
Mon Lapin,


一個多月沒複習,感覺前面的內容快忘光了,要重新開始咯(??????) ?





為了更好的理解為什麼要這樣做,我們需要先看一下翼面的工作原理,以及它們會產生多少浮力。重點之一是攻角(the angle of attack)。













When making a foam model aircraft, the wing is a flat symmetrical plate. As such, the plane will need to spend most of its time flying at a positive angle. This means that it would make sense to put the wing at an angle of incidence. However, this would be much harder to make than a wing at no incidence angle. Also, there are no pilots or paasengers to upset, and the extra drag does not matter too much at model aircraft speeds, so it does not matter that the aircraft will fly at some slight angle. A similar effect to an incidence angle can be gained by angling the motor downwards, and this will be discussed in Learning Module 7.\

extbf{Incidence angle}\

Incidence angle is the angle at which the wing is installed. Ordinarily a wing would be straight along the body of the aircraft, but sometimes the wing is angled upwards, so that the front edge is higher on the fuselage than the back edge.\

To understand why this would be done, we need to have another look at how airfoils work, and how much lift they produce. An important part of this is the angle of attack. \

The angle of attack is the angle between the wing and the incoming airflow. The airflow generally comes from the direction the plane is flying. If an aircraft tilts back to climb, the angle of attack increases, and if it tilts forward to dive the angle of attack decreases. \

The diagram below illustrates the angle of attack. Note that the chord line is a line through the wing joining the front and back edges.\

Wings produce more lift when they are at a higher angle of attack. If an airfoil is curved, then the wing will still produce some lift when the angle of attack is zero, but if it is symmetrical it will not produce any lift. This is why vertical tails usually have symmetrical airfoils, as these will not try to turn the plane when it flies in a straight line.\

During cruise, an aircraft has to maintain a certain amount of lift to fly level. It may be that the airfoil chosen for the wing will only produce enough lift when the angle of attack is greater than zero, lets say 3 degrees. To do this, the whole aircraft could fly at an anlge of 3 degrees, but this would mean that the pilots and passengers would have to spend most of the trip sitting at a tilted back angle. This would make it harder for meal trolleys to move up the aisle, and would also reduce the pilots ability to see where the plane is going. The other alternative is to angle the wing at 3 degrees higher than the fuselage. This means that when the fuselage is level, the wing will be at an angle of attack of 3 degrees and will produce enough lift to fly. This angle of 3 degrees is called the incidence angle. \

Setting the wing at a positive incidence angle can also reduce the drag from the fuselage. The incidence angle is usually set by testing with wind tunnels, which is a complicated process, but in the end incidence angles are often only 1 or 2 degrees. Wings can also be twisted, where the angle of the wing changes from root to tip, but this is complicated and hard to do on model aircraft.\

When making a foam model aircraft, the wing is a flat symmetrical plate. As such, the plane will need to spend most of its time flying at a positive angle. This means that it would make sense to put the wing at an angle of incidence. However, this would be much harder to make than a wing at no incidence angle. Also, there are no pilots or paasengers to upset, and the extra drag does not matter too much at model aircraft speeds, so it does not matter that the aircraft will fly at some slight angle. A similar effect to an incidence angle can be gained by angling the motor downwards, and this will be discussed in Learning Module 7.\

Key idea: Wings generate more lift at higher angles of attack.\

Incidence angles can make flight more convenient for passengers and reduce drag.\

Incidence angles are hard to build in model aircraft and are not necessary.\



TAG:閱讀分享 | 飛行器設計 | 情書 |