有位老師問我,SAT作文除了抽象的文章之外,還有一些比較具體的題目,比如有2012年5月SAT寫作真題問到, 「你認為廣告是否會降低人們的滿意度或幸福感?」 這樣的題目該怎麼樣舉例子呢?感覺不好下手。實際上,具體的作文題目是相對更容易寫的。它們不需要你去背誦很多literature, history or arts等方面的具體事例,與抽象的SAT作文題目相比,它們更需要同學們對日常生活的關注和理解。而且事實上,這樣比較「具體」的題目更類似於TOEFL或IELTS的作文題目,所以準備這樣的題目不但幫到你的SAT,連托福和雅思作文都一併解決了,簡直是「一石三鳥」!
1. 有些廣告是虛假廣告,比如紐西蘭的多美滋奶粉,廣告雖然做的不錯,但是實際其奶粉質量存在著很大問題,危害了消費者的健康和權益,無法帶來幸福感。
2. 有些廣告誇大其詞,比如有些美容廣告,稱1個月就可以達到某某效果,但其實只是為了吸引客戶,根本無法達到廣告中的效果。比如,有一家台灣的整容醫院的廣告詞是「The only thing you should worry about is how to explain it to your children.」 但是實際無法將病人打造成廣告中模特的模樣,只能給消費者不切實際的期待,無法帶來幸福感。
3. 有些廣告毫無創意,人云亦云,也無法bring potential consumers any excitement or happiness. Advertisement companies are busy in applying same old advertisement methods in this rapidly changing world. Most of these advertisements are not focused on customers; rather it only makes their clients happy. Having happy clients doesnt always mean that the customer is satisfied. For instance, For a category that is one of the largest ad-spenders, car advertising ironically has mostly remained stuck to the mid gear formula of family and friends going on a long drive. 這樣千篇一律的廣告怎麼能讓消費者感覺到幸福感呢?
1. 有很多廣告都是名人效應,而很多名人正是消費者所喜愛的,所以給他們帶來幸福感。A celebrity endorsement can help build trust with current and potential customers, leave them a deep impression, and attract a new type of audience.Endorsements also may increase the consumers desire for a product. This is often achieved by implying that the particular celebrity is successful, talented, or attractive at least partly because of the product.
There are a huge number of products being marketed to consumers all the time, and it is advertisements involving customers』favorite celebrity that are remembered for a relatively long time as they are more likely to bring consumers a sense of satisfaction and joy.
2. 有些極具創意的廣告能夠inspire消費者。比如There is a dramatic Nike ad that has become a viral hit online, with more than 1.3 million YouTube videos in just 24 hours. It features LeBron James participating in his first ever dunk contest, soccer star Pique and a host of inspiring words for everyday athletes to push themselves harder.
Slick production and immense popularity not only interests people, but also encourage their creativity and stimulate them to have a positive attitude towards life.
3. 有些公益廣告(public service announcement or public service advertisement) raise cultural awareness and brings people appreciation of the society. 比如,美國的New Jersey 有一則公益廣告是講要將飲酒年齡控制在21歲以上。這則廣告寫到, 「Reasons to keep the drinking age at 21—since the drinking age in NJ was raised to 21, the number of young people killed in drank-driving crashes has dropped nearly 78%. Need we say more….」這樣一則廣告,體現了對社會的責任感,也無疑會給community帶來幸福感和安全感。
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