that this shrimp has been able to escape aquariums

by punching the glasses and breaking it allowing it to escape.

The other shrimp is the pistol shrimp also known as a heavy hitter, but the power from

this shrimp creates a sound with the punch that it doesn』t even need to hit the

target just the noise coming from the punch is loud enough to knock out fish.

The noise of the punch can reach up to 218 decibels which puts the shrimp in

competition with the sperm whale for the loudest sound in the ocean.


While some animal can change to the environment

to hide, this bird can mimic any sound. The noises that have been documented by

this bird are chainsaws, car horns, cars driving, construction work , ringtones

and any noise that is in its area. They do this to find a mate, so the bird

that finds the most impressive sign will win the heart of the female bird.

Honey Badger

This animal knowns no fear, but if you saw it size you would think it should be scared but

it stands up to animals a lot larger. It diet consists of honey and termites

but doesn』t even flinch when its gets attacked by the insects, and if it has children

and you might as well jump off a cliff because this badger will not let you

escape. Having the power of no fear might not seem impressing but think of what

you could have done in your life if you weren』t scared.













TAG:奇異 | 動物 |