
Whether ViolentOffenders are Cold-blooded?


Whether violent offenders are cold-blooded or have lower capacity of empathy for pain(a state that individual has the same feeling with another person)?


Empathy for pain refers to an individual』s perception, judgment, and emotional reactions with regard to another person』s pain. As it is of great significance to the mankind』s survival and social development, empathy for pain has become one of the focal topics in contemporary psychological research.


GAO Xuemei and other researchers from the Faculty of Psychology of Southwest University set the communications model as the foundation, Used a picture-priming paradigm, recorded their ERP data. They observed the reactions of eighteen male violent offenders and seventeen male ordinary participants to painful pictures and non-painful pictures in two different perspectives (first-person and other-person), so as to compare their levels of empathy for pain.


Based on the experiment, the study shows that violent offenders have lower capacity of empathy for pain.

第一,對於兩組被試來說,疼痛圖片誘發的 N110 波幅都比非疼痛圖片小,證明疼痛對暴力犯和普通被試而言都是具有一定威脅性的刺激。但是,暴力犯在觀看疼痛圖片時,N110的潛伏期明顯比非疼痛圖片長;同時,從他人角度觀看圖片時,N110的潛伏期也更長。由此說明,暴力犯對疼痛的接受度較高,對他人的疼痛不敏感,疼痛共情水平較低。

Firstly, the N110 amplitudes triggered by painful pictures are all smaller than those by non-painful pictures, suggesting that pain is to some extent threatening to both violent offenders and ordinary participants. However, violent offenders』 N110 latencies are significantly longer while viewing painful pictures than non-painful ones; in addition, violent offenders have longer N110 latencies when viewing the pictures in the other-person perspective. Therefore, it indicates that violent offenders have developed higher acceptance of pain and they are less sensitive to others』 pain. Their level of empathy for pain is relatively lower.

第二,暴力犯的P2 潛伏期有所延長,波幅也相對增大。因此,對暴力犯而言,疼痛刺激可能並非總是消極的、需要迴避的,他們會更加關注此類刺激,對疼痛刺激伴隨而來的負面情緒反應遲鈍。

Secondly, violent offenders』 P2 latencies extend and P2 amplitudes increase, which shows that painful stimuli may not always be negative or something they need to avoid. On the contrary, violent offenders pay more attention to such stimuli and have negative emotional reactions to painful stimuli.

第三,暴力犯的P300 波幅明顯低於普通被試,進一步證明暴力犯對疼痛圖片所引發的負面情緒相對較小。而且,暴力犯以他人角度觀看疼痛圖片誘發了更大的P300 波幅;以自我角度觀看兩類圖片差異不明顯,表明疼痛刺激對其喚醒度較低,側面反映了其疼痛共情水平更低。

Thirdly, violent offenders』 P300 amplitudes are significantly smaller than those of ordinary participants, further indicating that painful pictures cause relatively weaker negative emotions among violent offenders. Moreover, violent offenders have evoked larger P300 amplitudes while viewing painful pictures in the other-person perspective but not in the first-person perspective, suggesting a reduced levelof arousal by painful stimuli. This, from another angle, reflects violent offenders have lower capacity of empathy for pain.


The research findings were published on Acta Psychologica Sinica Issue 4, 2015. The bilingual version has been launched already.

註:該篇論文「暴力犯的疼痛共情更低:來自 ERP 的證據」已被中國知網(CNKI)「中文期刊外文版數字出版工程」(JTP)收錄,原文和配套的學術新聞將被譯製成中外文對照版,在海內外廣泛傳播。中、英文原文已經在《中文精品學術期刊中英雙語資料庫》中上線,敬請關注!


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