
Boulevard of Broken Dreams

今天想推薦「 Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 」,這首歌不是來自 Green Day 的,而是 Al Dubin (lyrics) and Harry Warren 在 1933 年創作的,首次出現在 1934 年的電影「Moulin Rouge 」(紅磨坊)中的歌曲。

後來有無數的人翻唱過,包括 Tony Bennett,張國榮,還有 Amy Winehouse .

而 Tony Bennett 算是多次翻唱這首歌的歌手,第一次翻唱是在 1950,而在 1952 年他把這首歌改編成了探戈版而一舉成名。個人也是非常的喜歡,以至於,頭圖也是 Tony 的照片。

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Tony Bennett

哥哥張國榮在 1996 年翻唱了這首歌,風格性感迷醉,也非常值得一聽。

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - 張國榮 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ5Mjg0MjAw.html


I walk along the street of sorrow

The boulevard of broken dreams

Where gigolo and gigolette

Can take a kiss without regret

So they forget their broken dreams.

You laugh tonight and cry tomorrow

When youll be hold your shattered schemes.

And gigolo and gigolette

Wake up to find their eyes are wet

With tears that tell of broken dreams.

Here is where youll always find me,

Always walking up and down,

But I left my soul behind me

In an old cathedral town.

The joy that you find here, you borrow,

You cannot keep it long, it seems.

But gigolo and gigolette

Still sing a song and dance along

The boulevard of broken dreams.

The joy that you find here, you borrow,

You cannot keep it long, it seems.

But gigolo and gigolette

Still sing a song and dance along

The boulevard of broken dreams.

There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out

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