




as H&M, J·克魯(J. Crew)和摩納哥俱樂部(Club









開始品牌化並營銷你自己,實現你渴望的場景。名片和在線投資組合可以給招聘人員和潛在的僱主留下一個永亨的印象。像 Moo.com這樣的印刷公司會給大學生20%的折扣,Squarespace則給第一年的學生提供50%這樣大方的折扣。





8 ways to maximize your student discounts

There are sweeter deals aside from the usual discounted donuts, unknown and unused by many students. Some specific products and services may bring long-term benefits such as employment, industry presence and long-standing wellness. They are available for lower prices, as long as students』 enrollment statuses are proven.

Take a look at these eight ways you could maximize those student discounts beyond your graduation.

1.Career wardrobe

Make sure to use your student ID at stores such as H&M, J. Crew and Club Monaco for a 15% discount. Your favorite store might also have it, so be sure to call and ask in advance. This could be a great time to build a career wardrobe on a budget, and find modest clothes on a budget for interviews, network opportunities, day-to-day work and industry galas.

2. Health services center

Colleges』health centers provide routine check-ups, blood exams, women』s/men』s

health-related exams and other services with a low (or free) price tag, and similar prices might not be available elsewhere. Other local medical institutions and offices might also offer student discounts. Please check with your student center.

3.Professional organizations, mentoring and networking

Regardless of your professional level, analyze the best professional organizations

within your industry, and explore their perks. Various organizations offer mentoring opportunities, events and gatherings which you may benefit by networking, and due to your affiliation, gain more discounts for other companies. Those organizations offer student discounts or may offer free memberships.

4..Industry conferences

Industries have yearly awards and top-notch conferences for professionals, hosting

private panels that may be filled with notable industry figures and thought-sparking discussions. Attend at least one, give out your business card (see next point) and make connections. Such events might be a privilege to attend, as they are another chance to network. Many of these conferences welcome students and the cost of their passes might be incredibly lower than usual.

5. Business cards and websites

Begin branding and selling yourself, making your desired vision come into existence. Business cards and online portfolios can leave an everlasting impression on recruiters and prospective employers. Printing companies such as Moo.com give a 20% discount to college students. Squarespace gives a generous 50% discount on their offerings to students for their first year.

6. Newspapers

A weekly or monthly newspaper subscription can be purchased for the same price as a cup of coffee. Multiple publications such as USA TODAY, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal offer collegiate or education discounts. Commence having a broader view of the world, understanding your community, the business, economic and financial environments as they can impact your industry.

7. Museums and local venues

Do not underestimate what your town has to offer. Regardless of your region, there will always be a place you have never been. Countless local attractions have student discounts. Explore and you might be able to make a great experience from it and construct a story to tell others later.

8. Technology

Invest on a tablet for travel and a notebook. If you have well-functioning devices and tools, you are more likely to work and feel better. Allow others to focus on your presentation and do not let your current sticker-filled laptop be a distraction.


Caroline Altenbernd is a graduating senior at Baruch College, majoring in corporate communications. Besides USA TODAY College, she writes for Baruch』s The Ticker and her website www.LivingLargely.com.

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