


Wolves and human have had a long companionship, but why do modern dogs look nothing likewolves. There has been an experiment in Russia that has been going on for a long time to try and find the answer to this problem. This is called the

domestic red fox experiment; a quick summary of this experiment is that they

wanted to find out if tameness is a genetic trait. While the foxes that was

used in this experiment was in a fur farm, which meant they had a good supply

of foxes. A person would go to each caged fox and put their hand near the fox,

if the fox was aggressive they would leave the fox to be killed for fur, if the

fox was interested in the hand without aggression they would take the fox and

place it in a safe place for breeding.

All the foxes that would be friendly would be put into a breeding program, the same

test would have been done on the offspring. If the foxes were friendly they

would be placed in the breeding program but if they were violent they would be

culled. This kept going on even to this day, but something started happening

the foxes that would were kept in the breeding program the fur was starting to

change colour. The changes in colour included red, silver (black), platinum,

cross and Georgian white. This could be the reason why dogs look so different

from wolves today.

Early humans would have kept the wolves that would have travelled with them or helped them hunt animals and over time these wolves started to change. One of the earliest dogs that is known to split from the wolfs is the Tibetan mastiff which is

classed as a prehistoric dog and split from the Gray wolf 42,000 years ago.

When changes in appearance started to show, humans started selective breeding

choosing what parts of the dog they like. If they wanted a dog with long ears

they would breed two dogs with the longest ears and if any pups were born with

small ears they would cull or abandoned them and only keep the dog with the

longest ears put them in a breeding program. This still goes on to day and it』s

the cause of nearly all the health problems in dogs, some dogs like the Prince

Charles Spaniel looks nice but its skull is too small for its brain and causes

the dog to have seizures. since we are changing the dog』s appearance in a

non-natural way compared to how it would evolve in a natural way, if you

release the modern dogs into the wild 90% of the dogs would not be able to

survive in the wild.


Forcing evolution can be the worst thing humans can do to

animals, Nazi Germany tried selective breeding with humans but it was very evil

but if its evil to do on humans why is it seen as something that is ok to do

with animals. since evolution is still going on with everything on the planet

what do you think will change, how do you think the planet will look like and

what do you think humans will be like. One of the most popular theory for human

evolution is that we will combine with technology.







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